Re: How To Add Poll In Main Page?
Isn't that part of any forum in ICY? I'm asking since that's how I use polls.
New Post --> scroll down to 'Add Poll' --> fill in your question and answer field(s). In the main topic, type in a subject and something relating to the poll. When you submit, it should show up on the front page. Voting then takes you to the forum post.
If it's not a appearing on the front page. Go to CMS --- CMS Pages --> 3 Columns and click the coloured blocks (Blocks configuration). Make sure 'Poll' is there as a block and it's status is on; place a check inside the box. Go back to your main page and see if it's there.
I'm not sure about configuration concerning the
ACP however and don't remember using it for polls.
I hope this has been of some help to you.