WhooHoo! Microsoft Edge Is Giving Firefox A Run For Their Money »  Show posts from    to     

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English Chit Chat - WhooHoo! Microsoft Edge Is Giving Firefox A Run For Their Money

mort [ Tue 25 Aug, 2020 14:21 ]
Post subject: WhooHoo! Microsoft Edge Is Giving Firefox A Run For Their Money
Have you checked ou the new Microsoft Edge?

It's full of features that once belonged to Firefox - - Developers tools just to mention one thing!
And a heap of other Apps.

You should have peek at it...

Informpro [ Wed 26 Aug, 2020 16:29 ]
Post subject: Re: WhooHoo! Microsoft Edge Is Giving Firefox A Run For Their Money
Microsoft alas partnered with Google's Chrome for that one (Edge is running Chromium, which makes the inner working of Chrome).
So now, Google almost has a monopoly on the browser market, like Microsoft did... during IE6 days. I'm scared!

mort [ Thu 27 Aug, 2020 03:13 ]
Post subject: Re: WhooHoo! Microsoft Edge Is Giving Firefox A Run For Their Money
Me too,

I've always been consrned about the amount of personal information that google gathers and holds on everything that one does!!

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