It comes to my attention several Copyright problems, so I've decided to write this post.
First of all I would like to point out that Icy Phoenix is distributed under the GNU GPL, because it is based on phpBB which is distributed under the same license and requires that all its derived product are released under the same license.
Having said that... I would like to stress that if you choose Icy Phoenix you should at least keep a link to this site and to phpBB on all pages in which you are using this CMS. I can't force you to keep this... but we won't provide support to users which shows sites without proper copyright.
Regarding templates... if someone creates a new template and this is using many graphic elements from another template, then permission to the author should be asked and a link to the original template author should be preserved (unless the author expressely accept you to remove such a link).
For example...
I've adapted Morpheus created by CyberAlien under his permission and his copyright is there.
Someone did use some graphics elements created by myself: everyone is welcome to do it, my work is free to be used and distributed, but in these case the original link I provide with my works should be preserved. I don't mind if only few graphics is used, but if you do include a full set of buttons, then my copyright should be there... The same for buttons and graphics created by anyone else, unless the author expressely declares that no copyright is needed.
If you have doubt about what I've posted here, feel free to ask me privately.
Some example of modified copyright you may use for templates:
I think you got my point...

Thank you for your cooperation.
If you find here in Icy Phoenix something that is missing credit where credit is due, please contact me.