Customization Question About A Block

Subject: Customization Question About A Block
Has anyone here ever created a Announcements block?

I can appreciate the news block, but am curious over a Announcements block that would pull announcements out of any forum id no matter what forum and display it in a block on the home page or what ever page is chosen to display the block.

I got the cfg file created but trying to create the announcements.php I started getting in over my head real quick like.

Take care guys.

P.S. If anyone wishes to take a stab at this, I do have a announcements block.cfg file as well as an announcements block file it self that I can get to you to study.

Subject: Re: Customization Question About A Block
That's a very interesting idea!

I'm not sure about the "from all the forums" though - or do you want the ID to be specifiable?

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Subject: Re: Customization Question About A Block
Well, in certain blocks, we can get a choice of what article or forum id's to use kind of like the forum articles block

I am not sure how the news block works. If it just picks up a forum pst that is marked as news or what as I have found no settings but it seems to pull posts from every forum regardless of ID.

So if I had 3 categories and 5 forums per category and I posted an announcement in 6 of them no matter what category or forum, it would pull that announcement and display it on the front page.

Obviously it would need block variables to set. Such as how many announcements to display and stuff like that. I would guess this would probably be only appealing as a Global block?

Subject: Re: Customization Question About A Block
I think another option would be to add "topic level" to the options?

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Customization Question About A Block
Yeah, I don't see why that wouldn't work out.

I think for the heck of it, you could look at the announcements block from integra to see how it works. I started to try it myself yesterday using it as a guide and quickly figured out I was not the man for the job. :(

Subject: Re: Customization Question About A Block
It should be quite easy to be done... if you didn't succeed so far, I can help next week. :mri:

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