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General Support - The Update Is Not Installed Album

menorca [ Wed 22 Jun, 2016 21:43 ]
Post subject: The Update Is Not Installed Album
The update is not installed album to be lacking in admin files and other files and had to restore the database to the previous datoa .
E tested with a new facility and the pluning and the album does not come out missing files, do not know if you know that is what happens in the installation is done properly but what fails is the album thanks

mort [ Thu 23 Jun, 2016 03:23 ]
Post subject: Re: The Update Is Not Installed Album
A lot of stuff was removed from previous versions of IP and made into "plug-ins" - the Album included - and you can find that / them here..

menorca [ Thu 23 Jun, 2016 14:10 ]
Post subject: Re: The Update Is Not Installed Album
I have a new installation and pluning and put the album and still see the album anyway and obserbado files that mo / Admin included album and do not exist in the pluning think something is missing ..

mort [ Fri 24 Jun, 2016 04:39 ]
Post subject: Re: The Update Is Not Installed Album
If you have any errors / messages - Please make sure you post them in future.

Many files in album/adm/*.php still contain ADM_TPL so I changed all to ALBUM_ADM_TPL_PATH

So we'll try this first..

Delete the FOLDER plugins/album/adm

And replace it with the one in the .zip

Open: */templates/default/nav_quick_links.tpl

Code: [Hide] [Select]
<td class="tdalignl tw8px">{IMG_NAV_MENU_SEP}</td>
<td class="genmed tdalignl"><a href="{U_PORTAL}">{L_LINK_HOME}</a></td>


Code: [Hide] [Select]
<td class="tdalignl tw8px">{IMG_NAV_MENU_SEP}</td>
<td class="genmed tdalignl"><a href="album.php">{L_ALBUM}</a></td>

menorca [ Sat 25 Jun, 2016 11:23 ]
Post subject: Re: The Update Is Not Installed Album
In menu only comes personal album , in cms I put the album bloke of the active and gives me error tells me missing in the album_bloc.tpl templates and we do not understand why when you turn up the tpl album.bloc gives me this error [ Icy Phoenix Debug] PHP Notice: in file /blocks/album.php on line 51 : include_once ( ALBUM_MOD_PATHalbum_common.php ) [ function.include -once ] : failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[ Icy Phoenix Debug] PHP Notice: in file /blocks/album.php on line 51 : include_once () [ function.include ] : Failed opening ' ALBUM_MOD_PATHalbum_common.php ' for inclusion ( include_path = ' .: / Opt / alt / php53 / usr / share / pear : / opt / alt / php53 / usr / share / php ' ) is like I requested old files

mort [ Sat 25 Jun, 2016 11:29 ]
Post subject: Re: The Update Is Not Installed Album
I'm finding quite a few path errors, but I will have to wait until tomorrow to have another look at it.

menorca [ Sat 25 Jun, 2016 11:34 ]
Post subject: Re: The Update Is Not Installed Album
thanks this solved was my mistake sorry your directions were correctas ..

mort [ Sat 25 Jun, 2016 16:30 ]
Post subject: Re: The Update Is Not Installed Album [ Solved ]
But I am sure there are a few more errors that are not apparent so some more testing will need to be done.
But you did replace the ADM folder with the one in the zip to fix the ADM problems didn't you?

menorca [ Sat 25 Jun, 2016 23:10 ]
Post subject: Re: The Update Is Not Installed Album [ Solved ]
Change the folder by the zip that i lower it is true that there is some errors, for example and noticed that when I create a category in the album does not leave the opccion to give a picture to that category , but the important thing is that I see the album and by now i to resolved. Thanks

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 30 Jul, 2016 22:32 ]
Post subject: Re: [SOLVED] The Update Is Not Installed Album
Thanks for the fix David, I will update the package.

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