Forum Integrated News Delivery »  Show posts from    to     

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Old Customizations - Forum Integrated News Delivery

drexful [ Mon 25 Jun, 2007 21:59 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery

drexful [ Mon 25 Jun, 2007 22:00 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Works great!! My forums now have RSS content!

kognos [ Mon 13 Aug, 2007 04:23 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Does anybody knows a working demo for this mod, or can show a screenshot so I can see exactly how it works?

Zuker [ Mon 13 Aug, 2007 05:03 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
kognos wrote: [View Post]
Does anybody knows a working demo for this mod, or can show a screenshot so I can see exactly how it works?

There it's a block inside acp where u config the RSS, after that, you have another block where u push "get news" and the robot read the rss and post each single news of the rss as a post

xmenfile [ Mon 19 Nov, 2007 20:47 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Can anyone help me on this? i installed it successfull and feed into my forum. But Post count is not working and Post Count Checked box in ACP is checked.

Zuker [ Tue 20 Nov, 2007 02:00 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
xmenfile wrote: [View Post]
Can anyone help me on this? i installed it successfull and feed into my forum. But Post count is not working and Post Count Checked box in ACP is checked.

if everything it's installed fine, maybe the feed it's wrong

xmenfile [ Mon 26 Nov, 2007 11:47 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery

I am having problem with Newsfeed_Sources on IP.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function bbencode_second_pass() in /home/usavngu8/public_html/adm/admin_newsfeed_sources.php on line 75

Zuker [ Mon 26 Nov, 2007 12:06 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
xmenfile wrote: [View Post]

I am having problem with Newsfeed_Sources on IP.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function bbencode_second_pass() in /home/usavngu8/public_html/adm/admin_newsfeed_sources.php on line 75

this modification it's for las estable release. i didn't test it on that version

darkasylum [ Wed 16 Jan, 2008 14:53 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
hi guys,

i have run the query in the backend and created the table. The description of the table that we got from the mysql is given below.

then installed as above. but i get these errors in the ACP?

any one help?


Couldn't obtain newsfeeds list


SQL Error : 1146 Table 'ch0pper_phpb3.bbxs5_newsfeeds' doesn't exist

SELECT f.forum_name, n.*, c.cat_id, c.cat_title, u.user_id, u.username FROM bbxs5_newsfeeds n, bbxs5_forums f, bbxs5_categories c, bbxs5_users u WHERE f.forum_id = n.forum_id AND c.cat_id = f.cat_id AND u.user_id = n.user_id ORDER BY c.cat_order ASC, f.forum_order ASC, n.news_name ASC

Line : 611
File : admin_newsfeeds.php


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bbencode_second_pass() in /home/ch0pper/public_html/forum/adm/admin_newsfeed_sources.php on line 75

|Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| feed_id | smallint(5) unsigned | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| forum_id | smallint(5) unsigned | | MUL | 0 | |
| user_id | mediumint(8) | | | 0 | |
| news_url | varchar(255) | | | | |
| news_name | varchar(60) | YES | | NULL | |
| news_limit | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | |
| news_active | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| news_encoding | varchar(16) | | | Detect | |
| include_channel | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| include_image | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| topic_prefix | varchar(60) | YES | | NULL | |
| strip_topic | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 0 | |
| single_post | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 0 | |
| use_html | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 0 | |
| include_icon | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| include_title | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| include_description | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| include_details | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| include_content | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 0 | |
| include_readmore | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| is_podcast | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 0 | |
| strip_images | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 0 | |


Please let us know if you have further queries.

darkasylum [ Thu 17 Jan, 2008 18:58 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
well bit update


Hi Guys,
I have just installked FIND, all seemed to go to plan until I tried to add a feed.
The Forum Name drop down is blank! (see pic)

also the other problem is Newsfeed Sources in the ACP

i get this error when i click on it

rssParser.parse: using curl to retrieve
rssParser._getEncodingType: stream encoding type = UTF-8.
rssParser._replaceSpecial: converting special characters.
rssParser.parse: xml parsing rss input.
rssParser.startElement: opening rss feed ...

[VERSION] => 2.0

rssParser.endElement: done parsing item topic: "FIND 1.2.0 Released"
rssParser.endElement: done parsing item topic: "FIND 1.1 Beta Update 3 Released"
rssParser.endElement: done parsing item topic: "FIND 1.1 Beta Update 2 Released"
rssParser.endElement: done parsing item topic: "FIND 1.1 Beta Update 1 Released"
rssParser.endElement: done parsing item topic: "FIND 1.1 Beta Released"
rssParser.endElement: done parsing item topic: "The Comic Haven takes over support of the phpBB FIND MOD"
rssParser.endElement: closing rss feed ...
rssParser.parse: xml parsing complete.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bbencode_second_pass() in /home/ch0pper/public_html/forum/adm/admin_newsfeed_sources.php on line 75

any help would be the great with many thanks

WebRyan24 [ Thu 17 Jan, 2008 22:39 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
I'm a little confused... Hasn't this already been integrated into the latest IP package?

WebRyan24 [ Fri 18 Jan, 2008 00:49 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
WebRyan24 wrote: [View Post]
I'm a little confused... Hasn't this already been integrated into the latest IP package?

OK, answering my own question here... I was mistaken, as it looks like this wasn't ever ported into the IP package. Maybe we can lure Luca into integrating this into the next release of IP? Unfortunately, I don't think this will work under any version of IP (other than the versions that Zuker has tested it with). So, if I were you I would just un-install this add-on, or hold out until the developer(that being Zuker) can come up with an update, so that it will work with the latest IP. IMO, I think this add-on could be extremely useful for many people, and if you ask me, I think it should already be included in the default package of IP. Just my 2 cents.

darkasylum [ Fri 18 Jan, 2008 19:07 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
yes i agree think it should be included in the default package of IP , do any one on this board have it working under ip,
i have PM ever one but no one has got back to me,
mabye the Mighty Gorgon would install it? as part default? extremely useful for 100 people, and if you ask me,

how about it? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssse

KugeLSichA [ Fri 18 Jan, 2008 23:46 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
darkasylum wrote: [View Post]
... i have PM ever one but no one has got back to me ...

Off Topic
hmm and i dont asked you to send me a PM for this! Sorry but its enough if you ask in the public forums. I read all posts, and if i have a suggestion to something i reply. if not, i cant help.

This should not sounds rude. Only a advice

darkasylum [ Sat 19 Jan, 2008 04:08 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery

i dont believe that i was being rude, i just made a statement! i had PM ever one regarding this thread (eg in this thread)
and no as yet has got back to me. i sure they will! it a mater of time.
i am fully aware of how busy ppl are.

i quite happy to wait!

Zuker [ Sat 19 Jan, 2008 15:44 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
darkasylum wrote: [View Post]

i dont believe that i was being rude, i just made a statement! i had PM ever one regarding this thread (eg in this thread)
and no as yet has got back to me. i sure they will! it a mater of time.
i am fully aware of how busy ppl are.

i quite happy to wait!

This mod must be rewritten to make it compatible with icy, when next stable release it's out i'll try to play with it

darkasylum [ Sat 19 Jan, 2008 17:49 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery

thanks for giveing the time to answer, the question does not work on IP well that would answer why the hell i cant get it to work. lol

this thread has had 3036 views so i think it safe to say theres a few ppl that may like to see it in IP by default.
any one else like to see this by delault?

and ones again Zuker thanks for all your hard effort!

i will go back into the west and wait !

and again thanks

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 14 Feb, 2008 13:22 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Currently I have no time and no needs for this mod: in few words I'm not integrating it now.

There is no need to bump this topic claiming that the world needs this mod...

You wrote that you can be patient... show us that you can really be it.

Chaotic [ Tue 04 Mar, 2008 08:35 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
This mod works fine with Icy Phoenix
Spoiler: [ Show ]

Zuker [ Tue 04 Mar, 2008 12:17 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
thanks for testing it, moving it

xmenfile [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 07:50 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Chaotic wrote: [View Post]
This mod works fine with Icy Phoenix

hello, I need some helps here. How come I still getting same error message. Please tell me which files and how to edit. I followed the instruction on 1st post , but did not work.
Code: [Hide] [Select]
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bbencode_second_pass() in /home/usavngu8/public_html/adm/admin_newsfeed_sources.php on line 75

Thank you

Chaotic [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 13:49 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Hi Xmenfile,

Try uploading all the files in the package again. After that, try making the database changes again.

I had this mod installed on the previous versions of IP, including RC versions, and it always worked. I bet you have a file missing from the includes file from the package.

Hope that helps!

Zuker [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 13:59 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
maybe xmen it's right, that function it isn't present on IP.

Chaotic [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 14:11 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Oh, I didn't know Xmen was receiving that error via the ACP by clicking on "NewsFeed Sources."

You're going to have that problem Xmen. I have the problem as well, but all that page really does is give you a few examples of sites that have RSS content you can deliver to your website. Before I found IP, I was using ezPortal and had FIND installed there as well. "Newsfeed Sources" in the ACP didn't work for me then either. All you need is the "Input Newsfeeds" function and your set.

darkasylum [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 15:23 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
hi Chaotic,

thanks for posting this! can i ask a few quick questions!

Question 1 what version are you using? Of Integrated News Delivery

Question 2 could you post if possable were all your files are for Integrated News Delivery ? in ICYP(please)

thanks for all your help!

xmenfile [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 15:31 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Chaotic wrote: [View Post]
Oh, I didn't know Xmen was receiving that error via the ACP by clicking on "NewsFeed Sources."

You're going to have that problem Xmen. I have the problem as well, but all that page really does is give you a few examples of sites that have RSS content you can deliver to your website. Before I found IP, I was using ezPortal and had FIND installed there as well. "Newsfeed Sources" in the ACP didn't work for me then either. All you need is the "Input Newsfeeds" function and your set.

you're right, i got this error message in ACP when click on NewsFeed Sources link. and hope you're right again about that page and does not lead Hacker in.

ps: do you what happen to that ezportal site? I went back couple times, but did not get thru.

Chaotic [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 16:11 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
darkasylum wrote: [View Post]
hi Chaotic,

thanks for posting this! can i ask a few quick questions!

Question 1 what version are you using? Of Integrated News Delivery

Question 2 could you post if possable were all your files are for Integrated News Delivery ? in ICYP(please)

thanks for all your help!

I am using FIND v1.2.0.

I'm not sure what you are asking in your second question, but I will type out where I put each file from FIND v1.2.0 in my IP:

Spoiler: [ Show ]

I hope this is what you meant by your question.

Xmen, are you talking about It's been down for quite some time now so a lot of folks that use ezPortal are using the forums for support. It was a good portal but it doesn't match the quality and ease of use of the Icy Phoenix CMS. One day those ezPortal users will find IP.

darkasylum [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 16:46 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
wow thanks ! few files in the wrong place! i now 90% there ! but i just have one problem to fix!

see enclosed jpgs,

when i try and sleceted form name it blank
Forum name:
Select the forum you want to add a newsfeed to.

any ideas?

again i want say thanks for all your help!

Chaotic [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 17:26 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
That is weird. Are you 100% sure you performed the database additions?

darkasylum [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 17:34 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
i am about to try that again! i sure it that is the problem!

this one?

Run this SQL Querry

CREATE TABLE phpbb_newsfeeds (
feed_id smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
forum_id smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
news_url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
news_name varchar(60) default NULL,
news_limit smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
news_active tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
news_encoding varchar(16) binary NOT NULL default 'Detect',
include_channel tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
include_image tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
topic_prefix varchar(60) default NULL,
strip_topic tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
single_post tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
use_html tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
include_icon tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
include_title tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
include_description tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
include_details tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
include_content tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
include_readmore tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
is_podcast tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
strip_images tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (feed_id),
KEY forum_id (forum_id)

We run the query that you gave, under the database The table 'phpbb_newsfeeds' is created and its description is given below.

| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| feed_id | smallint(5) unsigned | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| forum_id | smallint(5) unsigned | | MUL | 0 | |
| user_id | mediumint(8) | | | 0 | |
| news_url | varchar(255) | | | | |
| news_name | varchar(60) | YES | | NULL | |
| news_limit | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | |
| news_active | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| news_encoding | varchar(16) | | | Detect | |
| include_channel | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| include_image | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| topic_prefix | varchar(60) | YES | | NULL | |
| strip_topic | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 0 | |
| single_post | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 0 | |
| use_html | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 0 | |
| include_icon | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| include_title | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| include_description | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| include_details | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| include_content | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 0 | |
| include_readmore | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 1 | |
| is_podcast | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 0 | |
| strip_images | tinyint(1) unsigned | | | 0 | |
22 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Please confirm this from your end. Please let us know if you have further queries.

the info is now in the database! i still get the same problem! blank forum name!, is there any thing else you can thing of!?

Chaotic [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 19:54 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Did you double check to make sure you made all the correct changes in the files?

darkasylum [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 20:01 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
yes i think i done that right! i post them here just make sure!


define('HELPDESK_E', $table_prefix . 'helpdesk_emails');
define('HELPDESK_I', $table_prefix . 'helpdesk_importance');
define('HELPDESK_M', $table_prefix . 'helpdesk_msgs');
define('HELPDESK_R', $table_prefix . 'helpdesk_reply');

// FIND - newsfeeds
define('NEWSFEEDS_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'newsfeeds');
define('POST_NEWSFEED_URL', 'n');
// end FIND - newsfeeds

// Do not insert anything but tables below![/color]


// FIND - newsfeeds MOD
$lang['Check_All'] = 'Check All';
$lang['UnCheck_All'] = 'UnCheck All';
$lang['News_Read_More'] = 'Read more...';
$lang['News_Read_Comments'] = 'Read comments...';
$lang['News_Category'] = 'Category: ';
$lang['News_Publish_Date'] = 'Publish Date: ';
$lang['News_Source'] = 'Source: ';
$lang['News_Description'] = 'Description: ';
$lang['News_Summary'] = 'Summary:';
$lang['News_Author'] = 'Author:';
$lang['News_Direct_Download'] = 'Direct Download:';
$lang['News_Duration'] = 'Duration:';
$lang['News_Bytes'] = 'bytes';

// Path to RSS icon image displayed in post. Leave empty if icon not needed.
$lang['News_RSS_Icon'] = '';

// Path to Podcast icon image displayed in post. Leave empty if icon not needed.
$lang['News_Podcast_Icon'] = '';

// end FIND - newsfeeds MOD

// Do not insert anything below this line

this how i edit them! i sure this is right !!!!

i am now installing icyphoenix fresh install and blank database to see if i can get qround the problem! and to see if it works

i was on XS then upgraded to IP did you upgrade from phpBB2?????

u can have look at mine here

Chaotic [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 20:47 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
I think I see the problem. In includes/constants.php, you searched for the correct line to start editing, but you found the wrong one. There are two "// Do not insert anything but tables below!" references inside includes/constants.php. Search for the first reference of it and make the correct addition to the code. It should look like this:
Spoiler: [ Show ]

It looks like you edited language/lang_english/lang_main.php correctly. Just make that change in includes/constants.php and you should be set.

darkasylum [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 21:32 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
heheh yes ! there was a mistake! but no i still not geting! that drop down menu! i deleted the cache also!

i going walk away for to day!

once again want say thanks for all your help! i will come back to this in 24hrs with a clean head!

i will install on blank forum and blank database see if it works there try and workout were i have gone wrong!

right good night and thanks once again!

i will get this working even if it kills me!


laterz mate!

Chaotic [ Wed 05 Mar, 2008 21:35 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
That's crazy man! I have no idea what could be causing that problem now. Hopefully someone else here has some ideas.

Good luck.

Zuker [ Thu 06 Mar, 2008 12:40 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
I think i've fixed that issues, please upload the new adm files from the package i've reuploaded

darkasylum [ Thu 06 Mar, 2008 13:08 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
thanks for your hard work is that ! the one at the start of this post!?

i download it i could not see any changes to any files! there! mabye it just me i will upload them and see if any thing changes for me!


Zuker [ Thu 06 Mar, 2008 13:38 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
darkasylum wrote: [View Post]
thanks for your hard work is that ! the one at the start of this post!?

i download it i could not see any changes to any files! there! mabye it just me i will upload them and see if any thing changes for me!


i should have fixed that problems that appear on the file mention before. related to bbcodes

darkasylum [ Thu 06 Mar, 2008 13:49 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
ah you talking about this error

this error Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bbencode_second_pass() in /home/ch0pper/public_html/forum/adm/admin_newsfeed_sources.php on line 75

i have uploaded the new files, got same error , on Newsfeed Sources

just want make sure 100% that these are right files

find_input.rar and i got it from this thread


Zuker [ Thu 06 Mar, 2008 18:16 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
darkasylum wrote: [View Post]
ah you talking about this error

this error Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bbencode_second_pass() in /home/ch0pper/public_html/forum/adm/admin_newsfeed_sources.php on line 75

i have uploaded the new files, got same error , on Newsfeed Sources

just want make sure 100% that these are right files

find_input.rar and i got it from this thread


You have to download the first post attachment again. anyway, i have uploaded the file here for you

darkasylum [ Thu 06 Mar, 2008 18:52 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Newsfeed Sources yes you have fixed that problem see screen dump! enclosed!

but i do have one problem still if you got any ideas how i can fix this ! cos i am out ideas!

all seemed to go to plan until I tried to add a feed.
The Forum Name drop down is blank! (see pic)


xmenfile [ Thu 06 Mar, 2008 19:08 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
wait a minute, how did you make Newsfeed Source works. I can't get the page.

darkasylum [ Thu 06 Mar, 2008 20:20 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
xmenfile down load and install admin_newsfeed_sources.rar here!

Zuker has fixed it! but i am still having problems with the news feed adding forum!

Zuker [ Thu 06 Mar, 2008 20:27 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
darkasylum, for me it's working fine.. check this image


darkasylum [ Thu 06 Mar, 2008 22:40 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Zuker yes Chaotic has working two!

this only problem i had from day one! No drop down menu so cant add a Forum!
i think it sumthing to do with Mysql data base! i enclose screen dump

just incase you see sumthing i missed, thanks Zuker

Chaotic [ Thu 06 Mar, 2008 23:00 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
xmenfile wrote: [View Post]
wait a minute, how did you make Newsfeed Source works. I can't get the page.

Xmen, lol. "Wait a minute."

I'm downloading that now to see if it works on my site as well.

Thanks Zuker for being available and persistent in getting this mod to fully work.

xmenfile [ Fri 07 Mar, 2008 07:32 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Super, thank you Zuker. No more error.

darkasylum [ Fri 07 Mar, 2008 20:54 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Zuker hi, i worked out what the problem is with my find but no idea how to fix it,

i am 100% sure that its a bug in the way it reeds the data from foum_id
let me explane how i came to this idea!

my fourm is here (live data) (test data)

i did clean install for both forums so both forums are identical in each way! except data MYsql

so i started on fourmB first! to my surprise i could see the drop down menu with Form test 1 played around with it for sum time works get ,

right so that means it nOT config problems !

so i went back to fourmB and deleted Test Forum 1 this were problems start to happen! so i tried to make new forum as i have in FORUM (live data)

it has now stopped working there is no drop down menu whats so ever and i cant get it back!

any help would be great!

with thanks

xmenfile [ Tue 06 May, 2008 21:38 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
I am wondering if anyone has the same problem that I have? The Mod works fine, but when i feed them to my forums and they are not counts as new posts or topics on forum.php

crimsonsun [ Tue 03 Jun, 2008 11:34 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum Integrated News Delivery
Zuker, Sweet mod man, Thanks. Working perfectly.

Well, beside that it doesn't increase the post count for the forum or user.

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