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General Support - Bugs In Album Plugin

mort [ Sat 25 Jun, 2016 09:52 ]
Post subject: Bugs In Album Plugin
Bugs in -> album/adm/*.php

Number 1:

Here -> http://www.icyphoenix.com/viewtopic.php?p=60550#p60550

Number 2:

Template->make_filename(): Error - template file not found: album_nuffimage_box.tpl

Line: 45 - album_nuffimage_box.php

There's a problem with this path and I can't see where the VARS are to modify it

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$template->set_filenames(array('nuffimage_box' => 'album_nuffimage_box.tpl'));

It works with this but it's hardly a fix!

Code: [Hide] [Select]
$template->set_filenames(array('nuffimage_box' => '../../plugins/album/templates/default/album_nuffimage_box.tpl'));

Number 3:

On edit / Submit the path Click Here to return to the Admin Index is wrong and looks for the Admin-Index in the Album directory.


Informpro [ Sun 26 Jun, 2016 15:26 ]
Post subject: Re: [Bugs] In Album Plugin
Oh, that's my bad. We have a constant for the templates I think...

mort [ Mon 27 Jun, 2016 02:08 ]
Post subject: Re: [Bugs] In Album Plugin
And a lot of these problems were posted and patched when AndyGpy had these same problems - And it's disappointing that these errors were not fixed then. Although some of the paths have been re-written differently again!



Anyway, I've fixed my copy with the exception of the path to album_nuffimage_box.tpl because it appears that the CONSTANTS for that path are not being parsed in album_nuffimage_box.php and needs to be added.

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 30 Jul, 2016 22:40 ]
Post subject: Re: [Bugs] In Album Plugin
Thanks for your fixes, I'm going to update GIT and the album plugin in download.

Just for your records, the proper fix for getting tpl file is:
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$class_plugins->get_tpl_file(ALBUM_TPL_PATH, 'album_nuffimage_box.tpl')

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