New Patch For Icy Phoenix 1.3 Being Released Soon »  Show posts from    to     

Icy Phoenix

News And Announcements - New Patch For Icy Phoenix 1.3 Being Released Soon

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 20 Feb, 2011 09:54 ]
Post subject: New Patch For Icy Phoenix 1.3 Being Released Soon
Hi all,
I just wanted you to know that I'm going to release a new patch for Icy Phoenix 1.3, because a new XSS Vulnerability has been found and kindly reported by Saif El-Sherei who I thank.

I won't tell you more at this stage because I don't want this vulnerability to be exploited before the patch is released.

I have already fixed the vulnerability, but before releasing the patch I just wanted to make sure that there are any other open issues.

If you think there is something else to be fixed urgently (with this new patch), please contact me, otherwise I'm planning to release the patch within a couple of days.

Thank you very much.

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