Re: Quick Question About Ranks
Ok, solved as follows:
includes/functions_profile_fields.php I found the function that generates profile fields:
- if($location == AUTHOR)
- {
- //$cp_udata_cache[$id]['author'][] = ($profile_names[$name]) ? $name . ': ' . $profile_names[$name] : '';
- $cp_udata_cache[$id]['author'][] = ($profile_names[$name]) ? $field_name . ': ' . $profile_names[$name] : '';
And I cut the variable
$field_name which shows the profile name:
- if($location == AUTHOR)
- {
- //$cp_udata_cache[$id]['author'][] = ($profile_names[$name]) ? $name . ': ' . $profile_names[$name] : '';
- $cp_udata_cache[$id]['author'][] = ($profile_names[$name]) ? $profile_names[$name] : '';
Then in
templates/ca_aphrodite/viewtopic_body.tpl I moved the code that generates the field, forcing it to appear just under the avatar. I took
- <!-- BEGIN author_profile -->
- {postrow.author_profile.AUTHOR_VAL}<br />
- <!-- END author_profile -->
and put it just after
- <!-- BEGIN switch_showavatars -->
- <span class="post-images"><a href="javascript:quotename('[b]{postrow.POSTER_NAME_QQ}[/b],')">{postrow.POSTER_AVATAR}</a></span>
- <!-- END switch_showavatars -->
- <div class="post-details">
Then, in order to make it similar to Invision, I centered it and separated it from other informations just using html tags <center> e <br />
- <!-- BEGIN author_profile -->
- <center>{postrow.author_profile.AUTHOR_VAL}</center><br /><br />
- <!-- END author_profile -->
Wasn't so difficult, was it?