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General Support - Menu Links

MWE_001 [ Sat 30 Jul, 2016 23:04 ]
Post subject: Menu Links
Ok guys I have searched and found documentation and followed it to a T. I created a CMS page smoothly, added all my blocks and the page looks great. However, I added a link to the manin menu and it will not show up for me no matter what I do. Any suggestions?

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 30 Jul, 2016 23:11 ]
Post subject: Re: Menu Links
In standard setup the menu block is the "hardcoded" one... you should switch to the dynamic menu block first.

Go to CMS and create a parent block with the Dynamic Menu, then replace the "Nav Menu" block with this one.

Let me know if that was the issue.

MWE_001 [ Sat 30 Jul, 2016 23:19 ]
Post subject: Re: Menu Links
Well what I was attempting to do was just create 2 new links and add them to the dynamic menu already in place.

Steps I followed were:

created my new page
added blocks
Added link to dynamic menu/main links
chose category to add link to
Sumbitted and updated menu.

I then clicked each of the 2 links i created in the CMS and each one went to respected page, however, when viewing the menu on any page of the site, the links do not show up in the menu.

Check this out, it is only a tes tsite it is what it is.

On the left in the menu under Forum should be 2 new links, one that says New To little Elm and One that says Advertise. Notice they do not show but if I go to cms/dynamic menu/main links, they are there and working. I am sure it is end user error. Not the system

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 30 Jul, 2016 23:33 ]
Post subject: Re: Menu Links
Hi Ray,
It seems like you only created the menu, but you still need to add as a block to your page.

Please, make sure you follow these steps:
  1. Go to CMS (and re-login if needed)
  2. Click on "Parent Blocks"
  3. Click on "Create Parent Block"
  4. Choose a name, then select from dropdown "dyn_menu [Navigation Menu]" and click on Submit
  5. In the new window, input your menu ID (should be 1 if you edited the main one)
  6. Now go again to CMS -> CMS Pages
  7. Click on the page you are working on (in bold you have the default one for your portal)
  8. Now on the left you should have your default NAV MENU (which is static...) please change that with the newly created DYN MENU block
  9. Just wait for the popup to confirm that changes are applied...

Let me know if this procedure solves your issue.

MWE_001 [ Sat 30 Jul, 2016 23:51 ]
Post subject: Re: Menu Links

Ok sorry we were posting at the same time.

I appreciate the reply. Ill go ahead and giove it a go real quick. I am sure once I figure this out, I will be well on my way. I appreciate your time today. Thank you very much.


Ahh haa! That did it. I thank you very much! We can mark this one as solved. Fantastic!

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 31 Jul, 2016 11:27 ]
Post subject: Re: [SOLVED] Menu Links
Great you solved...

You're welcome!

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