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Joined: January 2008
Posts: 41
Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
Hi there.
I've searched tha other posts about moving from phpbb to IP, including some tips on how to do it.
I've tried some of the "tricks" suggested, but it seems not to be working as expected.
What I really need as support from the experienced IP users and creators would be a step by step tutorial on how one can import a phpbb database (forum structure, contents, members accounts, passwords, avatars, posts and post counts, etc, into a new installed IP board.
All I can say now is that I've tried even replacing the "ip_" prefix with "phpbb_" prefix (asa well as the other way around from "phpbb_" to "ip_" and nothing) and attempted to upload the phpbb dabase as a recovery file, then from the Control Panel (myadmin) replaced the installed database that was installed with the IP fresh installation with the saved phpbb database,.... I've tried almost everything I could think of. Still, it doesn't work. I might be doing something the wrong way. Yet I cannot afford to disapoint my forum members (almost 3000) by just moving them from phpbb to IP and asking them to register again, loosing their posts and messages, all the board settings that took long nights of work to achieve.
I would appreciate any kind of suggestions and/or support that will help me use the current phpbb database with IP board.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions and/or instructions you might come up with.
Cheers and keep up the great work U all are doing here.
You have my respect and recognition for what you have achieved.
____________ Mr.Wizzard
Audaces Vincit
#1 Sun 17 Feb, 2008 08:47 |
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Location: Madrid (Spain)
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
____________ Gabriel Anca
#2 Sun 17 Feb, 2008 11:56 |
Joined: January 2008
Posts: 41
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
I did try. The result was a mess...
____________ Mr.Wizzard
Audaces Vincit
#3 Sun 17 Feb, 2008 14:50 |
Joined: November 2006
Posts: 494
Location: Madrid (Spain)
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
Do you have a backup?
Please restore it and try it again. After trying if it doesn't work link me to your page to see what's wrong.
If you don't have a backup readme wrote: if you don't do a backup, don't dare to ask for support!
____________ Gabriel Anca
#4 Sun 17 Feb, 2008 15:04 |
Joined: January 2008
Posts: 41
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
Lucky me I do have a backup of the old database. It would be stupid not to have one ...
OK ! I will give it another shot and see what goes.
____________ Mr.Wizzard
Audaces Vincit
#5 Sun 17 Feb, 2008 15:19 |
Mighty Gorgon
Luca Libralato
Joined: August 2006
Posts: 7192
Location: Borgo San Michele
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
Did you have standard phpBB or modded one?
If you upgrade properly the upgrade script should do its job fine.
____________ Luca
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Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt - CustomIcy - HON
#6 Mon 18 Feb, 2008 23:41 |
Joined: January 2008
Posts: 41
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
Did you have standard phpBB or modded one?
If you upgrade properly the upgrade script should do its job fine.
It is a modded one (the Romanian version of the English one). In fact, to clarify the current situation, I did not really attempted to convert the real board (even tough I make regular backups on the forum), but rather testing it on a secondary board, installed just for learning the right and correct steps for upgrading it to IP.
Due to the work load at the office, I have spare time only at home, therefore little time to work on it, but, I'm trying.
As soon as I manage to perform the required supgrading steps, I will let you know the outcome. One question tough: Do I have to copy the update_to_ip.php (which is in install folder) into the root directory of the phpbb board and then laungh it from there? Or do I have to copy the whole IP filres into the root folder, move the update_to_ip.php to the root folder and then launch the upgrading process? Just to be sure that I've understood correctly.
____________ Mr.Wizzard
Audaces Vincit
#7 Tue 19 Feb, 2008 06:49 |
Joined: January 2008
Posts: 41
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
Proceeded as instructed and here is what I got as listed errors:
# CREATE TABLE `phpbb_album` ( `pic_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `pic_filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `pic_thumbnail` varchar(255) NULL default '', `pic_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `pic_desc` text, `pic_user_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', `pic_username` varchar(32) NULL default '', `pic_user_ip` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '0', `pic_time` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `pic_cat_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '1', `pic_view_count` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `pic_lock` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0', `pic_approval` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '1', PRIMARY KEY (`pic_id`), KEY `pic_cat_id` (`pic_cat_id`), KEY `pic_user_id` (`pic_user_id`), KEY `pic_time` (`pic_time`) )
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_album' already exists
# CREATE TABLE `phpbb_album_cat` ( `cat_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `cat_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `cat_desc` text, `cat_order` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', `cat_view_level` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '-1', `cat_upload_level` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0', `cat_rate_level` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0', `cat_comment_level` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0', `cat_edit_level` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0', `cat_delete_level` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '2', `cat_view_groups` varchar(255) NULL default '', `cat_upload_groups` varchar(255) NULL default '', `cat_rate_groups` varchar(255) NULL default '', `cat_comment_groups` varchar(255) NULL default '', `cat_edit_groups` varchar(255) NULL default '', `cat_delete_groups` varchar(255) NULL default '', `cat_moderator_groups` varchar(255) NULL default '', `cat_approval` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0', `cat_parent` mediumint(8) unsigned default '0', `cat_user_id` mediumint(8) unsigned default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`cat_id`), KEY `cat_order` (`cat_order`) )
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_album_cat' already exists
# CREATE TABLE `phpbb_album_comment` ( `comment_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `comment_pic_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `comment_cat_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `comment_user_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', `comment_username` varchar(32) default '', `comment_user_ip` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '', `comment_time` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `comment_text` text, `comment_edit_time` int(11) unsigned default NULL, `comment_edit_count` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `comment_edit_user_id` mediumint(8) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`comment_id`), KEY `comment_pic_id` (`comment_pic_id`), KEY `comment_user_id` (`comment_user_id`), KEY `comment_user_ip` (`comment_user_ip`), KEY `comment_time` (`comment_time`) )
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_album_comment' already exists
# CREATE TABLE `phpbb_album_config` ( `config_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `config_value` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`config_name`) )
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_album_config' already exists
# CREATE TABLE `phpbb_album_rate` ( `rate_pic_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `rate_user_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', `rate_user_ip` char(8) NOT NULL default '', `rate_point` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `rate_hon_point` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0', KEY `rate_pic_id` (`rate_pic_id`), KEY `rate_user_id` (`rate_user_id`), KEY `rate_user_ip` (`rate_user_ip`), KEY `rate_point` (`rate_point`) )
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_album_rate' already exists
# CREATE TABLE phpbb_attachments_config ( config_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, config_value varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (config_name) )
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_attachments_config' already exists
# CREATE TABLE phpbb_forbidden_extensions ( ext_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, extension varchar(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ext_id) )
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_forbidden_extensions' already exists
# CREATE TABLE phpbb_extension_groups ( group_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment, group_name char(20) NOT NULL, cat_id tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, allow_group tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, download_mode tinyint(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, upload_icon varchar(100) DEFAULT '', max_filesize int(20) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, forum_permissions varchar(255) default '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY group_id (group_id) )
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_extension_groups' already exists
# CREATE TABLE phpbb_extensions ( ext_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, group_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, extension varchar(100) NOT NULL, comment varchar(100), PRIMARY KEY ext_id (ext_id) )
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_extensions' already exists
# CREATE TABLE phpbb_attachments_desc ( attach_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, physical_filename varchar(255) NOT NULL, real_filename varchar(255) NOT NULL, download_count mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, comment varchar(255), extension varchar(100), mimetype varchar(100), filesize int(20) NOT NULL, filetime int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, thumbnail tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (attach_id), KEY filetime (filetime), KEY physical_filename (physical_filename(10)), KEY filesize (filesize) )
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_attachments_desc' already exists
# CREATE TABLE phpbb_attachments ( attach_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, post_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, privmsgs_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, user_id_1 mediumint(8) NOT NULL, user_id_2 mediumint(8) NOT NULL, KEY attach_id_post_id (attach_id, post_id), KEY attach_id_privmsgs_id (attach_id, privmsgs_id), KEY post_id (post_id), KEY privmsgs_id (privmsgs_id) )
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_attachments' already exists
# CREATE TABLE phpbb_quota_limits ( quota_limit_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, quota_desc varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', quota_limit bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (quota_limit_id) )
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_quota_limits' already exists
# CREATE TABLE phpbb_attach_quota ( user_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', group_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', quota_type smallint(2) NOT NULL default '0', quota_limit_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', KEY quota_type (quota_type) )
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_attach_quota' already exists
# ALTER TABLE phpbb_forums ADD auth_download TINYINT(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
+++ Error: Duplicate column name 'auth_download'
# ALTER TABLE phpbb_auth_access ADD auth_download TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
+++ Error: Duplicate column name 'auth_download'
# ALTER TABLE phpbb_posts ADD post_attachment TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
+++ Error: Duplicate column name 'post_attachment'
# ALTER TABLE phpbb_topics ADD topic_attachment TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
+++ Error: Duplicate column name 'topic_attachment'
# ALTER TABLE phpbb_privmsgs ADD privmsgs_attachment TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
+++ Error: Duplicate column name 'privmsgs_attachment'
ALTER TABLE phpbb_auth_access ADD `auth_mod` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'
+++ Error: Duplicate column name 'auth_mod'
CREATE TABLE `phpbb_hacks_list` ( `hack_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `hack_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `hack_desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `hack_author` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `hack_author_email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `hack_author_website` tinytext NOT NULL, `hack_version` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `hack_hide` enum('Yes','No') NOT NULL default 'No', `hack_download_url` tinytext NOT NULL, `hack_file` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `hack_file_mtime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`hack_id`), UNIQUE KEY `hack_name` (`hack_name`), KEY `hack_file` (`hack_file`), KEY `hack_hide` (`hack_hide`) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1
+++ Error: Table 'phpbb_hacks_list' already exists
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('max_pics', '1024')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'max_pics' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('user_pics_limit', '-1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'user_pics_limit' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('mod_pics_limit', '-1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'mod_pics_limit' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('max_file_size', '128000')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'max_file_size' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('max_width', '1024')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'max_width' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('max_height', '768')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'max_height' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('rows_per_page', '5')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'rows_per_page' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('cols_per_page', '4')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'cols_per_page' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('fullpic_popup', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'fullpic_popup' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('thumbnail_quality', '75')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'thumbnail_quality' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('thumbnail_size', '125')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'thumbnail_size' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('thumbnail_cache', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'thumbnail_cache' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('sort_method', 'pic_time')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'sort_method' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('sort_order', 'DESC')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'sort_order' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('jpg_allowed', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'jpg_allowed' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('png_allowed', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'png_allowed' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('gif_allowed', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'gif_allowed' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('desc_length', '512')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'desc_length' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('hotlink_prevent', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'hotlink_prevent' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('hotlink_allowed', 'mightygorgon.com,icyphoenix.com')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'hotlink_allowed' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('personal_gallery', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'personal_gallery' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('personal_gallery_private', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'personal_gallery_private' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('personal_gallery_limit', '-1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'personal_gallery_limit' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('personal_gallery_view', '-1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'personal_gallery_view' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('rate', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'rate' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('rate_scale', '10')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'rate_scale' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('comment', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'comment' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('gd_version', '2')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'gd_version' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('album_version', '.0.56')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'album_version' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('fap_version', '1.2.4')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'fap_version' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_index_thumb', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_index_thumb' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_index_total_pics', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_index_total_pics' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_index_total_comments', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_index_total_comments' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_index_comments', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_index_comments' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_index_last_comment', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_index_last_comment' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_index_last_pic', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_index_last_pic' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_index_pics', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_index_pics' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_recent_in_subcats', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_recent_in_subcats' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_recent_instead_of_nopics', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_recent_instead_of_nopics' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('line_break_subcats', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'line_break_subcats' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_index_subcats', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_index_subcats' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('personal_allow_gallery_mod', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'personal_allow_gallery_mod' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('personal_allow_sub_categories', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'personal_allow_sub_categories' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('personal_sub_category_limit', '-1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'personal_sub_category_limit' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('personal_show_subcats_in_index', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'personal_show_subcats_in_index' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('personal_show_recent_in_subcats', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'personal_show_recent_in_subcats' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('personal_show_recent_instead_of_nopics', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'personal_show_recent_instead_of_nopics' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_personal_gallery_link', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_personal_gallery_link' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('album_category_sorting', 'cat_order')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'album_category_sorting' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('album_category_sorting_direction', 'ASC')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'album_category_sorting_direction' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('album_debug_mode', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'album_debug_mode' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_all_in_personal_gallery', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_all_in_personal_gallery' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('new_pic_check_interval', '1M')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'new_pic_check_interval' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('index_enable_supercells', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'index_enable_supercells' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('email_notification', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'email_notification' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_download', '2')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_download' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_slideshow', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_slideshow' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_pic_size_on_thumb', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_pic_size_on_thumb' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('hon_rate_users', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'hon_rate_users' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('hon_rate_where', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'hon_rate_where' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('hon_rate_sep', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'hon_rate_sep' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('hon_rate_times', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'hon_rate_times' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('disp_watermark_at', '3')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'disp_watermark_at' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('wut_users', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'wut_users' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('use_watermark', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'use_watermark' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('rate_type', '2')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'rate_type' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('disp_rand', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'disp_rand' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('disp_mostv', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'disp_mostv' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('disp_high', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'disp_high' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('disp_late', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'disp_late' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('img_cols', '4')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'img_cols' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('img_rows', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'img_rows' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('midthumb_use', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'midthumb_use' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('midthumb_height', '450')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'midthumb_height' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('midthumb_width', '600')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'midthumb_width' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('midthumb_cache', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'midthumb_cache' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('max_files_to_upload', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'max_files_to_upload' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('max_pregenerated_fields', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'max_pregenerated_fields' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('dynamic_fields', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'dynamic_fields' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('pregenerate_fields', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'pregenerate_fields' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('propercase_pic_title', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'propercase_pic_title' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_index_last_pic_lv', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_index_last_pic_lv' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('personal_pics_approval', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'personal_pics_approval' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_img_no_gd', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_img_no_gd' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('dynamic_pic_resampling', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'dynamic_pic_resampling' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('max_file_size_resampling', '1024000')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'max_file_size_resampling' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('switch_nuffload', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'switch_nuffload' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('path_to_bin', './cgi-bin/')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'path_to_bin' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('perl_uploader', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'perl_uploader' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_progress_bar', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_progress_bar' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('close_on_finish', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'close_on_finish' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('max_pause', '5')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'max_pause' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('simple_format', '0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'simple_format' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('multiple_uploads', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'multiple_uploads' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('max_uploads', '5')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'max_uploads' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('zip_uploads', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'zip_uploads' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('resize_pic', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'resize_pic' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('resize_width', '600')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'resize_width' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('resize_height', '600')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'resize_height' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('resize_quality', '70')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'resize_quality' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_pics_nav', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_pics_nav' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_inline_copyright' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'enable_nuffimage' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'personal_allow_avatar_gallery' for key 1
# INSERT INTO `phpbb_album_config` VALUES ('show_gif_mid_thumb', '1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_gif_mid_thumb' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'slideshow_script' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'upload_dir' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'upload_img' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'topic_icon' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'display_order' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'max_filesize' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'attachment_quota' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_filesize_pm','262144')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'max_filesize_pm' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_attachments','3')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'max_attachments' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('max_attachments_pm','1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'max_attachments_pm' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'disable_mod' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'allow_pm_attach' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'attachment_topic_review' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'allow_ftp_upload' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'show_apcp' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'attach_version' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'default_upload_quota' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'default_pm_quota' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('ftp_server','')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'ftp_server' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('ftp_path','')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'ftp_path' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('download_path','')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'download_path' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('ftp_user','')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'ftp_user' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('ftp_pass','')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'ftp_pass' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('ftp_pasv_mode','1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'ftp_pasv_mode' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('img_display_inlined','1')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'img_display_inlined' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'img_max_width' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'img_max_height' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'img_link_width' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('img_link_height','0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'img_link_height' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('img_create_thumbnail','0')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'img_create_thumbnail' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('img_min_thumb_filesize','12000')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'img_min_thumb_filesize' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('img_imagick', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'img_imagick' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'use_gd2' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'wma_autoplay' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry 'flash_autoplay' for key 1
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+++ Error: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
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# INSERT INTO phpbb_forbidden_extensions (ext_id, extension) VALUES (3,'php4')
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# INSERT INTO phpbb_forbidden_extensions (ext_id, extension) VALUES (4,'phtml')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '4' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_forbidden_extensions (ext_id, extension) VALUES (5,'pl')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '5' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_forbidden_extensions (ext_id, extension) VALUES (6,'asp')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '6' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_forbidden_extensions (ext_id, extension) VALUES (7,'cgi')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '7' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extension_groups (group_id, group_name, cat_id, allow_group, download_mode, upload_icon, max_filesize, forum_permissions) VALUES (1,'Images',1,1,1,'',0,'')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extension_groups (group_id, group_name, cat_id, allow_group, download_mode, upload_icon, max_filesize, forum_permissions) VALUES (2,'Archives',0,1,1,'',0,'')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '2' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extension_groups (group_id, group_name, cat_id, allow_group, download_mode, upload_icon, max_filesize, forum_permissions) VALUES (3,'Plain Text',0,0,1,'',0,'')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '3' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extension_groups (group_id, group_name, cat_id, allow_group, download_mode, upload_icon, max_filesize, forum_permissions) VALUES (4,'Documents',0,0,1,'',0,'')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '4' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extension_groups (group_id, group_name, cat_id, allow_group, download_mode, upload_icon, max_filesize, forum_permissions) VALUES (5,'Real Media',0,0,2,'',0,'')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '5' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extension_groups (group_id, group_name, cat_id, allow_group, download_mode, upload_icon, max_filesize, forum_permissions) VALUES (6,'Streams',2,0,1,'',0,'')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '6' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extension_groups (group_id, group_name, cat_id, allow_group, download_mode, upload_icon, max_filesize, forum_permissions) VALUES (7,'Flash Files',3,0,1,'',0,'')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '7' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (1, 1,'gif', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (2, 1,'png', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '2' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (3, 1,'jpeg', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '3' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (4, 1,'jpg', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '4' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (5, 1,'tif', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '5' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (6, 1,'tga', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '6' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (7, 2,'gtar', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '7' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (8, 2,'gz', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '8' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (9, 2,'tar', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '9' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (10, 2,'zip', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '10' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (11, 2,'rar', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '11' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (12, 2,'ace', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '12' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (13, 3,'txt', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '13' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (14, 3,'c', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '14' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (15, 3,'h', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '15' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (16, 3,'cpp', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '16' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (17, 3,'hpp', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '17' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (18, 3,'diz', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '18' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (19, 4,'xls', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '19' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (20, 4,'doc', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '20' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (21, 4,'dot', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '21' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (22, 4,'pdf', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '22' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (23, 4,'ai', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '23' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (24, 4,'ps', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '24' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (25, 4,'ppt', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '25' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (26, 5,'rm', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '26' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (27, 6,'wma', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '27' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_extensions (ext_id, group_id, extension, comment) VALUES (28, 7,'swf', '')
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '28' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_quota_limits (quota_limit_id, quota_desc, quota_limit) VALUES (1, 'Low', 262144)
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_quota_limits (quota_limit_id, quota_desc, quota_limit) VALUES (2, 'Medium', 2097152)
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '2' for key 1
# INSERT INTO phpbb_quota_limits (quota_limit_id, quota_desc, quota_limit) VALUES (3, 'High', 5242880)
+++ Error: Duplicate entry '3' for key 1
Quote: DROP TABLE phpbb_cracktrack
+++ Error: Unknown table 'phpbb_cracktrack'
Quote: # CHMOD Files
# CHMOD 0777: cache
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: cache
# CHMOD 0777: ctracker/logfiles/logfile_attempt_counter.txt
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: ctracker/logfiles/logfile_attempt_counter.txt
# CHMOD 0777: ctracker/logfiles/logfile_blocklist.txt
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: ctracker/logfiles/logfile_blocklist.txt
# CHMOD 0777: ctracker/logfiles/logfile_debug_mode.txt
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: ctracker/logfiles/logfile_debug_mode.txt
# CHMOD 0777: ctracker/logfiles/logfile_malformed_logins.txt
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: ctracker/logfiles/logfile_malformed_logins.txt
# CHMOD 0777: ctracker/logfiles/logfile_spammer.txt
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: ctracker/logfiles/logfile_spammer.txt
# CHMOD 0777: ctracker/logfiles/logfile_worms.txt
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: ctracker/logfiles/logfile_worms.txt
# CHMOD 0777: files
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: files
# CHMOD 0777: files/album
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: files/album
# CHMOD 0777: files/album/cache
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: files/album/cache
# CHMOD 0777: files/album/med_cache
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: files/album/med_cache
# CHMOD 0777: files/album/wm_cache
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: files/album/wm_cache
# CHMOD 0777: files/posted_images
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: files/posted_images
# CHMOD 0777: files/thumbs
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: files/thumbs
# CHMOD 0777: images/avatars
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: images/avatars
# CHMOD 0777: logs
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: logs
# CHMOD 0777: pafiledb/uploads
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: pafiledb/uploads
# CHMOD 0777: pafiledb/cache
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: pafiledb/cache
# CHMOD 0777: pafiledb/cache/templates
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: pafiledb/cache/templates
# CHMOD 0777: pafiledb/cache/templates/ca_aphrodite
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: pafiledb/cache/templates/ca_aphrodite
# CHMOD 0777: pafiledb/cache/templates/mg_themes
+++ Error CHMOD 0777: pafiledb/cache/templates/mg_themes
# CHMOD 0666: includes/def_themes.php
+++ Error CHMOD 0666: includes/def_themes.php
# CHMOD 0666: includes/def_tree.php
+++ Error CHMOD 0666: includes/def_tree.php
# CHMOD 0666: includes/def_words.php
+++ Error CHMOD 0666: includes/def_words.php
# CHMOD 0666: language/lang_english/lang_extend.php
+++ Error CHMOD 0666: language/lang_english/lang_extend.php
____________ Mr.Wizzard
Audaces Vincit
Edited by novice programmer, Tue 19 Feb, 2008 16:52: Added spoiler. |
#8 Tue 19 Feb, 2008 09:40 |
novice programmer
Joined: June 2007
Posts: 1030
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
Please, use spoilers. Modifying...
#9 Tue 19 Feb, 2008 16:47 |
Joined: November 2006
Posts: 494
Location: Madrid (Spain)
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
These errors doesn't seem to be important. I guess you had FAP and Attachment mod already installed, isn't true?
Note to apply the specified CHMOD manually.
____________ Gabriel Anca
#10 Tue 19 Feb, 2008 21:14 |
Joined: January 2008
Posts: 41
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
These errors doesn't seem to be important. I guess you had FAP and Attachment mod already installed, isn't true?
Note to apply the specified CHMOD manually.
I finally managed to 'convert' the php database into another php database, this time under IP board. Fact is that I managed to import the users database with their passwords, and most of the topic and messages (or so MyAdmin said after importing the database), but also is a fact that this process also messed up the IP board layout and content. Practically all users are imported but I cannot acces the Forum main page, yet the Home page looks good enough. Also I can acces the ACP but this also look more like the old phpbb than like the IP. What should I do? All I need is to be able to save users and their access passwords as well as their messages. The rest I can redo once more if necessary.
For better understanding of how the things are, check for yourselves here: http://wizzard.phpnet.us
____________ Mr.Wizzard
Audaces Vincit
#11 Fri 22 Feb, 2008 16:30 |
Joined: January 2008
Posts: 1334
Location: [Censor]
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
hmm interesanting...but..
this is lot of work and who know if ever be ok...
isnt better and safeier just upgrade to ICY
____________ We are the phpBBorg. Lower your Crackers. Your phpological and forumological distinctivness will be added to our own. Resistance if futile!
#12 Fri 22 Feb, 2008 16:43 |
Joined: January 2008
Posts: 41
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
hmm interesanting...but..
this is lot of work and who know if ever be ok...
isnt better and safeier just upgrade to ICY
This is exactly what I did, my friend... upgrading from phpbb 2.0.22 to IP version, only that when installing the upgrade of the IP on top of the old phpbb board I kept the php_ prefix too. I did try the regular ip_ prefix in the first attempts, but it didn't worked at all, getting loads of errors. This was the only solution of upgrade that seemed to work (to a certain degree)
____________ Mr.Wizzard
Audaces Vincit
#13 Fri 22 Feb, 2008 16:51 |
Joined: January 2008
Posts: 1334
Location: [Censor]
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
hmm interesanting...but..
this is lot of work and who know if ever be ok...
isnt better and safeier just upgrade to ICY
This is exactly what I did, my friend... upgrading from phpbb 2.0.22 to IP version, only that when installing the upgrade of the IP on top of the old phpbb board I kept the php_ prefix too. I did try the regular ip_ prefix in the first attempts, but it didn't worked at all, getting loads of errors. This was the only solution of upgrade that seemed to work (to a certain degree)
can u restore your old phpbb and try again....
i m not expert ..but i upgraded sucesfuuly very important is that strict follow instructios of MG ...
ADD:very importan is if u haved only phpBB or phpBB XS
____________ We are the phpBBorg. Lower your Crackers. Your phpological and forumological distinctivness will be added to our own. Resistance if futile!
#14 Fri 22 Feb, 2008 17:14 |
Joined: January 2008
Posts: 41
Re: Importing Phpbb Database Into IP Database
can u restore your old phpbb and try again.... i m not expert ..but i upgraded sucesfuuly very important is that strict follow instructios of MG ...
ADD:very importan is if u haved only phpBB or phpBB XS
Restoring it back to the old php board would not be a problem since I made backups both of the forum as well as of the database. This is why I could make several attempts and try out several times as per MG's intructions. The link I've p[osted above is especially made for trying out the instructions and learning from my mistakes until getting it right so then, I can go back to my real board where to perform the upgrade "by the book" and without any faults.
So at this time I am willing to perform as many attemps and put into practice as many advices from you for as long as it takes until getting it done perfectly. One problem might be because the version of my old phpbb board is a localized one, in Romanian, and it has a number of premoded items implemented into it. This might be a reason why despite my previous atempts it doesn't work as expected.
I am open to any suggestions.
____________ Mr.Wizzard
Audaces Vincit
#15 Fri 22 Feb, 2008 17:30 |
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