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Old Customizations - Phpca Integration For Icy Phoenix

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 26 Jul, 2007 00:30 ]
Post subject: Re: Has Anyone Have Phpca Integrated Into ICY?
drexful wrote: [View Post]
Ok.. After working out the bugs and conversions, I now have the mod working for ICY.

One thing to note is the TPL files are phpCA default. I did not modify them to ICY.. They work with ICY as-is, but you can change them to your liking.

Thanks to Pepi for pointing me in the right direction..

Here you go


Thank you both for this... I'll add it into Customizations.

NBG [ Thu 03 Jan, 2008 02:12 ]
Post subject: Re: Phpca Integration For Icy Phoenix
i cant use in my forum:

Spoiler: [ Show ]

Stickygreen [ Fri 04 Jan, 2008 00:02 ]
Post subject: Re: Phpca Integration For Icy Phoenix
Do you have the ads tables in your database?

NBG [ Fri 04 Jan, 2008 02:15 ]
Post subject: Re: Phpca Integration For Icy Phoenix
Stickygreen wrote: [View Post]
Do you have the ads tables in your database?

yes i use the mysql.sql and say of all was perfect with the tables

Stickygreen [ Sat 05 Jan, 2008 02:49 ]
Post subject: Re: Phpca Integration For Icy Phoenix
Check to make sure you made all the correct edits.

I installed this a few weeks ago and it works fine.

Make sure you have included the ads_constants in your includes/constants.php file.

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