I ran in to a small issue. Me being me, I have to click links of all sorts in places most people would never click, but if it there, I'm going to click it just because. If it don't work it needs fixed or gone so there for I test and test and click and click.
In the Knowledge Base there is a link and here it is:
Clicking that gave me this:
In this case I know for 100% certain it is a php.ini error. BUT for all you coding gurus out there, is there any way to fix this on a server that we do NOT have access to the php.ini file? Obviously you can tell from the screnshot this error is on my local host server so iw as able to fix it by setting:
Can I drop this: in my code somewhere and make it work on my live web host?
To be exact I think it is a not a regular php.ini issue
Anyway, this problem should never be an issue on my site for any user at any time other than a mod or admin. Normal users will never see that link..... I think. that was in my forum that I have it set to view Private. So if no fix, that's perfectly fine by me. was just food for thought.