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Post Black Pearl Header Change 
Hi all,

Alright, I'm a total noob with php.  I tried searching first but none of the answers worked for me.

I'm using Black Pearl and want to change my header (If that's the correct name. The blue bar at the top of this page with the Phoenix) from the stock image to one of my own that will stretch all the way across the page.  Barring that, one that will replace just the Phoenix.

What files and lines would I need to change to make this happen?

Here's the image I want to put in:


I think I may have put this in the wrong forum, I'm using phpBB3 as the basic program.

WylieSend private message  
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Post Re: Black Pearl Header Change 
Moved to phpBB3 Forums
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Post Re: Black Pearl Header Change 
ok here

first upload this pic in styles/black_pearl/imageset/

(reaname it to sitelogo_small.png if need)

and this one to styles/black_pearl/theme/images

(reaname it to top_header.png if need)

now :

open your styles/black_pearl/theme/stylesheet.css

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
    border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    background: url('./images/top_header.png') repeat;
    height: 150px;

replace with
Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
    border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    background: url('./images/top_header.png') repeat-x;
    height: 132px;

open your styles/black_pearl/template/overall_header.html

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
<div id="top_logo">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td height="150" align="left" valign="middle"><a href="{U_INDEX}">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a></td>
<td align="center" valign="middle"><h1>{SITENAME}</h1><span class="gen">{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</span></td>
<td align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>

replace with
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<div id="top_logo">
<table width="100%" height="132" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
        <center><a href="{U_INDEX}"</a><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/sitelogo_small.png" alt="" width="841" height="132" /></center>

you will get this

INPORTANT: before u do this backup your "stylesheet.css" and overall_header.html from your black_pearl

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LimunSend private messageVisit poster's website  
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Post Re: Black Pearl Header Change 
Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it!


It still wasn't working correctly, and I really like IP (it was what I was trying to do, without having to make phpBB work with ezPortal.) since it's so awesome.  I've downloaded it, have it installed, and working almost correctly.  I'll ask a similar question in the correct forum.

Thanks again!

WylieSend private message  
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Post Re: Black Pearl Header Change 
Wylie wrote: [View Post]
Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it!


It still wasn't working correctly, and I really like IP (it was what I was trying to do, without having to make phpBB work with ezPortal.) since it's so awesome.  I've downloaded it, have it installed, and working almost correctly.  I'll ask a similar question in the correct forum.

Thanks again!

can you pots the link please...
and what doesnt working correctly?

We are the phpBBorg. Lower your Crackers. Your phpological and forumological distinctivness will be added to our own. Resistance if futile!
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Post Re: Black Pearl Header Change 
Try this.
open styles/black_pearl/overall_header.html
Code: [Download] [Hide]
  1. <div id="top_logo">  
  2. <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">  
  3. <tr>  
  4. <td height="150" align="left" valign="middle"><a href="{U_INDEX}">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a></td>  
  5. <td align="center" valign="middle"><h1>{SITENAME}</h1><span class="gen">{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</span></td>  
  6. <td align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>  
  7. </tr>  
  8. </table>  
  9. </div> 

Replace with:
Code: [Download] [Hide]
  1. <div id="top_logo">  
  2. <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">  
  3. <tr>  
  4. <td height="150" align="center" valign="middle"><a href="{U_INDEX}">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a></td>  
  5. </tr>  
  6. </table>  
  7. </div> 

Rename your image to sitelogo_small.png and upload overwriting the original.

Go to your ACP refresh your images. Edit your image dimensions by using the image editor in the ACP and do not refresh after specifying the width and height that you wish for it to display. You can also avoid having to edit the dimensions and using the default dimensions by editing the imageset.cfg file. To do this.

Open styles/black_pearl/imageset/imageset.cfg
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  1. img_site_logo = sitelogo_small.png*150*150 

Replace with:
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  1. img_site_logo = sitelogo_small.png*your dimension*your dimension 

Refresh the cache. This will load the dimensions you specify by default without having to edit the dimensions in the ACP.
You can also edit the table height of 150 to whatever you want along with adding in the width dimensions if you choose to.
Don't forget to make backups! Hope this helps.  

RattSend private message  
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Post Re: Black Pearl Header Change 
try the following link


you can make changes to the code by going to admin panel [Style] tab. follow the following link for instructions.



taimurSend private message  
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Post Re: Black Pearl Header Change 
Hello All. I am trying the same thing. I want to remove the black pearl logo and the text on the right and add this across the entire header.

I followed everything in the thread precisely and it does not work. I am using phpBB (latest version) Black Pearl theme.

I want to paste this PNG file across the header already supplied (background color etc)


AKe92Send private message  
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Post Re: Black Pearl Header Change 
Try this:

Name your image as sitelogo_small.png and overwrite sitelogo_small.png in the imageset folder

Open: overall_header.html


Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
<div id="top_logo">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td height="150" align="left" valign="middle"><a href="{U_INDEX}">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a></td>
<td align="center" valign="middle"><h1>{SITENAME}</h1><span class="gen">{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</span></td>
<td align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>

Replace With:

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
<div id="top_logo">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td height="150" align="left" valign="middle"><a href="{U_INDEX}">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a></td>

And you should be able to adjust the height here for the image> <td height="150" and in the in the css here: #top_logo for the background..

mortSend private message  
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Post Re: Black Pearl Header Change 
Nevermind. figured it out. Thank you.

AKe92Send private message  
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Post Re: [SOLVED] Black Pearl Header Change 
Then you have done well, and we're sorry we wasted the time trying to help you when you hadn't really tackled the problem yourself.  

Try filling in your profile with a link to your site, or at least have the decency to post a link to your forum in future.  

mortSend private message  
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Post Re: Black Pearl Header Change 
Hey - ive been following the posts above in an attempt to change my Black Pearl Banner.

Im not having any luck at all however. I have created a banner in photoshop, saved as .png. I have uploaded to server and gone through the steps mentioned above and at the moment when i go to the main site, the banner dimension appears off centered and also with an X in the top right corner as if IE cant display the picture.

Website is: ***.Fusion-Guild.net

The banner im trying to upload is:

Sorry if this appears vague - i have only been using phpbb3 for 2 days!

Any help would be greatly recevied!

n4rcotic007Send private message  
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Post Re: Black Pearl Header Change 
Hi n4rcotic007,

Welcome to IcyPhoenix and Black Pearl

It looks to me like you have already reverted your edits when I view the link you gave.

Maybe it would be a good idea if you opened your own thread about this because this one is old and has already been solved.
(this way you also avoid all these people getting emails from an old thread they happened to give a reply in)

If you do that you might want to start by explaining what you really want:
- a clickable banner or not
- a site wide banner or not

anything special you can think of


EDIT: now i see the edits hehehe ...just remove the background pic and set the background to black in the stylesheet and it will look great

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
    border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    background-color: #000000
    height: 150px;

PS ..I don't know what you are trying to do here:
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<div id="wrapcentre">

<div class="bc-tbl bc-div">
    <p class="bc-header">
        <a href="./index.php">Board index</a>

But it looks to me like an error

www.DutchaGoGo.com (development/under construction ...Forever?¿?)
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Post Re: [SOLVED] Black Pearl Header Change 
Joshua203 wrote: [View Post]
Hi n4rcotic007,

Welcome to IcyPhoenix and Black Pearl

It looks to me like you have already reverted your edits when I view the link you gave.

Maybe it would be a good idea if you opened your own thread about this because this one is old and has already been solved.
(this way you also avoid all these people getting emails from an old thread they happened to give a reply in)

If you do that you might want to start by explaining what you really want:
- a clickable banner or not
- a site wide banner or not

anything special you can think of


EDIT: now i see the edits hehehe ...just remove the background pic and set the background to black in the stylesheet and it will look great  

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
    border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    background-color: #000000
    height: 150px;

PS ..I don't know what you are trying to do here:
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<div id="wrapcentre">

<div class="bc-tbl bc-div">
    <p class="bc-header">
        <a href="./index.php">Board index</a>

But it looks to me like an error

Just wanted to say thank you as this solve my issue.

starcadSend private message  
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Post Re: Black Pearl Header Change 
starcad wrote: [View Post]
Just wanted to say thank you as this solve my issue.

Great ...You're welcome Starcad

www.DutchaGoGo.com (development/under construction ...Forever?¿?)
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