The text tells me that You just have to place this code on each page of your website and Google will automatically show ads in the most appropriate places
? In which file should it be implanted? It's been too many years since I had the website saved and I don't remember
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Era en mi ACP :cry:
Copy And Paste The AdSense Code Between ( Solucionado )
Subject: Re: Copy And Paste The AdSense Code Between ( Solucionado )
In current version there is ADS section in CMS, can you please try to look there?
menorca wrote: [View Post]
In current version there is ADS section in CMS, can you please try to look there?
Subject: Re: Copy And Paste The AdSense Code Between ( Solucionado )
Now I am uploading the new version to the website again and trying to transfer the data from the old one to
I tried to update several times but I get a fatal tpl file missing error
Now I am uploading the new version to the website again and trying to transfer the data from the old one to
I tried to update several times but I get a fatal tpl file missing error
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