How To Add A Poll In Home Page

Subject: How To Add A Poll In Home Page
how do i create a poll that will show in the portal. At the moment i have a poll block and on my forum it says no poll at the moment. full details of how to plz.

Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz

you can create polls with writing an new post. please be sure that the forum where you want to post in, allows polls.

You can also set in ACP -> portal, which forums do you want to show in the portal pollblock.


Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz
KugeLSichA wrote: [View Post]

you can create polls with writing an new post. please be sure that the forum where you want to post in, allows polls.

You can also set in ACP -> portal, which forums do you want to show in the portal pollblock.


how plz in the portal plz explain in detail

Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz
its an easy points to find! :roll:

ACP -> Portal -> Portal Config -> Poll Forum ID(s)

Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz
what does Poll Forum ID(s) mean and where do i find the id

Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz
oscarxp wrote: [View Post]
what does Poll Forum ID(s) mean and where do i find the id

this is the forum id which is shown in portal in the poll block. you can input one or more forum ids.

If you dont know the forum id of your poll forum, just go in your forum index, and put the mouse over the link from you poll forum. in the url you can see the forum id, and then put these in the ACP portal config.

Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz
this is all i get


Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz
this is an link of an topic, not of an forum

the forum id you get in an url that looks like

vf7 stays for viewforum no. 7

so if this is your poll forum, put the number 7 in the ACP portal config

Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz
tried it but still not working

Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz
As Kugel said:
KugeLSichA wrote: [View Post]
this is an link of an topic, not of an forum
the forum id you get in an url that looks like
vf7 stays for viewforum no. 7 so if this is your poll forum, put the number 7 in the ACP portal config

you simply have to post a message in your Poll Forum ID... :roll:

I suggest you to create a new forum called "Polls", identify its forum ID (as Kugel said), put its ID in ACP, go to "Polls Forum" and write a post with your poll options...
That's all. :mryellow:

Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz

please give us an answer when you solved your problems.

thx 8)

Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz
well i'm a dufus at this stuff and by following your instructions very carefully (and slowly so i didn't miss a trick) it worked for me.

However, to make it easier for other people who search the forums for this answer, here's the step by step instructions :-)

1. Go to your forum and create a forum specifically for your Polls.
2. Create a thread inside the poll forum and put a poll in the thread (eg, do you like this site?)
3. Get the forum id, by returning to the forum homepage (that's the forum.php page not the home link) and retrieve the id number. To do this, hover your mouse over the Polls forum that you created in step 1, and read the URL. at the end will be a number (mine was 17), and this is your poll ID.
4. Go to your Admin Control Panel (ACP)
5. Click on Portal then on Portal Configuration.
6. Scroll down to just passed half way and look for
Poll Forum ID(s) comma delimited [ poll block ]
Enter your ID from step 3 in this place.
7. Scroll down and click on Submit
8. View your poll on the front page!

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Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz
Thank you dedicated2digital!

Added to Docs section.

Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz
(in a zoidberg voice)

Look at me, I'm helping! :-)

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Poll Help Plz
Has this been missed in the new version?

ACP -> Portal -> Portal Config -> Poll Forum ID(s)

I cant find it :oops:


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