German Language File IP 1066

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Subject: Re: German Language File IP 1055
pepi wrote: [View Post]
little error in lang_main

I don't think so :mricy:

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Subject: Re: German Language File IP 1055

ok i its new german Orthography ??? :? :? 8)

Subject: Re: German Language File IP 1055

thx to both of you... but maybe i have also choosen "hälst" maybe i was sleeping in school as we have had this word :mrorange:


first post updated,

If you want to know whats changed, use WinMerge or any other check programm ;-)


Subject: Re: German Language File IP 1055
KugeLSichA wrote: [View Post]
thx to both of you... but maybe i have also choosen "hälst" maybe i was sleeping in school as we have had this word :mrorange:

Sorry KugeLSicha, but I think you have slept :mricy:
It's old german and not the new one:
Please choose "erhältst" maybe you will trust this SPIEGEL site ;-)

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Subject: Re: German Language File IP 1066
ok ok now i believe it... anyway.. it sounds terrible with the "t" :mrorange:

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