Hi all,
I'm proud to announce a new service for all Icy Phoenix users.
Since I have received some donations in the last months I have decided to invest part of the money to buy a software which will be useful for all users who wants to customize my templates both for Icy Phoenix and phpBB 3.
The software I am talking about (and that you may already know) is ColorizeIt! by CyberAlien.
It's one week that I am working on it to adapt the structure to Icy Phoenix site and templates, and now it is working almost fine so I have decided to open it publicly.
At the moment I have inserted the most common Icy Phoenix templates (some of them slightly modified) so you can start using it and maybe provide some feedbacks. In the future I will add some extra graphics and buttons (as well as translations) and I may consider adding also others Icy Phoenix templates which are suitable to be colorized.
Icy Phoenix templates are accessible only to registered users, while phpBB 3 templates are free.
Here is the link to access this new service:

Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt!
You will find all the basics instructions in that page.
Here are some example of what you can do.
Purple Pearl
Purple Pearl
Chocolate Pearl
Chocolate Pearl
Mars Attack Green Orange
Mars Attack Green Orange
Mars Attack Blue Orange
Mars Attack Blue Orange
You are also invited to show us in this topic your favourite colors combinations:
Purple Pearl
Purple Pearl
Chocolate Pearl
Chocolate Pearl
Mars Attack Green Orange
Mars Attack Green Orange
Mars Attack Blue Orange
Mars Attack Blue Orange
You are also invited to show us in this topic your favourite colors combinations:
I want to thank all the users which are contributing to this project in any way: giving support, sharing knowledge, donations, clicking on sponsors, paying for customized works. I have bought and worked on this service to thank you all for your contributions.
THANK YOU and enjoy Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt!
Luca Libralato