I'll give her a go bud and see what happens. I have tried several other times since then and I cant even get back to the point of having a basci CMS anymore. Not sure what is wrong.
I'll take another shot at it tonight. I really appreciate the help.
Ok guys, here goes.
So apparently after ALL these years of building websites and uploading them to servers and getting them working, I suddenly do NOT know how to set a path properly.
The site I am attempting to upgrade resides at
I go to load the site by visiting
http://lixxxxxxxforums.com/icy/install/database_upgrade.php (added x's for security) and it loads the original site located at
http://lixxxxxxxmforums.com with no style at all. page is wacked.
So now I go to
http://litxxxxmforums.com/icy/adm/erc.php and click reset path. here is what it suggests.
No http
Domain: litxxxxxforums.com (once again x's for obvious reasons)
Port : 80
Path: /icy/adm
This does not work. it goes back to the original old site. I would have to guess it is from the domain being wrong. I have reset it every which way but loose and It resorts back to the old site minus the style every single time.
I thought I knew what I was doing. This simple upgrade has made me feel like a moron. Literally.
Ok Progress. I got to the icy phoenix update script page instead of the old website loading. Had to have been a cookie issue. I am now making double sure all files are chmod properly. (please pardon me keeping notes, I just want to be sure I document everything I have done).
Ok all files are CHMOD properly.
Here is a list and I will check each one off
So, we need to fix this. If you REALLY want to do it yourself in the meantime, do this:
Open your board locally (with everything backed up, yada yada yada)
Save config.php somewhere (I named mine __config.php)
Delete everything but that file (keep images/ and uploads/ I guess. At least you have them in your backup. The exact list of files is listed in the file you linked).
Upload IP files in the same directory
Delete IP's config.php
Put back your config.php (rename __config.php to config.php)
Visit install/database_upgrade.php
"Please click Here to update!"
Open config.php, replace "PHPBB_" with "IP_" manually. install/install.php has an action that does it, but... To open install/install.php, you need that done. Sorry
This is where things go wrong. Install.php will not open unless I un-comment the bypass session. Went in there and no option to install or anything. Just a bunch of upgrade stuff and fix this and thats. Nothing to fix yet I am guessing?
Go to login_ip.php, and login with your administrator.
Critical Error
Could not open ./templates/subSilver/subSilver.cfg
Line : 2626
File : functions.php
And this is where I get stuck fellas. I cn not go any further. As the details below say to preserve sid, well I never even get to that point. Only the error above with no sid. I never get to login.
You'll be redirected to a blank page, or see "Template->loadfile(): File ./templates/default/layout/ for handle body is empty."
In your URL, replace "index.php" with "cms.php" (it's important that you keep your SID)
Login again (needed to administrate the website)
Go to "CMS pages"
Click "Add new page"
Select whichever one you like (3 columns, 2 columns). Give it a name (like "index").
Ok Boys and Ghouls, it has been a LONG day. After much cursing, many pots of coffee, and many fists hitting the desk in rage, I got a website running. Here are a few shots.
Here is my ACP, notice I now have forums YAY!
Here is the forum in action on the index YAY! Notice I got posts?
Uh oh! No Threads!
All posts and data is populated in the database, checked and rechecked and even ran utilities in the install/install.php to fix posts and sigs and all. No matter what I try, this is where I am stuck, BUT..... Yeah there is a but, I am SO happy to be at this point! I am far ahead of where I was this morning.
I had to populate my ranks by manual process as well and my groups are in the database and group descriptions, but no members of the groups were added. I have tried several times to get groups updated and no such luck.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix these few items? So far I have not found any other issues as I have been working on only these three issues and fixed one of the 3.