Hi everybody!
I founded this error on chat, time ago, and now I can see it again. It is viewed on viewtopic.php and viewforum.php, when a topic has a calendar date. Under the topic title, there is a string that tells: From (date1) to (date2) (included).
The thing is that if you have the spanish language pack installed, the string showed is:
From to (included)
(but written in spanish). The problem is the f*** date format. I do not know why someone had the idea to create date's strings to translate time marks into human dates, when PHP includes all this stuff needed for this purpose. Only setting the Locale, all the Months, days of the week, times, everything should be translated automatic without making people type useless code.
As I told at the beginning, chat (not shoutbox), does not show the date at the left margin of shouts, if you are using spanish language.
The problem is that the lang_main_settings.php of spanish language does not have all the vars. In this case, the 'DATE_FORMAT_CALENDAR' $lang array position was not defined on lang_spanish, so I had to create it for fix this problem.
This are all not defined array positions:
$lang['Extra_Meta'] = '';
$lang['DATE_FORMAT_CHAT'] = 'Y/m/d - H.i.s';
$lang['DATE_FORMAT_DATE_JQUI_PHP'] = 'Y/m/d';
$lang['DATE_FORMAT_DATE_MYSQL_PHP'] = 'ymd';
and of course
$lang['DATE_FORMAT_CALENDAR'] = 'd F Y';
they can be copied to the spanish lang_main_settings.php directly because translated are the same.
I think this should be reported and fixed.