1. On my legend I have adminstators and global mods. I wish to add more - some mod titles I made. I need to edit this.
2. Also when going into sub-forums the breadcrumbs or sitemap extends past one line and the white highlights covers up the path.
ie: Board index » Library -Manuals and Specific Info. Only members may access the manuals. » R-Z -- Manufacturers ----- Read Only » T » Tippmann
This goes two lines and the white accent line in the header covers up the second line of the path. How do I edit this?
2?'s. Rainbow Pearl
Subject: Re: 2?'s. Rainbow Pearl
You need to add groups in ACP and select to show them in legend.
Unfortunately if you really need many subcategories, then the only way is to show only last level... but it is not really easy... If I remember well the file to be edited should be functions_display.php.
slinkyaroo wrote: [View Post]
You need to add groups in ACP and select to show them in legend.
slinkyaroo wrote: [View Post]
Unfortunately if you really need many subcategories, then the only way is to show only last level... but it is not really easy... If I remember well the file to be edited should be functions_display.php.
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