I´ve one Problem.
How to make that myspql accepts half points???
I´ll try to ecplain a bit better. I´m using webtip Mod and since theres been one race with half points, i´m now trying to correct the points manualy in DB.
That goes fine to the time i´ve got to put 3,5 points or anything else with a comma.
mysql just puts the next bigger number there.
so i put 3,5 and DB says 4.
How can i change that ??
solved the problem myself changing the table to floating . now it works like i need it .
I used this code in PhpMyAdmin
- ALTER TABLE `ip_formel_wm` CHANGE `wm_points` `wm_points` FLOAT( 8 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
You only need to change the points manualy in PhpMyAdmin
Table ip_wm_points
Id of the rainrace with halfpoints 2