DB - Add MOD'S SQL Using Icy Phoenix ACP.

Inactive User
Subject: DB - Add MOD'S SQL Using Icy Phoenix ACP.

When adding the SQL instructions that you will find in some Icy Phoenix MODS which require database modification - - - - -

Go To:

Your forum > ACP > DB And Security > IP MySQLAdmin > Query Your Database: - Click the SQL icon > Then Paste the MOD SQL into the window > Click "Sumbit Query".

Note: You must ensure that the MOD SQL prefix (The Default is usually ip_) is the same as all of the other prefixes that are in your database. If they are not! then you MUST change them to whatever prefix your Icy Phoenix database uses.


Subject: Re: [DOC] How To Add MOD'S SQL Using Icy Phoenix. (Walkthrough)
Nice work, Lopalong!

- Moving to the Documentation And How To forum.


Inactive User
Subject: Re: [DOC] How To Add MOD'S SQL Using Icy Phoenix. (Walkthrough)
Thanks, but I wasn't aware until now that you had done something similar. :)

So now users will have the choice of what they feel more comfortable with. 8)

Subject: Re: [DOC] How To Add MOD'S SQL Using Icy Phoenix. (Walkthrough)
Chaotic´s is a bit more extendent , but at the end the result should be the same.

Good job, Lopa

Inactive User
Subject: Re: [DOC] How To Add MOD'S SQL Using Icy Phoenix. (Walkthrough)
I had forgotten about the ACP IP-SQL until I thought about how to do this in the simplest way using the KISS system! :mryellow:

I may also look at adding a db_update.php, even if I have to do them manually - Because as I remember, the Auto one no longer works with IP since the code changes made in v1.3*.

Subject: Re: [DOC] How To Add MOD'S SQL Using Icy Phoenix. (Walkthrough)
There´s an auto DB update in the IP-install.

so the auto Update should still run .

and if you have an look at DWho´s MPS mod, there is autoupdate aswell.

Edit file is attached

Filename: mps_db_update.rar
Filesize: 5.67 KB
Downloaded: 574 Time(s)

Inactive User
Subject: Re: [DOC] How To Add MOD'S SQL Using Icy Phoenix. (Walkthrough)
Thanks Spydie,

I've added db_update.php to all the MODS that require SQL, and what I hope are some "Simple" instructions. :mryellow:

I'll also post something simple a little later that MOD-Makers can use to create their own db_update.php.

And hopefully, that will be the end of that. :LOL:

Subject: Re: DB - How To Add MOD'S SQL Using Icy Phoenix. (Walkthrough)
Glad i can help even if it is not directly...

if I remember icy1.2 and function in the ACP that if you added the database changes into the text box and then hit submit it would make an install file for you....

if it is not in icy1.2 I know there is a mod that does it somewhere...

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: DB - How To Add MOD'S SQL Using Icy Phoenix. (Walkthrough)
I have removed that file... because I thought nobody was using it. :wink:

Inactive User
Subject: Re: DB - How To Add MOD'S SQL Using Icy Phoenix. (Walkthrough)
@ Mike,

It was actually part of the Menu (Required Admin Permissions). Edit: Hang on! I could be wrong there too come to think of it. Maybe it was in the ACP Menu - Damn! :mricy:


Yes or No? It was useful and as much as I decided against re-visiting IP.1.2* etc to dig it out and possibly have to update it, for the amount of mods being generated (When others could use an example db_install.php) - Does it really warrant being upgraded and made available. I just stole a copy of Mike's and adjusted it. :P

Just a thought?

Subject: Re: DB - How To Add MOD'S SQL Using Icy Phoenix. (Walkthrough)
i am going to use that file for when doing mods... I do not want to update the old sql generator file either.. i always for got it was there...

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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