New Sections

Subject: New Sections
Hi all,
I have just released some new site sections which I'm going to explain the purpose here.

  • Bugs Tracker: a brand new section where registered users may submit bugs to Developers. This is still in Beta Version, and if no bugs arise it will be officially opened. Please use that page only for BUGS, not for support requests!!! Trolls and spammers will be banned.

  • Styles: the new styles section which will contain ONLY styles designed by me (Mighty Gorgon). This section will include both Icy Phoenix and phpBB 3 styles. Currently contains only styles for Icy Phoenix RC1. Please note that these styles won't work with Icy Phoenix This section is still in Beta Version, please use the forum to report bugs. A big thank you to The Steffen for creating all the languages buttons.

  • Donations: this is the new supporters page which should be automatically feeded by PayPal when donating.

  • Donate: this page allows users to donate through their PayPal account and being automatically added to the Donations list. If some conditions are met they should also receive some benefits (check that page for further informations). If someone who donated through this page won't automatically appear in the Donations list, please contact me. Special thanks to Highway Of Life for having developed the basic PayPal class which I have used in this page.

I have worked on these new sections for months and now that we are approaching the final release I have decided to open them to the public, just to make sure that everything is working fine for the new coming release.

Please feel free to report feedbacks or any other comment in this topic.

Thank you.

Subject: Re: New Sections

Subject: Re: New Sections
Looking great! Keep up the hard work.

Subject: Re: New Sections
nice idea ... :wink:
thank you

Subject: Re: New Sections
Thanks for that MG.

Now i know where to get RC1 Themes.

Subject: Re: New Sections
Very very nice the bug section looks great and so does the donations page ok so the style page looks great and yes the donators page looks great to... so in fact they all look fantastic...

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Inactive User
Subject: Re: New Sections
Carino. :mryellow:

Dinky. :mricy:

Bonza Stuff! :mrviolet:

Subject: Re: New Sections
Awesome! Great ideas all around. I can't wait for this new release (though I am scared since I finally got my site looking how I want it to look).

MG, you are a good guy. Not many people will work hard for no thanks in return (I guess ad money and donations is about it). Keep it up man.

Subject: Re: New Sections
Thanks! :mricy:

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