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Archived phpBB Topics (Styles, Mods, Support) - FAP SUPPORT - Fatal Error: Call To Undefined Function: Checkflag() In.....

MikeW [ Sun 15 Apr, 2007 20:22 ]
Post subject: FAP SUPPORT - Fatal Error: Call To Undefined Function: Checkflag() In.....
I installed Full Album Pack 1.23, later i wanted to upgrade it to 1.4.1.

Now i get the message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: checkflag() in mysite/album_mod/album_hierarchy_sql.php on line 81

I get this when i go to my album and in the ACP on album categorys and permissions.
The Configuration and personal album in the ACP do work

When i look what i had to change:

Code: [Hide] [Select]
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------------
// Mighty Gorgon - Full Album Pack - BEGIN
//--- FLAG operation functions
function setFlag($flags, $flag)
return $flags | $flag;
function clearFlag($flags, $flag)
return ($flags & ~$flag);
function checkFlag($flags, $flag)
return (($flags & $flag) == $flag) ? true : false;
// Mighty Gorgon - Full Album Pack - END
#-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]----------------------------------------
// Mighty Gorgon - Full Album Pack - REMOVED

then it is not used anymore.

Wat did I forget whit the upgrade?
I uploaded all the files and changed the SQL.

Hope someone can help me with this.

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 15 Apr, 2007 20:37 ]
Post subject: Re: Fatal Error: Call To Undefined Function: Checkflag() In.
I think you didn't upload all files correctly, try to delete all old PHP album files and reupload the new ones.

MikeW [ Sun 15 Apr, 2007 21:57 ]
Post subject: Re: Fatal Error: Call To Undefined Function: Checkflag() In.
Ofcourse i already tried this, but somehow i seem to forgotten something.

The Album is back but i still have an problem with it.
Everything seems to work in the ACP.
The album also works, uploading works.

But i see no pictures and if i click on a thumbnail (Just the little red cross, no picture) i get this message:

Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: Stat failed for album_mod/upload/61ca178530fa380bcbba3afec8d6ae0f.jpg (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /home/vofpergo/public_html/JRforum/album_showpage.php on line 1213

The reason i did the upgrade was because every space in an title or description was written as

That seems to be fixed now.

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 15 Apr, 2007 22:11 ]
Post subject: Re: Fatal Error: Call To Undefined Function: Checkflag() In.
Can I have a link please?

Are you sure you haven't removed your pictures?

MikeW [ Sun 15 Apr, 2007 22:24 ]
Post subject: Re: Fatal Error: Call To Undefined Function: Checkflag() In.
It was even after trying to upload an new picture to see if the problem with the name and discription was solved.

link to the forum is:

link to the album part is:

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 26 Apr, 2007 02:45 ]
Post subject: Re: Fatal Error: Call To Undefined Function: Checkflag() In.
If I try to load the pic directly http://www.vofpergo.nl/JRforum/albu...6a089212d7c.gif I get an error...

I think the picture either doesn't exist or you have HTACCESS in those folders.

MikeW [ Tue 01 May, 2007 16:39 ]
Post subject: Re: Fatal Error: Call To Undefined Function: Checkflag() In.
I removed the ht.access files in de album mod/upload dir.

After that, i saw that the restrictions wore false.
Because I uploaded this directory again, somehow i forget to change the restrictions again.

Now it works, thanks.

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