[STYLE] - Milky Way

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Subject: [STYLE] - Milky Way
Hi All.

Here you will find Milky Way style for phpBB 3.0.12.

It should work fine with FireFox, but I guess that some features in IE are not fully accessible because of its poor CSS support.

Feedbacks and comments are really welcome. Please use this topic for bugs reporting as well.

Milky Way for phpBB 3
Package Name: Milky Way
Package Version: 1.7.0
Creator: Mighty Gorgon

DOWNLOAD: Milky Way phpBB 3
DEMO: Milky Way Demo
Style Extra Colors: Milky Way Extra Colors And Small PSD
COLORIZE IT: Milky Way More Colors


P.S.: if you cannot see the buttons, try this link => http://www.phpbb.com/kb/article/how...-on-your-style/

Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
nice work mighty

Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
Very nice ;)

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Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
:mricy: :mricy: :mricy: nice!

Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
I really like this style :mricy:

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Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
Awesome, Luca!!

It's my favourite theme! 10 for this.

testing in my phpbb3 right now.

see you ;)

Subject: thanks
i´ll try it

good work

Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
Mighty i need some translation for the images :oops:

i can make it if you have that magic gdk file :mricy:

Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
Very nice Luca!!!


Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
great work. Thx :)

Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
Zuker wrote: [View Post]
Mighty i need some translation for the images :oops:

i can make it if you have that magic gdk file :mricy:

I hope that Steffen find the time to update all translations... otherwise I'll prepare a GDK for translators. :wink:

Style updated to 1.2.0! :wink:

Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
One question about Milky way (just registered and I'm already getting tiring... :LOL: )
I have my demo board of phpbb3 RC4. I've already installed the a Quick reply mod..
The template installed just fine.
Problem is this: Quick reply does not seem to work with milky way.. :? I tried to do the changes but there's difference in the code.
When I initially saw that in fact phpbb3 has 2 templates, I thought every other template that will be released will be based on them
And since mod have instructions for both subsilver2 and prosilver, I could actually install any mod on any template.
But I guess my thought was wrong :oops:
Anyway, if you would like to look into it, here is the install.txt of Quick reply (since phpbb3 is not the final release I would totally understand if you can not supply any support for this. After all my phpbb3 board is for the time beeing just for testing- it's on my localhost, not even on the internet...)

Install instructions for prosilver
Spoiler: [ Show ]

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Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
I guess it isn't difficult to install it on Milky Way... try to follow the instructions for subSilver2.

You need to apply only 3 small edits to template files... what did you not find?

Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
I guess it isn't difficult to install it on Milky Way... try to follow the instructions for subSilver2.

You need to apply only 3 small edits to template files... what did you not find?

The real problem was that it was not appearing as it should.... AND...

OK, now I feel a real idiot :oops:
I had made all the changes and I could bet my life that it was messing up the whole page..
I just re-did the changes and it seems fine... :?

Sorry for the trouble.... :oops: :oops:

OK, a correct (I hope) question:
Is there a way I can change this style's width (not beeing fixed width)

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Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Milky Way
ChriZathens wrote: [View Post]
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
I guess it isn't difficult to install it on Milky Way... try to follow the instructions for subSilver2.

You need to apply only 3 small edits to template files... what did you not find?

The real problem was that it was not appearing as it should.... AND...

OK, now I feel a real idiot :oops:
I had made all the changes and I could bet my life that it was messing up the whole page..
I just re-did the changes and it seems fine... :?

Sorry for the trouble.... :oops: :oops:

OK, a correct (I hope) question:
Is there a way I can change this style's width (not beeing fixed width)

Great you solved... regarding width... try to have a look at _mg_config.html! :mri:

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