A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website

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Subject: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
Hi, everyone!

I'd just set my forum, but this message appears in the top of the site:

[Icy Phoenix Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions.php on line 4357: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' conflicts with 'zlib output compression'

I read some answer, recommending reupload this file from my PC to my FTP, but it didn't work. The message still there.

There was any errors uploading, so I don't know what to do. The site doesn't open normally now.
This is the link:
Spoiler: [ Show ]

Thank you in advance, God bless you!!

Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
try searching your error message or parts of it here as this question has been answered before.

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Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
You can try these topics:


@MG It'd be interesting to have a [topic] bbcode, that'd display the title and bits of the first post maybe?
EDIT: well, I guess with no more releases...

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Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
I was loocking for an answer yesterday, but I couldn't

Besides I had to formatted (I don't know how to write this) my laptop and going to start all again...

I hope no have any problems at this time :) We'll see ;)

Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
Hi Cristianita,

I suggested you search because sometimes / most times that's the quickest way to get answers here.

And probably the best way is to use "Advanced" Search because there are not an over-abundance of helpers here..

Anyway, if you change your .htaccess as advised in the "other" post, you should be good to go..


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Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
Hi, Mort!

I understand, trust me... I used the search but my English is not good, and it's very hard to me to use this option. I participate in a Spanish Forum and I usually find help just using the search.

But here I am, trying to use an English forum :shock:

Ok, my friend.... I installed the forum again, and the line appears:

[Icy Phoenix Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions.php on line 4357: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' conflicts with 'zlib output compression'

I read the post with the answer, and tried to add this line:
php_value zlib.output_compression off

into the .htaccess file, but I'm not sure where... There are many lines, and I have to be sure to add the line in the correct place.

Well, I added this line at the first place, saved the file, reuploaded it, but it is the same, the line still there.

Last edited by Cristianita on Tue 14 Jun, 2016 07:30; edited 1 time in total
Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
Just make it the first line. :)

Add it before this:

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
#php_flag register_globals 0

It should have been put in there and commented out for this release - just to make things easier, but it appears that it was overlooked. :(

Maybe MG will add it once he catches up with this thread. :mrgreen:


Mmmmm! You must have been editing your last post while I posted this.

Try adding it as the last line after:

# Errors Pages - END #

php_value zlib.output_compression off

Last edited by mort on Tue 14 Jun, 2016 07:41; edited 1 time in total
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Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
mort wrote: [View Post]
Just make it the first line. :)

Add it before this:

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
#php_flag register_globals 0

With or without "#"?

I mean... This "php_value zlib.output_compression off " or this "#php_value zlib.output_compression off "?

And there is more... When I come into the ACP, appears this line:

[Icy Phoenix Debug] PHP Notice: in file /adm/page_header_admin.php on line 49: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' conflicts with 'zlib output compression'

And other line (in Spanish):

Version information: The version checking is disabled. Visit the official forum for more information


Mmmmm! You must have been editing your last post while I posted this.

Try adding it as the last line after:

# Errors Pages - END #

php_value zlib.output_compression off

I did it, but it's the same, nothing happened. The line is here yet.

Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
I've edited my prior post - we're running pretty close together here. :mrgreen:

Ignore this

Version information: The version checking is disabled. Visit the official forum for more information

As the 2.2 version (the one you have) is the last version anyway. ;)

You may need to clear your cache's even if you have to do it manually.

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Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
You may need to clear your cache's even if you have to do it manually.
I did it. But the problem still there...

There is in the FTP another .htaccess file, not in the forum directory, but in the public_html directory.

The content of this another file is:
# Do not remove this line or mod_rewrite rules and search engine friendly URLs will stop working
RewriteBase /

Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
Then we'll try this:

make a file php.ini and add this line to it

php_value zlib.output_compression off

And upload it to the root folder of icy phoenix.

Silly questions I know - But I have to ask.

Did you upload everything in binary only?

If you are using FTP to make the edits - Are you re-uploading your edits?

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Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
mort wrote: [View Post]
Then we'll try this:

make a file php.ini and add this line to it

php_value zlib.output_compression off
Should I make the file with the note bloc? And how can I save this file, if this is a text file with .txt extension? I made it and saved in my pc, but I can't find it in the folder that I saved it.

Silly questions I know - But I have to ask.

Did you upload everything in binary only?

If you are using FTP to make the edits - Are you re-uploading your edits?

No, it's ok, you ask, please...

Did you upload everything in binary only?.... I don't know :? What do you mean? (I'm sorry, I'm very neophyte :cry: )
If you are using FTP to make the edits - Are you re-uploading your edits?.... Yes, FTP show me this window:
ftp (Do you understand a bit Spanish?)

This is my ACP:

Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
"Should I make the file with the note bloc?"

You should be able to make the file with notepad or wordpad and actually the proper way is to do it like this, not like I suggested the first time.

So make the contents like so..

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]


And I can't duplicate this error? So I really don't know what is happening? :?

Can you contact your IP and ask them what the status of this php_value zlib.output_compression is in their php.ini configuration?

The only other option is to see if MG or Informpro have any other ways of fixing it?

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Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
Well... it seems that I'm not able to set the forum :shock:

Thank you very much for your help, see you tomorrow, God willing!!

Subject: Re: A Line Of Error Appeared In The Top Of My Website
Can you change your site language to English while we test this because the Spanish language files would not be up to date for this version of Icy Phoenix yet.

Or make it in the ACP so that language files can be selected in the portal.

And if you want to you can PM me your FTP details so that I can see what is what there.

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