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News And Announcements - Icy Phoenix Goes SVN

Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 01 Dec, 2008 23:52 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
I have updated SVN with the latest revision.

I hope to have uploaded all files this time...

Let me know if you test this new version.

Limun [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 00:46 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
I have updated SVN with the latest revision.

I hope to have uploaded all files this time...

Let me know if you test this new version.

i m getting this on instalation

Code: [Hide] [Select]
An error occurred trying to update the database
Table 'newicy.ip_categories' doesn't exist


btw its fresh install

Mighty Gorgon [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 00:55 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
There was an error in the schema... try to download it again please.

Limun [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 01:23 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
again same

but when i update i geting only this

i dont see any other update

PS. i m downloading complete new one now

EDIT : downloated new one (around 106mb )

same error again

this is in database


Mighty Gorgon [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 01:39 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
For same strange reason Revision 67 was not updated... try again please.

Limun [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 01:51 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
For same strange reason Revision 67 was not updated... try again please.

gooood now its ok


Mighty Gorgon [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 02:06 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN

Limun [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 02:48 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
oops i have problem...with new version
look the video

Mighty Gorgon [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 09:47 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
I will check.

I have removed your video.

DWho [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 11:08 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN

Just downloaded the new svn .. love the install procedure very easy to use...

just a possible bug you may already know about... in acp/forum management.. if you try to edit the forum that is already pre installed you receive this error...

Code: [Hide] [Select]
Forum / Category doesn't exist or multiple forums/categories with ID 1


Line : 1858
File : admin_forums.php

The admin log is a fantastic idea by the way.....

Mighty Gorgon [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 11:12 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Thanks for reporting, I'll create a brand new install and I'll check this.

Limun [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 12:51 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
MG told me he has updated SVN and the forums / topics bugs should be solved now.

TheSteffen [ Thu 04 Dec, 2008 02:21 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
I have updated SVN with the latest revision.

Thanks Luca... I will test it

Maybe on icyphoenix.de

Informpro [ Thu 04 Dec, 2008 17:41 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
I just want to say ...
"($board_config['index_birthday'] == true)"
you have to use
"$board_config['index_birthday'] === true"

EDIT_I=> when I set JS "on" in FireFox, I've this error : "Warning: sql_db::include(./../cache/sql/sql_ct_config_472022be091812506f0b3d47818afb38.php) [function.sql-db-include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in INF:TestPathInf_localhostipincludesdbmysql4.php on line 169

Warning: sql_db::include() [function.include]: Failed opening './../cache/sql/sql_ct_config_472022be091812506f0b3d47818afb38.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:/Program Files/EasyPHP 2.0b1php5pear') in INF:TestPathInf_localhostipincludesdbmysql4.php on line 169"

New Player [ Sat 06 Dec, 2008 15:58 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
i can't enable upi2db i changed "UPI2DB Mod active?" to yes and submit but it is always no....
"Disable UPI2DB globally" is disabled

edit: can't delete or edit a knowledge base category - 404 page not found
edit2: in cms "Fatal error: Call to undefined function colorize_username() in /home/www/******/html/mhnew/forum/blocks/blocks_imp_top_posters.php on line 67"

andrea75 [ Mon 08 Dec, 2008 00:02 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Today I've tried to install the new version. First with a clean install without any problem. Then I have try to upgrade from an, and even if with some difficult, finally I've been succesfull with upgrade, but there is only big probelm with topic & post. All forum appears in forum.php and all topics appears in viewforum, but when I click to one of this I receive this error:

The topic or post you requested does not exist

I watch on DB and all seems to be ok. The old tables has been backupped, and in the new table posts all seems to be on his place. I try to disable the URL rewrite, to sync topic&post, but the error still remain. With old SVN version I never had similiar problems. I think it's related to posts and posts_text tables merge. Someone has tried to upgrade from an old version?

Limun [ Mon 08 Dec, 2008 01:04 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
andrea75 wrote: [View Post]
Today I've tried to install the new version. First with a clean install without any problem. Then I have try to upgrade from an, and even if with some difficult, finally I've been succesfull with upgrade, but there is only big probelm with topic & post. All forum appears in forum.php and all topics appears in viewforum, but when I click to one of this I receive this error:

The topic or post you requested does not exist

I watch on DB and all seems to be ok. The old tables has been backupped, and in the new table posts all seems to be on his place. I try to disable the URL rewrite, to sync topic&post, but the error still remain. With old SVN version I never had similiar problems. I think it's related to posts and posts_text tables merge. Someone has tried to upgrade from an old version?

i haved similar problem on fresh install with last version , but MG now updated it
but he told me to run just this
INSERT INTO `phpbb_forums_rules` (`forum_id`, `rules`) VALUES (1, '');

so this solved The topic or post you requested does not exist

maybe if you wish u can try it also ....

Harimau [ Mon 08 Dec, 2008 02:02 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Limun wrote: [View Post]
andrea75 wrote: [View Post]
Today I've tried to install the new version. First with a clean install without any problem. Then I have try to upgrade from an, and even if with some difficult, finally I've been succesfull with upgrade, but there is only big probelm with topic & post. All forum appears in forum.php and all topics appears in viewforum, but when I click to one of this I receive this error:

The topic or post you requested does not exist

I watch on DB and all seems to be ok. The old tables has been backupped, and in the new table posts all seems to be on his place. I try to disable the URL rewrite, to sync topic&post, but the error still remain. With old SVN version I never had similiar problems. I think it's related to posts and posts_text tables merge. Someone has tried to upgrade from an old version?

i haved similar problem on fresh install with last version , but MG now updated it
but he told me to run just this
INSERT INTO `phpbb_forums_rules` (`forum_id`, `rules`) VALUES (1, '');

so this solved The topic or post you requested does not exist

maybe if you wish u can try it also ....

I had the same problem. With the solution of Limun, I can write in the topics.

andrea75 [ Mon 08 Dec, 2008 18:34 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
The problem was in the update script. If you still have the problem, you can download the new update from SVN.

Thanks to MG for solution!

Limun [ Mon 29 Dec, 2008 11:01 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Version of Icy Phoenix:


can any moderator or admin check it on this site ?

TheSteffen [ Tue 30 Dec, 2008 12:47 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Same Version on IP.com (

And "Moderator Control Panel" is working on IP.com

Don't know what your problem could be.

Limun [ Tue 30 Dec, 2008 15:46 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
TheSteffen wrote: [View Post]
Same Version on IP.com (

And "Moderator Control Panel" is working on IP.com

Don't know what your problem could be.

Thank you Steffen

anybody else have this problem ?

Markuz Nightwind [ Tue 20 Jan, 2009 17:04 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Hello, i have some problems with the latest SVN. I tried to install it on my guild site, since hosting was saying the old IP was too resource-heavy. All went almost fine (well except the forum-rules bug mentioned above). But, after deleting styles folder that i uploaded for error, the site homepage now is blank with blank source.
Is there anything i can do? I've tried to reupload the entire IP SVN but there's exactly the same situation, while on other scripts all works fine.

P.S. Site is: www.nightwindguild.com

Thanks in advance

TheSteffen [ Tue 20 Jan, 2009 22:11 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
No support for SVN

But maybe its this one.
Take a look into config.php and change

define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);


define('IP_INSTALLED', true);

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 01 Feb, 2009 12:48 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
SVN updated to the beta candidate version.

TheSteffen [ Tue 03 Feb, 2009 00:20 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
SVN for lang_german updated to the beta candidate version.

novice programmer [ Thu 05 Feb, 2009 17:57 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
SVN for lang_spanish updated to beta candidate version

tormentor [ Wed 04 Mar, 2009 20:33 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
The fields in phpbb_users (or ip_users ...) related to activity mod are not created by the database upgrade (had to do it manually)

default language is 'italian' while should be 'english' (it doesn't work without a manual change)

Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 09 Mar, 2009 13:31 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
tormentor wrote: [View Post]
The fields in phpbb_users (or ip_users ...) related to activity mod are not created by the database upgrade (had to do it manually)

default language is 'italian' while should be 'english' (it doesn't work without a manual change)

can you please be more detailed about this?

I can't understand what you mean.


tormentor [ Mon 09 Mar, 2009 22:28 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Se fai un upgrade da un database già esistente, i fields relativi alla activity mod non vengono creati nella tabella _users

La tabella _config viene creata dallo script con il linguaggio italiano

La activity mod, se attivata, produce un errore relativo alla chiamata ad una funzione non esistente quando cerca di aggiornare le statistiche, la funzione e' in un file diverso da quello incluso in newscore.php

La cash mod non funziona, le "currencies" vengono create nel database ma sono invisibili e non riconosciute nel pannello di amministrazione

Se cancelli l'ultimo utente, l'ultimo utente rimane "guest", probabilmente (ma non ho verificato) perche' il dato rimane nella cache (e' sparito da solo dopo circa un giorno).

Se si utilizza la URL_REWRITE alcuni thumbnails dell'album, almeno nei block della pagina principale, si incasinano mostrando la descrizione dell'immagine invece del thumbnail. Non ho capito perchè, dovrebbe capitare se la descrizione e' molto lunga. Ho risolto usando il titolo invece della descrizione come ALT (il titolo e' corto e la descrizione potrebbe essere invece molto lunga).

Il caching delle immagini dell'album ha smesso di funzionare, non so perche' , aspetto la versione definitiva...

Se non sbaglio i vari viewtopic dovrebbero essere diversi se si installa la cash mod e la activity mod, non vengono mostrati ne i trophies ne le currencies

Non so quanto valga la pena di includere la cash mod e la activity mod e non un pacchetto dedicato a parte, andare a cercare dove si bloccano e' parecchio complicato...

Ho scritto solo perchè magari sono cose che ti sono sfuggite, so che la SVN non e' supportata...

L'ho installata perchè mi interessava molto il subBlue, poi aspetto la versione definitiva per aggiornare i files e il database

Se ti e' possibile, sarebbe utile estendere il "Replace In Posts" anche ai titoli e all'album, nel passaggio da sql 4 a sql 5 mi sono portato dietro diversi caratteri "strani" che ho dovuto editare a mano...

Ciao e grazie

Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 09 Mar, 2009 23:35 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
I'll answer in English.

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
Se fai un upgrade da un database già esistente, i fields relativi alla activity mod non vengono creati nella tabella _users

I have never tried to update... anyway Activity is not supported and provided as an extra addon.

I do not support it simply because is really bad coded... and even if I fixes some security issues in it, I'm sure there is some other hole hidden somewhere in that mod.

Use it carefully... at the moment I don't have the time to fix that mod and even if I will provide it as an extra, it will not be supported even after new release.

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
La tabella _config viene creata dallo script con il linguaggio italiano

I will check that... are you sure that your account is not using Italian? I believe that the installation script can use the same language which the admin is using.

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
La activity mod, se attivata, produce un errore relativo alla chiamata ad una funzione non esistente quando cerca di aggiornare le statistiche, la funzione e' in un file diverso da quello incluso in newscore.php

Where do you have this error? In ACP or while playing one game? In the second case it could be possible that the game you played has not been designed to work with activity mod.

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
La cash mod non funziona, le "currencies" vengono create nel database ma sono invisibili e non riconosciute nel pannello di amministrazione

That is strange, I have this mod running properly in a couple of sites... maybe because I performed a clean install and not an upgrade. Did you try to remove the currencies and add again?

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
Se cancelli l'ultimo utente, l'ultimo utente rimane "guest", probabilmente (ma non ho verificato) perche' il dato rimane nella cache (e' sparito da solo dopo circa un giorno).

Yes it is a cache issue... how did you delete the user? From which page? I need to know that so I can add the clear cache function even to that page.

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
Se si utilizza la URL_REWRITE alcuni thumbnails dell'album, almeno nei block della pagina principale, si incasinano mostrando la descrizione dell'immagine invece del thumbnail. Non ho capito perchè, dovrebbe capitare se la descrizione e' molto lunga. Ho risolto usando il titolo invece della descrizione come ALT (il titolo e' corto e la descrizione potrebbe essere invece molto lunga).

Are you talking about the default ALBUM block? I'll check it.

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
Il caching delle immagini dell'album ha smesso di funzionare, non so perche' , aspetto la versione definitiva...

That is strange... can you check if it is working fine on this site?

Did you move the users pictures in subfolders?

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
Se non sbaglio i vari viewtopic dovrebbero essere diversi se si installa la cash mod e la activity mod, non vengono mostrati ne i trophies ne le currencies

I didn't implement that part... because I didn't want to add extra SQL charge in viewtopic... I believe those SQL are commented somewhere in that file... can you try to have a look please?

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
Non so quanto valga la pena di includere la cash mod e la activity mod e non un pacchetto dedicato a parte, andare a cercare dove si bloccano e' parecchio complicato...

While Cash mod is included in the standard version, Activity mod it isn't. And both of them are not supported... I have just added them in a way that doesn't require extra SQL if not activated so users who needs them may use them, without having to integrate them, as it is quite hard to make them work properly in Icy Phoenix.

But again, they are not supported... I only give them as an extra and who wants to use them will do at their own risk.

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
Se ti e' possibile, sarebbe utile estendere il "Replace In Posts" anche ai titoli e all'album, nel passaggio da sql 4 a sql 5 mi sono portato dietro diversi caratteri "strani" che ho dovuto editare a mano...

That should be due to a different encoding... usually adding the correct collation or exporting and reimporting tables using the same charset should solve the problem.

Anyway thanks for the suggestion... I may consider this, but now I lack of free time... maybe after the final release. If you don't see this feature in a couple of months, send me a reminder via PM.

Thanks for your feedbacks.

tormentor [ Tue 10 Mar, 2009 02:51 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN

What I did was an upgrade from the last stable version to SVN, anyway I use to first install it from scratch to create the tables on a fresh database for a comparison, then I call back the /install directory for your good scripts and upgrade the old database.

If I install it from scratch it comes out an error because the script (I checked it) has ' italian ' as the default language and it writes it in the _config table while the italian language is not installed, the only way is edit the table manually or change the script and rerun it.

I will check that... are you sure that your account is not using Italian? I believe that the installation script can use the same language which the admin is using.

Well, sure the install (fresh install) runs in italian reading it from my browser, but there were not the italian package installed, still it installed italian as the default language, the result was that the site showed the related error.

I have never tried to update... anyway Activity is not supported and provided as an extra addon.

Yes, anyway the fresh installation creates the tables related to the mod and the extra fields in the _users table so that it is working, but if you run the upgrade script, the fields in the _user table are not created, I found it comparing the freshly installed database and the upgraded one (and because the mod was not working)

Use it carefully... at the moment I don't have the time to fix that mod and even if I will provide it as an extra, it will not be supported even after new release.

Yes, amod site is also in bad shape. I would have preferred to have a mod instead of an hardcoded version even because hackers (or so called..) try to squeeze in the site using files that should never been seen because there is no links to them, for example I don't use the Knowledge Base and there are not links to it, still I logged some tries on the KB files, even if I renamed them. If the code of the Activity Mod is not secure maybe it would be better to have renamed or separately installed the files related.

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
La activity mod, se attivata, produce un errore relativo alla chiamata ad una funzione non esistente quando cerca di aggiornare le statistiche, la funzione e' in un file diverso da quello incluso in newscore.php

Where do you have this error? In ACP or while playing one game? In the second case it could be possible that the game you played has not been designed to work with activity mod.

No, just play a whatever game, at the end the file newscore.php tries to update the stats calling a function that is in the file functions_amod_includes_functions.php but this file is not included in newscore.php, I solved it moving the function in

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
La cash mod non funziona, le "currencies" vengono create nel database ma sono invisibili e non riconosciute nel pannello di amministrazione

That is strange, I have this mod running properly in a couple of sites... maybe because I performed a clean install and not an upgrade. Did you try to remove the currencies and add again?

Yes, I tried everything, I should try to install it from scratch but the problem is that it's hardcoded and so it's difficult to find out where is the coded added, btw I tried it in the updated site and in the freshly installed site, first, going to the configuration page of the cash, the page is not shown, then if I add currencies they are not shown in the ACP related page and are not even seen by the other management pages related to the mod in the ACP, while the currencie is created in the table and even in the _user table. By the way it act maybe is related to the cache, but I've also deleted all the cache files and still nothing appearead, so I gave up for now... Even cash.php doesn't see the currencies even if they are created in the database. P.S. I'll try to add the currency and see if it shows up later so I can say if it's related to cache.

Yes it is a cache issue... how did you delete the user? From which page? I need to know that so I can add the clear cache function even to that page.

It came out because I test the registration process creating a fake user, then I delete it by the ACP. I think I deleted it from the users management page, but usually I prune them by the prune users page (non activated, never logged in) so maybe you could throw an eye on that page too.

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
Se si utilizza la URL_REWRITE alcuni thumbnails dell'album, almeno nei block della pagina principale, si incasinano mostrando la descrizione dell'immagine invece del thumbnail. Non ho capito perchè, dovrebbe capitare se la descrizione e' molto lunga. Ho risolto usando il titolo invece della descrizione come ALT (il titolo e' corto e la descrizione potrebbe essere invece molto lunga).

Are you talking about the default ALBUM block? I'll check it.

Yes, btw I simply suggest you to change the ALTernate text in the showing of the thumbnails from the description to the title of the picture, if the site doesn't load for whatever reason, the description, if it's long, messes up all the page. Again, some users write a long title , so the title, in the block, goes in two or more rows messing up the block: maybe that html thing that cut the line to a certain number of character can be useful, I'll use it on the album block of my site...
Quick thumbnails and generation of a mid-picuters don't wor in the blocks, only in the album, not a big deal btw.

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
Il caching delle immagini dell'album ha smesso di funzionare, non so perche' , aspetto la versione definitiva...

That is strange... can you check if it is working fine on this site?

Did you move the users pictures in subfolders?

You don't have a large database of pictures here, btw I don't know if it's a bug or something that I messed up, they were working and just stopped working properly: if I want them to work, I've to load the page twice. Yes I run the script to move the pictures in the subfolders (even if a lot are still in the main folder, working correctly). This is why I'll wait the release version to see what's going on: I'm lazy and I prefer to do the editing once and forever on a stable version.

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
Se non sbaglio i vari viewtopic dovrebbero essere diversi se si installa la cash mod e la activity mod, non vengono mostrati ne i trophies ne le currencies

I didn't implement that part... because I didn't want to add extra SQL charge in viewtopic... I believe those SQL are commented somewhere in that file... can you try to have a look please?

I've to find a copy of the mod somewhere 'cause amod site is out of line (maybe dead?)

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
Se ti e' possibile, sarebbe utile estendere il "Replace In Posts" anche ai titoli e all'album, nel passaggio da sql 4 a sql 5 mi sono portato dietro diversi caratteri "strani" che ho dovuto editare a mano...

That should be due to a different encoding... usually adding the correct collation or exporting and reimporting tables using the same charset should solve the problem.

Too late... I'm not an expert, btw the charset used should be different from sql 4 and 5 and phpbb 2 and 3, I fixed it editing the database offline. btw that mod should be extended to the album comments: if you want to swap something in the forum you would have it changed also in the album. I think the code in the (original) smartor's album is redundant, it would be cleaner if the album would be simply a special forum with the pictures added as attachments and comments added as replies with the album main page simply a show off of the first post's attachment and an upload page that simply write the title, the description and add the attachment, but this is another story.

Anyway thanks for the suggestion... I may consider this, but now I lack of free time... maybe after the final release. If you don't see this feature in a couple of months, send me a reminder via PM.

Thanks for your feedbacks.

No problem We're using your software since a lot of time ago, we're even carefully planning for a donation ...

tormentor [ Wed 11 Mar, 2009 22:01 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
URL_REWRITE on and SID attached to the link goes nowhere...

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 12 Mar, 2009 23:13 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Do you have a link and a test account to test a game on your site please?

Regarding album block I should have fixed it.

Regarding installation issue now I got you... the problem is that in the beta there was only the italian lang for the installation process...

tormentor wrote: [View Post]
URL_REWRITE on and SID attached to the link goes nowhere...

Do you have a link to check this as well?

Thanks for your debugging.

tormentor [ Fri 13 Mar, 2009 03:02 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
Do you have a link and a test account to test a game on your site please?

There is no mean because I already fixed it on my site by myself: I copied the only one function that is in functions_amod_includes_functions.php and pasted it in functions_amod_plus.php or you can call (include) functions_amod_includes_functions.php but this file is not included in newscore.php.
functions_amod_includes_plus.php in newscore.php.

About URL_REWRITE and SID, I turned off cookies on my browser and went for a tour, I think the bug is not only in the SVN version, btw if you turn on URL_REWRITE and use sessions instead of cookies, clicking on a username (in order to go to their profile page) you go to the forum page instead of the username's profile page.

I use a double encryption for passwords and sessions, but the error is still there even if I go vanilla version.

About the SEO I don't know if google is googling the site correctly, after a week it seems to have scanned the forum, I'll let you know.

Old PM_TEXT table has been removed as well many other.

They are not needed anymore with new version.

In 'ACP/DB & Security/Database manteinance/Optimize Database' it tries to optimize that table too, that is no longer existing. Note that you've two 'Optimize Database' , the main one under DB & Security looks better

tormentor [ Sun 15 Mar, 2009 23:19 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN

If you turn on "Disable HTML links for guests" in ACP/Configuration/Icy Phoenix/Posting And Messages

the message "You must be registered to view this link"

is hardwritten in the field "post_text_compiled" in phpbb_posts (or ip_posts)

So all the links in the forum disappear and you see You must be registered to view this link , logged in or not.

I had to turn on "Disable precompiled posts" to had it working properly

It took a while to figure what was happening, in any case you can recreate the error in this way:

-Turn on "Disable HTML links for guests"
-Keep off "Disable precompiled posts"
-Write a message with a link in it (like http://icyphoenix.com)

and you can see that you'll be no able to to see the link, logged in or not. Clearing the precomplied text cache is no help.

Actually I found that this thing come from the XS BBCODE mode but I was unable to find a working link to it...

It was a real mess, I can't say if it is only in the SVN or not...


"Guest" is shown in the list of users that watched a topic...


in ACP/Users/Prune Users if no users match the the given rule "Guest" is displayed ( I haven't clicked the button to see what happen...)


about the thumbnails' cache generation (album)

If you delete the thumbnails in the cache, they are generated again but they are not shown at first try.

I mean:
-I deleted all the thumbnails
-I went to the album page and no thumbnails were shown
-I had to reload the page in order to see the thumbnails
-In the following reloads of the page the thumbnails are shown correctly

My site is based on the show off of the pictures of the users, we have a lot of pictures, this "bug" causes a lot of holes.
I don't know if it's something that can be solved, in any case a script to regenerate the thumbnails could be useful, if I'm not wrong it was included in the older versions.

In order to correct this in a fast way I enlarged to thousands the number of rows and columns in the "most recent pics" block of the album and loaded the main album page so the thumbnails were generated all in one passage, now they are working correctly.


The "upgrade script" of the album moves the pictures in the subfolders (like in "photopost" ....) but doesn't delete the old ones in the main folder, I had to do it manually (permissions were all 777)


Crackertracker tables are cached, it means that if you add a value in the IP blocker, it is not shown until you delete the cached sql data, I don't even know if the value (for example an IP address) is effectively blocked if the data is not in the cache (it's written correctly in the database)


About the cash, it was also a cache problem, once deleted the sql cached entrie the currencies appeared...
Maybe you should add a cache delete for each entry in the ACP...

Hope it helps...

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 26 Mar, 2009 11:07 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Thanks for all your feedbacks and suggestions.

  • Tables optimization script retrieves all tables from your db... so if you see that table is because it is already there.
  • The feature "Disable links for registered users" isn't compatible with cached posts... you need to disable posts caching if you need that feature or your site is multilanguage. I should have fixed the feature in latest release... but if you need that option it is better that you disable precompilled posts.
  • On my sites thumbnails generation works fine even when cache is empty, are you sure that the thumbnails script didn't hang the server with too much requests when the cache is empty? Anyway I'll try again to check.
  • The upgrade script doesn't remove old pictures because if something goes wrong you will lose the source files... and I'm sure that someone will not have a backup... so better having them duplicated in case "disaster recovery" is needed. For most sites this should not be an issue.
  • All other cache problems I should have fixed.

Thanks for reporting, it has been a great help for debugging.

tormentor [ Sat 28 Mar, 2009 01:32 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Thank you

About the thumbnails generation, maybe is something with my server (godaddy), in any case, it's not a big issue if all the thumbs are already generated, the new one is generated after the first passage so it's not really a problem.

In any case, if you want to recreate it, just create a new picture and open a new tab or window on the browser directly on the category. If the thumb is shown the first time you load the page, the problem is on my server, if not is somewhere in the code.

Well, I'm not very comfortable to call "cached" the posts shown using the precompiled post mod, even if I can see the point of that mod on saving resources, it took a while to figure out what was going on . The nature of my site is not commercial, so disabling links for guests is a simple countermeasure against an eventual spammer that climbs the fence...

For the rest, thank you for your work, I hope that my little testing was useful , my site is going very well.

tormentor [ Wed 01 Apr, 2009 03:02 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Ok, new one

When you make a "news" (in the portal page) with a post that has an attachment this error appears:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: liw_get_dimensions() in ***/includes/attach_mod/displaying.php on line 952

I patched it including this line in displaying.php

include_once(IP_ROOT_PATH . 'includes/attach_mod/includes/functions_includes.' . PHP_EXT);

And still, in the portal page the page messes up in the news section if there is a news with an attahment, at least using Safari (browser)

Mighty Gorgon [ Wed 01 Apr, 2009 11:41 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Thanks for reporting... I didn't use LIW because it is really slow under certain conditions and server configurations... that is why I have created the new thumbnails and cache functions.

Anyway I should have solved this as well.


tormentor [ Thu 02 Apr, 2009 02:50 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
In the calendar row, in the forum page, if there are more than 5 users having a birthday, an arrow should appear (arrow_down.gif) in the prosilver theme, but there is nothing (the arrow_up.gif appears...) I still have to find the tpl and see what's wrong, maybe a typo error because the file is present under "buttons"

And about the previous error, even if "fixed" the attachment is the second "<div>" section in the news tpl under the message body, for some reasons, in Safari it doesn't appear under the first <div> but it's moved to the right... No matter what I tried, I had to comment out the line...

I had no occasions to test it with Safari 3, I've Safari 4 Beta on my hackintosh ...

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 02 Apr, 2009 12:55 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Thanks for reporting the calendar issue... the problem is related to default.cfg.

I should have fixed it and I'll update SVN soon.


Mighty Gorgon [ Mon 26 Oct, 2009 23:22 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Hi all,
I just wanted to inform you that I have updated SVN with latest development version which is the base for Icy Phoenix 2.0.

Please remember that SVN version is NOT supported, and should never be used on live sites, because no upgrade instructions or patches will be provided.

This new version is highly unstable and I need help in debugging it.

Anyone is willing to try it is more than welcome.

You can report all bugs and errors in General Supports forum, and please specify that you are using SVN. Again, no support will be given unless it is for bugs fixing.

Also I would like to point out that I have not fully tested the upgrade procedure so you may not be able to upgrade existing older Icy Phoenix version with this package.

Thank you for reading and thanks to everyone which is willing to provide some feedbacks.

Mighty Gorgon [ Wed 04 Nov, 2009 10:23 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Hi all,
I have updated again files in SVN:

  • Fixed many reported bugs
  • Fixed LoFi
  • Added some plugins (KB, Downloads, Activity are now plugins!)
  • Updated English and Italian lang files

I am planning to update this website next week with the new version, so everyone could test it online.

There are many bugs left behind due to the new structure, but I will sort them out while testing it live.

Please note that this version is highly unstable and I discourage using it on any live site. As usual SVN is not supported unless it is for bugs... and in any case you may not be able to upgrade to future relese.

If you would like to help in development, just download SVN release and try it on your testing environment.


pax [ Thu 05 Nov, 2009 00:37 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Plugins don't go.

In acp menù this error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare deregister_globals() (previously declared in C:\xampp\htdocs\nuova_icy\common.php:65) in C:\xampp\htdocs\nuova_icy\common.php on line 126

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 05 Nov, 2009 21:31 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Thanks for reporting, try to check new files in SVN, I should have fixed it.

pax [ Fri 06 Nov, 2009 18:07 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
ok, how can select plugin? In acp Menù don't appear...

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 07 Nov, 2009 10:50 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
OPEN includes/constants.php
Code: [Hide] [Select]
// Mighty Gorgon - PLUGINS - BEGIN
// Please note that you need to have these plugins downloaded and installed to make them work... do not enable them if you don't have the files, or you may have errors.
define('PLUGINS_PATH', 'plugins/');
// Downloads
define('DL_PLUGIN_ENABLED', false); // Allowed values => true / false
define('DL_PLUGIN_PATH', PLUGINS_PATH . 'downloads/');
// Knowledge Base
define('KB_PLUGIN_ENABLED', false); // Allowed values => true / false
define('KB_PLUGIN_PATH', PLUGINS_PATH . 'kb/');
// Activity
define('ACTIVITY_PLUGIN_ENABLED', false); // Allowed values => true / false
define('ACTIVITY_PLUGIN_PATH', PLUGINS_PATH . 'activity/');
// Cash
define('CASH_PLUGIN_ENABLED', false); // Allowed values => true / false
// Mighty Gorgon - PLUGINS - END

You can enable features by switching the value from false to true.

pax [ Sat 07 Nov, 2009 11:41 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
ok, and for database table??

activity request it!

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 07 Nov, 2009 11:51 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix Goes SVN
Activity should create all tables from ACP.

Isn't that working?

Please open a new topic for these issues, as we should keep this topic clean.

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