I want a portal for my website. I am developing my own simple operating system and a linux distro. I want a portal for my site with a downloads area and knowledge base for how-tos, etc..
Is Icy Phoenix a good choice? And is it easily to customize the style and layout?
Also, do I need phpBB installed before installing Icy Phoenix?
Icy Phoenix?
Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix?
IcyPhoenix is a avaliable elecction for a portal is a good choise.
You not need PHPBB instaled in your host, IcyPhoenix is based in PHPBB :mrorange:
You not need PHPBB instaled in your host, IcyPhoenix is based in PHPBB :mrorange:
Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix?
I downloaded it and followed the "fresh install" instructions and then my host messes up. Where can I get this theme at or can it not be downloaded: h**p://***.mightygorgon.com/
Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix?
For RC1, go to ACP and install it:
How to:
Go to styles configuration>>Go into any of the links of that category>>in the frame, at the top, click "install styles">>Select the styles you want to install>> click on the install button (the links are for install one style).
I recommend you to compile all cache for all styles you have installed, as they dont being generated in their own.
The style you were asking for is: Miky Way.
Stellar wrote: [View Post]
For RC1, go to ACP and install it:
How to:
Go to styles configuration>>Go into any of the links of that category>>in the frame, at the top, click "install styles">>Select the styles you want to install>> click on the install button (the links are for install one style).
I recommend you to compile all cache for all styles you have installed, as they dont being generated in their own.
The style you were asking for is: Miky Way.
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