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Archived phpBB Topics (Styles, Mods, Support) - Forum RSS Feeder

darkasylum [ Fri 03 Sep, 2010 19:17 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
spydie check this
this was taken from mail you sent me on the Thu 22 Oct, 2009 21:21

darkasylum [ Sun 05 Sep, 2010 23:01 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
spydie i have dug out your version 98% working from my webserver, i was running on
Icy Phoenix

here are the source files

this the error when you hit get news

[Icy Phoenix Debug] PHP Notice: in file /adm/page_header_admin.php on line 208: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/find_functionsNews.php:119)
[Icy Phoenix Debug] PHP Notice: in file /adm/page_header_admin.php on line 210: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/find_functionsNews.php:119)
[Icy Phoenix Debug] PHP Notice: in file /adm/page_header_admin.php on line 211: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/find_functionsNews.php:119)

spydie [ Mon 06 Sep, 2010 16:34 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
yes this was the one I remember.

got me an sql error on posting the feed.

wheres no post subject displayed, it actualy says NULL in the DB.

without subject, no post displayed.

i´m thinking of including functions_post.php into this, but no idea if that would work.

Anyway, MG, this is what i actualy had done, to the moment

Mighty Gorgon [ Wed 15 Sep, 2010 22:21 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
I still need some time for this.

I'm sorry.

darkasylum [ Fri 24 Dec, 2010 15:49 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
when you do look at it! could
i request that it is integrated into icyphoenix please?

thank you

Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
I still need some time for this.

I'm sorry.

darkasylum [ Wed 20 Jul, 2011 16:55 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
hi well i waited for about year now two see if any one woudl look at this plugin still nothing?

i willing to pay up two $60.00 for working version of this. if anyone is interested.

and mabye sum ohter members woud be interested. any let me know?

Sarakin [ Wed 27 Jul, 2011 21:17 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
I guess it's not a matter of money, darky. When you're running a big site like this, your head is filled with 40 thousand things, so it's normal that this topic could have been forgotten, or maybe put in the lower part of a giant to-do list. BTW, I'm still interested in a feature like this, I think it's a good application for the ones, like me, who use Icy only for the forums and other CMS or frameworks for news, contents and other uses.

Informpro [ Wed 27 Jul, 2011 23:38 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Hi !

I'm okay to take/have a look, even if I'm running iPhone. Can you tell me which version of IP you're using ?
And, by the way, I need the file /includes/find_functionsNews.php. I need it on pastebin, since I can't use any (de)zipper from iPhone.

Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 01 Aug, 2011 19:23 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Hi, due to my lack of time, I will be happy to help whether you are willing to use the latest GIT version of Icy Phoenix.

The reason is simple... I will use another version of this mod and I don't have the time to convert to Icy Phoenix 1.3.

Let me know if this is feasible for you.

spydie [ Mon 01 Aug, 2011 19:46 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
due to all the changes in dev version, i´m still fighting with my DB to get it updatet to latest Git version.

i´ll be more then happy to test your version MG. If i get my DB updatet.

Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 01 Aug, 2011 20:08 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
I have updated succesfully a couple of older version without encountering problems... let me know if you need help in the update process.

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 25 Aug, 2011 23:23 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
I have ported to Icy Phoenix a class for feeding forums with posts taken from RSS.

I have hardcoded the DB table, because I wanted to test it first...

I need someone with medium php skills to test the code and finish integrating... if I did my job properly only few edits and features should be still missing.

Here is the link to the file (compatible with only the last dev version):

spydie [ Thu 25 Aug, 2011 23:30 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
I´ll have a look on it.

I supose it´s included in latest Git

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 25 Aug, 2011 23:49 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Only the class is included... you need to make it work...

The mod I used is Smixmods Feed News Center 0.3.4 for phpbb3, which I attach here.

Credits for this file:
(c) 2009-2010 Jiri Smika (Smix)

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