Is it OK, if I do it this way? So I can get a backup If I want:
- <!--<tr>-->
- <!--<td class="row1" height="50" colspan="{catfooter.cat_public_footer.FOOTER_COL_SPAN}" onMouseOver="this.className='row2';" onMouseOut="this.className='row1';">-->
- <!--<span class="forumlink">-->
- <!-- {NAV_DOT} <a href="{U_ALBUM_OTF}" class="cattitle">{L_ALBUM_OTF}</a>-->
- <!--</span>-->
- <!--</td>-->
- <!--</tr>-->
That's OK right? I'm using the Icy Phoenix 1.0.66 I guess. The code is a little different here, but that code above is just in the normal one. With the "<!--code-->" to disable it instead of showing it.