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Archived phpBB Topics (Styles, Mods, Support) - Forum RSS Feeder

L3TH4L [ Thu 16 Apr, 2009 06:16 ]
Post subject: Forum RSS Feeder
I am in search of a mod that will allow you to have rss feeds streamed right into your forums as individual threads. Is there any thing like this available for IP?

Chaotic [ Thu 16 Apr, 2009 06:42 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
This MOD is only for IP .27c. It has not been tested with the beta or RC versions of Icy Phoenix.

Forum Integrated News Delivery

L3TH4L [ Thu 16 Apr, 2009 07:27 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Thanks Chaotic!

I even searched the site for this.

notyet [ Mon 12 Oct, 2009 18:37 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Hi, i used this mod in the past and it became popular for ICY, are there any plans to revisit for 1.3?


darkasylum [ Fri 16 Oct, 2009 06:15 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Forum Integrated News Delivery

i wish so much i seen this before i had upgraded!
Chaotic OR anyone have you tested this with the new upgrade! i have upgrade to 1.3 with patch A

is Forum Integrated News Delivery news working? or any one got it working with 1.3

i have config all the files again , when i click on FIND - newsfeeds i get the words Hacking attempt.

any ideas.? Chaotic you saved my life last time with this mod! can you do your magic again


have been edited and code inserted!

[hey Notyet i would love if sum one could put this into 1.3 or just fix small problem]


Icy Phoenix right i going install blank database and clean fourm to see if this works will report back! in few hrs


Mighty Gorgon [ Wed 21 Oct, 2009 00:10 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Make sure you have the right constant defined:

Code: [Hide] [Select]
define('IN_ICYPHOENIX', true);

darkasylum [ Wed 21 Oct, 2009 08:34 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
Make sure you have the right constant defined:

Code: [Hide] [Select]
define('IN_ICYPHOENIX', true);

Hi Gorgon,

thanks for replying to this tread , does the define('IN_ICYPHOENIX', true); have go into admin_newsfeed_sources.php or admin_newsfeeds.php as these files are access by the amd page? as i did google this and look over it for few hrs, even tried puting this into the php in diffrent ways!, but with no luck.

the below code code worked on the old IP 1.2.7 with no problems, any help would be great full, as i know how busy you are,

or will there have to be more changes to the source code that Zuker did

(after 3 hrs playing i got this far see screen dump)

Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_pagestart() in /home/ch0pper/public_html/forum/adm/pagestart.php on line 35



// FIND - newsfeeds
define('NEWSFEEDS_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'newsfeeds');
define('POST_NEWSFEED_URL', 'n');
// end FIND - newsfeeds


// FIND - newsfeeds MOD
$lang['Check_All'] = 'Check All';
$lang['UnCheck_All'] = 'UnCheck All';
$lang['News_Read_More'] = 'Read more...';
$lang['News_Read_Comments'] = 'Read comments...';
$lang['News_Category'] = 'Category: ';
$lang['News_Publish_Date'] = 'Publish Date: ';
$lang['News_Source'] = 'Source: ';
$lang['News_Description'] = 'Description: ';
$lang['News_Summary'] = 'Summary:';
$lang['News_Author'] = 'Author:';
$lang['News_Direct_Download'] = 'Direct Download:';
$lang['News_Duration'] = 'Duration:';
$lang['News_Bytes'] = 'bytes';

// Path to RSS icon image displayed in post. Leave empty if icon not needed.
$lang['News_RSS_Icon'] = '';

// Path to Podcast icon image displayed in post. Leave empty if icon not needed.
$lang['News_Podcast_Icon'] = '';

// end FIND - newsfeeds MOD

spydie [ Wed 21 Oct, 2009 12:30 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
the define has got to go into both files.

do you mind to attach both of you files here please to have a look at them and maybe fix them ?

darkasylum [ Wed 21 Oct, 2009 12:59 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Forum RSS Feeder this is full package! hope you can help! thanks!

spydie [ Wed 21 Oct, 2009 17:46 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Havent tested it . but give this a try.

any problems please PM me

Edit: removed download , to not create any mix-up´s

working version here

tiolalu [ Wed 21 Oct, 2009 17:52 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
darkasylum, Thanks! I will try it in my forum .

darkasylum [ Thu 22 Oct, 2009 02:52 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
wow oh thanks so much for the code !

i have installed it!

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in /home/ch0pper/public_html/forum/adm/admin_newsfeed_sources.php on line 36

i get this on both! Input Newsfeeds & Newsfeed Sources

spydie [ Thu 22 Oct, 2009 12:26 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Updated my first download due to wrong define in line 36 of newsfeed_sources and line 40 of input_newsfeeds.

Also added a CrTracker Low profile, to prevent error messages from the tracker

darkasylum [ Thu 22 Oct, 2009 13:36 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
i think your just about 99% there

but i get this!
Input Newsfeeds & Newsfeed Sources

Warning: include(./common.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ch0pper/public_html/forum/adm/pagestart.php on line 32

Warning: include(./common.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ch0pper/public_html/forum/adm/pagestart.php on line 32

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening './common.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/ch0pper/public_html/forum/adm/pagestart.php on line 32

Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_pagestart() in /home/ch0pper/public_html/forum/adm/pagestart.php on line 35

spydie [ Thu 22 Oct, 2009 16:49 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder

This is as far as i got. without getting any error message!!!!

only issue i get now is using unknown kompression (g-zip). but that might be because i did´nt set up the curl´s and the feeder input. or because i don´t have it installed on my local.


so far i got it running, without problems. Any feedback would be fine
Any issues please post here

Download removed, due to bug´s (errors ) turning up.

i´ll be back later with an hopefully full working version.

darkasylum [ Fri 23 Oct, 2009 03:10 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Sorry for the dealy - I just got the question this morning. ...
as I was out of the office until today. ...working nights : (

i can now see Input Newsfeeds & Newsfeed Sources but when i press get data
this error comes up and no data

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /home/ch0pper/public_html/forum/includes/find_functionsNews.php on line 34

i used Forum integrated news delivery.rar that was sent in my pM


thank you so much! for geting this far!

spydie [ Fri 23 Oct, 2009 10:20 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
darkasylum wrote: [View Post]

i used Forum integrated news delivery.rar that was sent in my pM

Thank´s . taht was the same one as posted here. i deleted the download due to the errors.

I stumbled myself other that errors last night.

Still working on them. Hopefuly i can get back later today with an fully working version

tiolalu [ Tue 15 Dec, 2009 16:54 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
There is any update?

Thanks in advance .

LiNDHOLM [ Sat 27 Mar, 2010 04:28 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
tiolalu wrote: [View Post]
There is any update?

Thanks in advance .

I would also like an update on this!

spydie [ Sat 27 Mar, 2010 09:25 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
nope . still trying to sort out the posting part of that Mod.

looks like its not updating and posting like it should.

LiNDHOLM [ Sat 27 Mar, 2010 10:56 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
spydie wrote: [View Post]
nope . still trying to sort out the posting part of that Mod.

looks like its not updating and posting like it should.

Okay, thats to bad.
Thank you for trying though!

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 01 Apr, 2010 14:00 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Try to use prepare_post and submit_post used in posting.php and functions_post.php.

darkasylum [ Thu 29 Jul, 2010 21:48 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
hi guys,

i not been here for about year, i know shame on me?

could sum one please tell me if this was ever fixed, and sum one got it working on the new version of icyphoenix

with thanks!

Sarakin [ Sun 01 Aug, 2010 02:51 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
It's curious, because this mod seems to be what I've asked here some time ago. Wish we can get an answer some day

Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 02 Aug, 2010 22:23 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
If someone could try to recap what is working and what is not, maybe someone could take this MOD and try to make it work.

spydie [ Mon 02 Aug, 2010 23:45 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
i just dug out , what i had done from that mod.

the only problem probably is the way it is posting. since i´ve checked all the other incomming data, and that looks ok for me

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 05 Aug, 2010 14:22 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Try to attach here latest full package and I'll try to check as soon as I have some free time.

spydie [ Thu 05 Aug, 2010 14:26 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
let me do some checks before, MG

got to see at first witch package that was, due to change of PC i still got quiet a chaos in some of the harddrives.


Here´s , what i have to the moment. Have´nt had the time to look into the posting issue.

I thought this was it, but it looks like this was an earlier state of that Mod, cause i remember having this running just with a little posting problem.
So defenatly something went lost in the HD crash i had some time ago.

darkasylum [ Fri 03 Sep, 2010 05:25 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
spydie & Mighty Gorgon

i just want say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for taking time look at this.

you guys rock!

this was old file i think spydie sent me.

spydie [ Fri 03 Sep, 2010 10:57 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
I´m sorry @darkasylum.

But what you posted, was the original phpBB2 file.

you must have something like forum integrated news delivery

darkasylum [ Fri 03 Sep, 2010 19:17 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
spydie check this
this was taken from mail you sent me on the Thu 22 Oct, 2009 21:21

darkasylum [ Sun 05 Sep, 2010 23:01 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
spydie i have dug out your version 98% working from my webserver, i was running on
Icy Phoenix

here are the source files

this the error when you hit get news

[Icy Phoenix Debug] PHP Notice: in file /adm/page_header_admin.php on line 208: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/find_functionsNews.php:119)
[Icy Phoenix Debug] PHP Notice: in file /adm/page_header_admin.php on line 210: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/find_functionsNews.php:119)
[Icy Phoenix Debug] PHP Notice: in file /adm/page_header_admin.php on line 211: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /includes/find_functionsNews.php:119)

spydie [ Mon 06 Sep, 2010 16:34 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
yes this was the one I remember.

got me an sql error on posting the feed.

wheres no post subject displayed, it actualy says NULL in the DB.

without subject, no post displayed.

i´m thinking of including functions_post.php into this, but no idea if that would work.

Anyway, MG, this is what i actualy had done, to the moment

Mighty Gorgon [ Wed 15 Sep, 2010 22:21 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
I still need some time for this.

I'm sorry.

darkasylum [ Fri 24 Dec, 2010 15:49 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
when you do look at it! could
i request that it is integrated into icyphoenix please?

thank you

Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
I still need some time for this.

I'm sorry.

darkasylum [ Wed 20 Jul, 2011 16:55 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
hi well i waited for about year now two see if any one woudl look at this plugin still nothing?

i willing to pay up two $60.00 for working version of this. if anyone is interested.

and mabye sum ohter members woud be interested. any let me know?

Sarakin [ Wed 27 Jul, 2011 21:17 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
I guess it's not a matter of money, darky. When you're running a big site like this, your head is filled with 40 thousand things, so it's normal that this topic could have been forgotten, or maybe put in the lower part of a giant to-do list. BTW, I'm still interested in a feature like this, I think it's a good application for the ones, like me, who use Icy only for the forums and other CMS or frameworks for news, contents and other uses.

Informpro [ Wed 27 Jul, 2011 23:38 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Hi !

I'm okay to take/have a look, even if I'm running iPhone. Can you tell me which version of IP you're using ?
And, by the way, I need the file /includes/find_functionsNews.php. I need it on pastebin, since I can't use any (de)zipper from iPhone.

Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 01 Aug, 2011 19:23 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Hi, due to my lack of time, I will be happy to help whether you are willing to use the latest GIT version of Icy Phoenix.

The reason is simple... I will use another version of this mod and I don't have the time to convert to Icy Phoenix 1.3.

Let me know if this is feasible for you.

spydie [ Mon 01 Aug, 2011 19:46 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
due to all the changes in dev version, i´m still fighting with my DB to get it updatet to latest Git version.

i´ll be more then happy to test your version MG. If i get my DB updatet.

Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 01 Aug, 2011 20:08 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
I have updated succesfully a couple of older version without encountering problems... let me know if you need help in the update process.

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 25 Aug, 2011 23:23 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
I have ported to Icy Phoenix a class for feeding forums with posts taken from RSS.

I have hardcoded the DB table, because I wanted to test it first...

I need someone with medium php skills to test the code and finish integrating... if I did my job properly only few edits and features should be still missing.

Here is the link to the file (compatible with only the last dev version):

spydie [ Thu 25 Aug, 2011 23:30 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
I´ll have a look on it.

I supose it´s included in latest Git

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 25 Aug, 2011 23:49 ]
Post subject: Re: Forum RSS Feeder
Only the class is included... you need to make it work...

The mod I used is Smixmods Feed News Center 0.3.4 for phpbb3, which I attach here.

Credits for this file:
(c) 2009-2010 Jiri Smika (Smix)

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