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Post Possible Privacy Breach 
It looks like Google has released a new application called Google Desktop that allows you to place gadgets, similar to Windows Vista, on your desktop.  This application has a small program called Web Clips.  This feature allows you to view an RSS Feed from a selected website on your desktop.

I posted something in a private, hidden forum and it showed up on the Google Desktop Web Clips application on my desktop!  To see if it was permission based, I logged into my website as a normal user, cleared cookies and temp int files, refreshed the Web Clips application and the post was still visible.

Is there a way to avoid this from happening or is there a way to completely disable all RSS Feeds on my website?

I have important information stored in my private forum that doesn't need to be seen by everyone.

Thanks for your help.

| Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt! |
Bipolar Disorder - Not good for you and definitely not good for everyone else.
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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 
Short Term - Try modding this.


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$unauthed = '0';    // Comma separated list of unauthed forums. For ex.: '0,1,11';

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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 
That doesn't seem to be working.

Any other suggestions?

| Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt! |
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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 
Not until you put the phpBB link back in the footer of your IP forum.  
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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 
What?  My clan website does not use IP and my community website gives credit where credit is due.

Thanks anyway.

| Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt! |
Bipolar Disorder - Not good for you and definitely not good for everyone else.
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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 

You could include phpBB in the same line? But, that's your decision.

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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 
I could, but I won't.  The link to phpBB has been right above the GooglePuller link in the center.

| Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt! |
Bipolar Disorder - Not good for you and definitely not good for everyone else.
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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 
The Google Desktop application is still proving to be a problem.

Any ideas?

| Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt! |
Bipolar Disorder - Not good for you and definitely not good for everyone else.
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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 
Powered by Icy Phoenix.

You are pulling our legs as you do use icy phoenix.

Please set this one:

"Powered by Icy Phoenix based on phpBB" with Icy phoenix and Phpbb linked.

You can set it with 2 lines if your board gets out of the screen, but please set it in that side.

Otherway we will not give you any support.

PS: Coy can modify it in any way (adding/deleting), but that sentence with those words linked has to be in there.

Edited by novice programmer, Thu 28 Aug, 2008 15:40: Editted.
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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 

I really don't see what the big deal is with the placement of the phpBB link.  In an original, vanilla copy of phpBB, the link is always in the bottom center.  Before using Icy Phoenix, I used straight phpBB and was used to seeing the link/text at the bottom.  No copyrights or laws have been breached or broken and all proper credit is given and shown.  The phpBB link is still in the footer as phpBB requests.  My moving the phpBB link is just an aesthetic thing in my opinion.

I'll move the link to the location you requested, but I humbly request something be said about this in the "license agreement" upon download of this CMS.  This is like changing the rules after the game has started.

No offense to anyone here and I'm not trying to be a jerk.  I love IP and the community which is evident by my visiting all the time.  I'm just looking for a little understanding from a creative point of view.


| Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt! |
Bipolar Disorder - Not good for you and definitely not good for everyone else.
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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 
Chaotic wrote: [View Post]

Icy Phoenix 2

MAcommunity 0

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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 

Automatic disqualification awarded to IP for changing the rules mid-game!  MAcommunity wins by technicality and also wins the gold medal!

| Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt! |
Bipolar Disorder - Not good for you and definitely not good for everyone else.
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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 
Ok, is is rigth now. It is just a SEO issue. If you want, you can only leave the links, but in that section of the page. You can add your ones if you want, while those link words are saved.

Thanks for modifing.

novice programmerSend private message  
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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 
You can have the copyright links anywhere in the page... provided that they are visible and clickable...

phpBB2 Copyright wrote: 
    We request you retain the full copyright notice below including the link to www.phpbb.com.
    This not only gives respect to the large amount of time given freely by the developers
    but also helps build interest, traffic and use of phpBB 2.0. If you cannot (for good
    reason) retain the full copyright we request you at least leave in place the
    Powered by phpBB line, with phpBB linked to www.phpbb.com. If you refuse
    to include even this then support on our forums may be affected.


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Post Re: Possible Privacy Breach 
Thanks MG!

| Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt! |
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