Subject: Smiles
Hello MG, could you upload the package of your smiles. There are a lot, and very funny. I would like have the same! :10k_kuzya_02:
Subject: Re: Smiles
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Subject: Re: Smiles
before quo say
and in post you give link there is written thati we cannote have them...why?
Zuker wrote: [View Post]
and in post you give link there is written thati we cannote have them...why?
Subject: Re: Smiles
There is not a public package, I don't know if MG agrees with taking the smilies on this site. You should ask him for a permission first.
Subject: Re: Smiles
You can download the smilies you want... but there is no download package.
You have to selekt one by one ;-)
You have to selekt one by one ;-)
Subject: Re: Smiles
I know this....but what we ask (we would like to have all smilies and download 320 smiles is too much) if possible to create a download package.
it is simple for you and this would appreciate very much from the user who ask for them...
sorry once again for my orrible english
it is simple for you and this would appreciate very much from the user who ask for them...
sorry once again for my orrible english
Subject: Re: Smiles
Steffen told u that there won't be at the moment any download package for smilies...
Subject: Re: Smiles
i've got all the smilies in a folder... but don't know if can distribute it
better wait for him ;)
better wait for him ;)
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