SOLVED How To Add Custom BBCodes?

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Subject: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
I was posting a topic in my forum needed to add a table, and noticed that are not those bbcodes :shock:

I've looked around the search, but I didn't find the way to add my custom BBCodes...

This is the page:

I added at the first space a BBCode code like this:
Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
[table border="1"][tr][td][/td]

And added this code at the second one:
Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
<table border="1">

When I pick "Send", this is the result
Debe especificar la etiqueta de BBCode

« Volver a Pagina previa

It means:
You must specify the BBCode tag

«Back to previous page

I have no idea what is "BBCode Tag" :oops:

Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
The bbcode tag is the "name" of the bbcode, in the brackets, i.e.:

[the name is here]

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Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
Informpro wrote: [View Post]
in the brackets, i.e.:

[the name is here]
I'm so sorry :oops: what is "the brackets"? I don't know where should I write this tag :shock:

Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
You cannot add multiple tags like you did...

Anyway TABLES are not part of standard BBCodes for a reason! It's not easy to create cells within tables making sure you close all tables correctly...

Follow the examples on that page... here is another one:

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
BBCODE: [background={COLOR}]{TEXT}[/background]
HTML: <span style=\"background-color: {COLOR};\">{TEXT}</span>

Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
Well, I know how to make tables using BBCode and HTML also... but I think is not a good idea to allow HTML in my forum, am I right? That's why I want to add this BBCode :roll:

Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
The issue is that, if someone doesn't properly close a table or a cell, the whole forum will look bad... And you can't easily check if they did a table properly or not.

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Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
oooh, I got it!

So, the only option is to use HTML, right?

Is not a risk to the forum? Because I have to make tables sometimes...

Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
You can enable HTML only for administrators. Then it's not much of an issue.

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Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
Yes, I can do that, and I will... Thanks, Informpro :mryellow:

Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
I used to use a big titles in the beginning or my posts. There are some BBCodes (h1, h2, h3...) that make bigger the titles, and I'd like to know how can I add this BBCode to the forum.

Because they are not dangerous to the forum, right? Not like tables, for example... :roll:

Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
Nope, these aren't dangerous :). You can add those as bbcode, but you can also just change the size?

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Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
but you can also just change the size?
Is this a question? 8)

If yes... Well, I don't know how can I do that, but I guess you could help me :roll:

Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
Definitely! When you post a full message, you see a bot to select font / size / color right under the subject:


To make text big, here's how you do it:

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Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
Oh, I understood!!

Sorry... Yes, I know how to make the text bigger applying BBCode size and bold, and everything else...

But if I had a BBCode h1, h2, or h3, with different sizes and color, it could be easier and faster to post a message...

Subject: Re: How To Add Custom BBCodes?
Ok, I see what you mean. Do you want them to output actual <h2>, or something with a different size and color?

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