alright i'm wondering if anyone would tell me how to convert my already installed phpbb3 board Which is located here to icy phoenix that i am downloading to my hard disk.
then i will upload it when i have the instructions
Phpbb3 To Icyphoenix
Subject: Re: Phpbb3 To Icyphoenix
I haved searched to no avail of what i need. all i want is my posts users and other stuff ported from phpbb3.0.6rc3 to go into icy phoenix.
Subject: Re: Phpbb3 To Icyphoenix
If i´m not wrong . You´ve got to downgrade to PhpBB2 and then convert to IP1.3
But i would wait some news from MG, since he said something about making Icy more compatible with PhpBB3.
But that would be in next release (patch) i think
But i would wait some news from MG, since he said something about making Icy more compatible with PhpBB3.
But that would be in next release (patch) i think
Subject: Re: Phpbb3 To Icyphoenix
Hmm ... I remember that in my doc, it was:
phpBB3 -> SMF -> phpBB2 -> IP but I'm not sure :s
(begin to adapt for SMF .. One-level forum etç...)
phpBB3 -> SMF -> phpBB2 -> IP but I'm not sure :s
(begin to adapt for SMF .. One-level forum etç...)
Subject: Re: Phpbb3 To Icyphoenix
IMHO i would await news from MG. maybe everything is going to be much more easier
IMHO i would await news from MG. maybe everything is going to be much more easier
Subject: Re: Phpbb3 To Icyphoenix
Currently there is no easy way.
You should do it manually (if you have the skills for doing it) or ask someone else to do it for you.
You should do it manually (if you have the skills for doing it) or ask someone else to do it for you.
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