Re: [MOD IPv1.3.0.*] Site Announcement Centre
( I won't reply about personal things : I think it goes too far ^^ Sry for have come in such way )
( Edit : but I'm happy for you if your children have a so good opinion of you ^^ My own father could be happy the rest of his life if he had only 1% or just 0.5% of that from me xd But we move away the topic ... XD ).
That's strange because this morning, when I've read your reply, I tried to see on my own if that was a problem of compatibility with the other mods ( as if I had some doubts ). That's why I made a fresh install with only
ACP announcement center and when I tried it, it gave me the same problem than with my other mods : page wasn't updated. Then I saw that you updated your package the next day I downloaded it and I tried to see if that could change something. I compared install.txt with winmerge ( no change ) then I just updated root files into my fresh install with only your mod and, alleluia, this time everything was ok ! Had no problem and I could change both messages as I want.
Now, all I can tell is that my previous version of
ACP Announcement Center I had a prob and when I updated it with your latest package, I had none. My conclusion after that is obvious ... =/ But that's all I can tell : I deleted old files, thinking there will be useless now and I didn't think to WinMerge each file for see what changed and what could have fix my prob ... But IMO it surely due to one of your modification in adm/admin_announcement_centre.php ... Needn't to be really intelligent for see that my prob was due to a miss sending of SQL quiery ( " submit " button malfunction, something like that ).
That's my opinion about my prob. I suppose now the most important isn't to find exactly why I bugged but rather that It's fixed ** I repeat my thanks for your help anyway ^^ Ty :p
( Edit 2 : Ah forgot your last line ... " My first prob " ? If you mean my problem of navigation header, it's not because of your mod ^^ I also checked it during the fresh install. It's not due to Topic Cement too. By elimination, I suppose it's due to page permission ... I will verify it and report it in the right place if need. For me I don't need page permission so it won't be a great lose ^^ ).