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Joined: May 2008
Posts: 16
Location: Gosford
Adding New BBcode Tags
Ok now that I've got my code 2 html BBcode working,
I would like to try adding some whole new BBcode tags, to use a few Java functions for some cool text effects.
Could some one explain what I need to do to define new BBcode tags.
#1 Sat 27 Sep, 2008 06:55 |
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Inactive User
Re: Adding New BBcode Tags
You should be able to find that in the docs section - And it's a whole lot different from the usual way of doing it.
#2 Sun 28 Sep, 2008 02:13 |
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 16
Location: Gosford
Re: Adding New BBcode Tags
You should be able to find that in the docs section - And it's a whole lot different from the usual way of doing it.
I had a look there, but could find any thing about how to add the new tags.
Can you provide a direct link to the topic please.
Edit: I would also like to replace phpBB3 BBcode, with Icy Phoenix BBcode, as phpBB 3 is to hard to modify to my own needs, any suggestions on how I should go about this?
#3 Sun 28 Sep, 2008 06:34 |
Inactive User
Re: Adding New BBcode Tags
You're right mate, difficult to locate for the uninitiated.
There's a lot of work being done on docs now - but that's not going to help short-term.
Though this should help.
#4 Sun 28 Sep, 2008 08:09 |
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 16
Location: Gosford
Re: Adding New BBcode Tags
I had a look at that topic, but I don't see how that tells, me how to add ne BBcode tags.
I've got some javascript I want to use with BBcode.
i.e. <script language="javascript">
var text = "Hello World!"
var speed = 80
Where the BBcode would be [rainbow speed=80]Hello World![/rainbow]
i.e. <script language="javascript">
var text = "Hello World!"
var speed = 80
var basecolor = "#808080"
var textcolor = "#00ffff"
Where the BBcode would be [neon speed=80 basecolor=128,128,128 textcolor=0,255,255]Hello World![/neon]
I also want to rename the existing rainbow to gradient.
I can make the php to generate the HTML output just fine, it just how to add the tags to the BBcode that I can't do, and how to tell it what variable I'm look for, to cofirm I understant that propely.
#5 Sun 28 Sep, 2008 08:28 |
Inactive User
Re: Adding New BBcode Tags
This is an unreleased MOD that I've done for the next version of IP (Though it's basically the same) and it should contain all of the examples you need - Plus put you in the right places to compare other bbCode entries that switch other params as well.
And this example adds a url option - You only want simple tags.
## MOD Title: High Slider
## MOD Author: Lopalong h**p://***.icythemes.com
## MOD Description: Adds the bbCode for Highslider
## MOD Version: 1.0.0
## Installation Level: (Easy)
## Installation Time: ~5 Minutes
## Files To Edit: includesbbcb_mg.php
## includesbbcb_mg_small.php
## includesbbcode.php
## includesalbum_modalbum_bbcode.php
## languagelang_englishbbcb_mg.js
## languagelang_englishlang_bbcb_mg.php
## templatesmg_themesoverall_include.tpl
## templatesmg_themesbbcb_mg.tpl
## Example: [slider]Image URL[/slider]
## Version log
## 1.0.0 --> First release 12th September 2008
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
#-----[ COPY ]------------------------------------------
highslide folder to /your_forum_Root/highslide
#-----[ COPY ]------------------------------------------
slider*.gif to images/bbcb_mg/images/gif/
#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
'L_BBCB_MG_YOUTUBE' => $lang['bbcb_mg_youtube'],
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
'L_BBCB_MG_SLIDER' => $lang['bbcb_mg_slider'],
// END HighSlider
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
'L_YOUTUBE_HELP' => $lang['s_youtube_help'],
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
'L_SLIDER_HELP' => $lang['s_slider_help'],
// END HighSlider
#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
'L_BBCB_MG_YOUTUBE' => $lang['bbcb_mg_youtube'],
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
'L_BBCB_MG_SLIDER' => $lang['bbcb_mg_slider'],
// END HighSlider
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
'L_YOUTUBE_HELP' => $lang['s_youtube_help'],
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
'L_SLIDER_HELP' => $lang['s_slider_help'],
// END HighSlider
#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
'youtube' => array(
'nested' => true,
'inurl' => true,
'allow_empty' => false,
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
'slider' => array(
'nested' => true,
'inurl' => true,
'allow_empty' => false,
// END HighSlider
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
if( ($tag === 'flash') || ($tag === 'swf') || ($tag === 'video') || ($tag === 'ram') || ($tag === 'quick') || ($tag === 'stream') || ($tag === 'emff') || ($tag === 'mp3') || ($tag === 'youtube') || ($tag === 'googlevideo') )
#-----[ IN LINE FIND ]---------------------------------
| ($tag === 'youtube') |
#-----[ IN LINE,AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
| ($tag === 'slider') |
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
elseif ($tag === 'youtube')
$html = '<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="h**p://***.youtube.com/v/' . $content . '" /><embed src="h**p://***.youtube.com/v/' . $content . '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object><br /><a href="h**p://youtube.com/watch?v=' . $content . '" target="_blank">Link</a><br />';
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
elseif ($tag === 'slider')
$html = '
<a id="thumb1" href="' . $content . '" class="rounded-white" onclick="return hs.expand(this, {captionId: 'caption1'})"><img src="' . $content . '" style="height:100px; width:auto;" alt="Highslide JS" title="Click to enlarge"></a>
<div class="highslide-caption" id="caption1">
HighSlide modification by icythemes.com
// END HighSlider
#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
'youtube' => array(
'nested' => true,
'inurl' => true,
'allow_empty' => false,
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
'slider' => array(
'nested' => true,
'inurl' => true,
'allow_empty' => false,
// END HighSlider
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
if($tag === 'flash' || $tag === 'swf' || $tag === 'video' || $tag === 'ram' || $tag === 'quick' || $tag === 'stream' || $tag === 'emff' || $tag === 'youtube' || $tag === 'googlevideo')
#-----[ IN LINE FIND ]---------------------------------
| $tag === 'youtube' |
#-----[ IN LINE,AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
| $tag === 'slider'|
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
elseif ($tag === 'youtube')
$html = '<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="h**p://***.youtube.com/v/' . $content . '" /><embed src="h**p://***.youtube.com/v/' . $content . '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object><br /><a href="h**p://youtube.com/watch?v=' . $content . '" target="_blank">Link</a><br />';
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
elseif ($tag === 'slider')
$html = '
<a id="thumb1" href="' . $content . '" class="rounded-white" onclick="return hs.expand(this, {captionId: 'caption1'})"><img src="' . $content . '" style="height:100px; width:auto;" alt="Highslide JS" title="Click to enlarge"></a>
<div class="highslide-caption" id="caption1">
HighSlide modification by icythemes.com
// END HighSlider
#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
s_youtube_help = 'Insert YouTube video file: [youtube]YouTube ID[/youtube]';
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
s_slider_help = 'Insert image: [slider]h**p://image_url[/slider]';
// END HighSlider
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
var youtube = 0;
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
var slider = 0;
// END HighSlider
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
// END HighSlider
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
function BBCyoutube()
var FoundErrors = '';
var enterURL = prompt(s_youtube_insert, s_id_insert_tip);
if (!enterURL)
FoundErrors += s_id_insert_error;
if (FoundErrors)
alert(s_gen_error + FoundErrors);
var ToAdd = "[youtube]"+enterURL+"[/youtube]";
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
function BBCslider()
var FoundErrors = '';
var enterURL = prompt(s_url_insert, s_url_insert_tip);
if (!enterURL)
FoundErrors += s_file_insert_error;
if (FoundErrors)
alert(s_gen_error + FoundErrors);
var ToAdd = "[slider]"+enterURL+"[/slider]";
// END HighSlider
#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
$lang['bbcb_mg_youtube'] = 'YouTube';
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
$lang['bbcb_mg_slider'] = 'HighSlider';
// END HighSlider
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
$lang['s_youtube_help'] = 'Insert YouTube file: [youtube]YouTube ID[/youtube]';
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
// BEGIN HighSlider
$lang['s_slider_help'] = 'Insert image: [slider]h**p://image_url[/slider]';
// END HighSlider
#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
<!-- END switch_lightbox -->
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
<!-- BEGIN HighSlider -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}highslide/highslide-with-gallery.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}highslide/highslide-with-gallery.css">
<script type="text/javascript">
hs.graphicsDir = 'highslide/graphics/';
hs.align = 'center';
hs.transitions = ['expand', 'crossfade'];
hs.outlineType = '';
hs.fadeInOut = true;
hs.dimmingOpacity = 0.75;
// Add the controlbar
if (hs.addSlideshow) hs.addSlideshow({
//slideshowGroup: 'group1',
interval: 5000,
repeat: false,
useControls: true,
fixedControls: true,
overlayOptions: {
opacity: .75,
position: 'top center',
hideOnMouseOut: true
<!-- END HighSlider -->
#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
<!-- END switch_postimage_org -->
<span class="genmed"> </span>
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]---------------------------------
<!-- BEGIN HighSlider -->
<a href="javascript:BBCslider()"><img src="{BBCB_MG_IMG_PATH}slider{BBCB_MG_IMG_EXT}" name="slider" onMouseOver="helpline('slider')" alt="{L_BBCB_MG_SLIDER}" title="{L_BBCB_MG_SLIDER}" class="bbimages" /></a>
<span class="genmed"> </span>
<!-- END HighSlider -->
#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
#6 Sun 28 Sep, 2008 08:56 |
Mighty Gorgon
Luca Libralato
Joined: August 2006
Posts: 7192
Location: Borgo San Michele
Re: Adding New BBcode Tags
You need to add the tag into this array: var $allowed_bbcode = array (follow what has been done for others...)
Then you need to add the IF statement into the function process_tag(&$item) adding the HTML you want to output.
That should be enough for your BBCode to work.
____________ Luca
SEARCH is the quickest way to get support.
Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt - CustomIcy - HON
#7 Sun 28 Sep, 2008 11:59 |
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 16
Location: Gosford
Re: Adding New BBcode Tags
Ok,I've got the BBcode working now, thanks for the help
How to Add Rainbow and Neon Text
EXTRACT texteffects.zip to templates/common/js
OPEN includes/bbcode.php
'rainbow' => array(
'nested' => true,
'inurl' => true,
'allow_empty' => false,
'gradient' => array(
'nested' => true,
'inurl' => true,
'allow_empty' => false,
'neon' => array(
'nested' => false,
'inurl' => false,
'rainbow' => array(
'nested' => false,
'inurl' => false,
if($tag === 'rainbow')
return $error;
$html = rainbow($content);
return array(
'valid' => true,
'html' => $html,
'allow_nested' => false,
if($tag === 'gradient')
return $error;
$html = rainbow($content);
return array(
'valid' => true,
'html' => $html,
'allow_nested' => false,
if($tag === 'rainbow')
return $error;
$speed = 80;
$speed = intval($item['params']['speed']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$text = $content;
if(strpos($text,"n") !== false)
return $error;
$html = "n<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">nvar text = "". $text . ""nvar speed = " . $speed . " nrainbow()n</script>n<noscript>" . $text . "</noscript>n";
return array(
'valid' => true,
'html' => $html,
if($tag === 'neon')
return $error;
$speed = 80;
$speed = intval($item['params']['speed']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$colors = array();
$red = 128;
$green = 128;
$blue = 128;
$colors = split(",",$item['params']['basecolor']);
if (intval($colors[$i]) > 255)
$colors[$i] = "255";
elseif (intval($colors[$i]) < 0)
$colors[$i] = "0";
$red = intval($colors[0]);
$green = intval($colors[1]);
$blue = intval($colors[2]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$basecolor = "rgb(" . $red . ", " . $green . ", " . $blue . ")";
$red = 64;
$green = 64;
$blue = 255;
$colors = split(",",$item['params']['textcolor']);
if (intval($colors[$i]) > 255)
$colors[$i] = "255";
elseif (intval($colors[$i]) < 0)
$colors[$i] = "0";
$red = intval($colors[0]);
$green = intval($colors[1]);
$blue = intval($colors[2]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$textcolor = "rgb(" . $red . ", " . $green . ", " . $blue . ")";
$text = $content;
if(strpos($text,"n") !== false)
return $error;
$html = "n<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">nvar text = "". $text . ""nvar speed = " . $speed . " nvar basecolor = "" . $basecolor . ""nvar textcolor = "" . $textcolor . ""nneon()n</script>n<noscript>" . $text . "</noscript>n";
return array(
'valid' => true,
'html' => $html,
OPEN templates/mg_themes/overall_include.tpl
<script type="text/javascript" src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{T_COMMON_TPL_PATH}js/texteffects.js"></script>
NOTE: If you have other base template, You'll need to modify them as well.
BBcode Info
{optional=Defualt Value}
Highlight letter by letter at given speed, stays lit for a bit thte restarts.
[neon {speed=80} {basecolor=128,128,128} {textcolor=0,0,255}]Text here[/neon]
Text changes colour at given speed
[rainbow {speed=80}]Text here[/neon]
NOTE: the old rainbow is now gradient
Description: |
Text effects Java Script |
Download |
Filename: |
texteffects.zip |
Filesize: |
871 Bytes |
Downloaded: |
213 Time(s) |
#8 Mon 29 Sep, 2008 04:48 |
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