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Show Off - Conan [Under Construction]

Lopalong [ Thu 05 Jun, 2008 13:52 ]
Post subject: Conan [Under Construction]

Inspired by, I thought I'd have a go at making a Conan theme moreso in the old Gothic style.

I still need to add scrolls to a lot of templates / sections, and fix some markup and padding problems.

But the question is: Should I add more graphics to the index and forum. ?

PS: The header banner changes as you move through the nav buttons.

crimsonsun [ Thu 05 Jun, 2008 16:45 ]
Post subject: Re: Conan [Under Construction]
I like it! No more graphics to the index or forum, it's looking real nice as it is.. Great work man

KugeLSichA [ Thu 05 Jun, 2008 20:58 ]
Post subject: Re: Conan [Under Construction]

damn that looks really nice...

i think you shouldn´t add more pics on the index... it looks great as it is right now...

really really great theme lopalong...

Many thanks

Lopalong [ Fri 06 Jun, 2008 01:13 ]
Post subject: Re: Conan [Under Construction]
Thanks, Not too bad for an old antique mirror, and a heap of imagination.

The side and across panel pics are all overlays in their own frames, so they can be changed without affecting the main layout, or moved / deleted etc by using the .css.

The end frames "Holding" the center insert are actually phoenix's, purely by coincidence.

Now I gotta work on finishing it.

I've also sent an email to funcom asking if it's OK to use the four small hyperborian graphics of theirs - If it's not, then I'll change them.

Limun [ Fri 06 Jun, 2008 11:20 ]
Post subject: Re: Conan [Under Construction]
realy nice work man ...


Lopalong [ Fri 13 Jun, 2008 09:22 ]
Post subject: Re: Conan [Under Construction]
Limun wrote: [View Post]
realy nice work man ...


Thanks Limun,

I've just finished optimising it for Opera as well as FF and IE7, or should that be "I think I've got it all optimised".

Opera v9.50 is a pretty tough mistress to please! But I do think that they have more work to do with it.

Lopalong [ Thu 19 Jun, 2008 14:31 ]
Post subject: Re: Conan [Under Construction]
Update on "Push it to the Max" Conan theme.

I think I'm going to keep pushing this theme until I break it beyond repair.

Added Quick Login to the header.

Removed all the "Old" Drop-Down menu's and added new "Overlay" Menus to the header (Only logged-in see them all).

Moved Style-Change, Language and RSS to the footer.

Mmmmm! What else can I change? Something has to break it!

Sarakin [ Thu 02 Oct, 2008 17:36 ]
Post subject: Re: Conan [Under Construction]
Really wonderful, friend. When will be the Theme available?

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