Icy Phoenix 2.2

Tags And Keywordsicy phoenix, release, stable release

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Subject: Icy Phoenix 2.2
Hi all,
I'm glad to announce that Icy Phoenix is available for downloads.

What's New Respect To Latest Stable Release

  • PHP: increased compatibility with recent PHP versions
  • Plugins System: improved with new functions and features
  • New Classes: to improve coding and modding
  • Templates: few edits to templates functions and parsing, prepared for HTML 5
  • Thanks System: has been removed in favour of Likes System which supports AJAX and offers more flexibility.
  • Album and Links: have been removed as core components and created as plugin.
  • Cookies And Privacy Policy: due to new web rules, these two new sections have been created.
  • Many smaller updates and features... install this beta version to enjoy them all!

Old templates: please note that templates designed for Icy Phoenix (or older) won't work with this version. Update versions for all my styles are available here: Icy Phoenix Styles. Also you may want to keep monitored styles on GIT: Icy Phoenix Styles @ GIT.

Translations: please note that lang packs for Icy Phoenix won't work with this version. Lang packs need to be updated before you can use them on your site. I will update all lang files in download section as soon as translators will send me their latest release. You can find latest development translations here: Icy Phoenix Languages @ GIT.

Customizations And Mods: please note that this version has many core code differences from the previous one, so it is really unlikely that old customizations and mods will work on this beta release. You can test current development versions of plugins if you wish: Icy Phoenix Plugins @ GIT.

Before trying to install Icy Phoenix make sure you have the following STRICTLY NEEDED requirements:
  • At least 20 MB of free space in the folder you would like to install the package
  • Web server with PHP (5.2 or higher) installed and running (works best on Linux + Apache)
  • MySQL (5 or higher) database with at least 5MB of free space (of course the space needed depends on how big your site will be... 5MB is enough for a basic empty setup)
  • Ability to set CHMOD permissions

These other requirements (even if not strictly needed) are suggested for optimal performance of Icy Phoenix:
  • Webserver with .htaccess capability
  • Apache Rewrite Mod installed and running
  • GD Libraries (at least 2.0.28) installed and running
  • Register Globals set to OFF

Fresh Installation
  1. Unpack Icy Phoenix package to one folder on your HD.
  2. Copy all Icy Phoenix files in one folder on your webserver (i.e. /icyphoenix/)
  3. Set the permissions to CHMOD 777 to the following files and folders (please note that you may not have all of them in your setup):
    • backup/
    • cache/
    • cache/cms/
    • cache/forums/
    • cache/posts/
    • cache/sql/
    • cache/topics/
    • cache/users/
    • downloads/
    • files/
    • files/album/
    • files/album/cache/
    • files/album/med_cache/
    • files/album/users/
    • files/album/wm_cache/
    • files/posted_images/
    • files/screenshots/
    • files/thumbs/
    • images/avatars/
    • logs/
    • logs/logfile_attempt_counter.txt
    • logs/logfile_blocklist.txt
    • logs/logfile_debug_mode.txt
    • logs/logfile_malformed_logins.txt
    • logs/logfile_spammer.txt
    • logs/logfile_worms.txt

  4. Launch the setup from the install folder: install/install.php (i.e. http://www.mysite.com/forum/install/install.php)
  5. Follow all the instructions on the screen, fill all requested data and complete the setup
  6. Delete or rename install folder
  7. Customize what needs to be customized in files and db (some files needs to be edited manually, while most of the options may be set in ACP and CMS)
  8. Enjoy your New Site :mri:

How To Upgrade From Icy Phoenix Version
  1. Lock the site from ACP
  2. Make a full backup of your website (both files and DB)
  3. Remove all old Icy Phoenix files, but make sure you are not deleting other stuff you may need!
  4. When deleting files, pay particular attention to custom files and folders like these:
    • config.php
    • backup/
    • downloads/
    • images/
    • files/
    • logs/

  5. Copy all new Icy Phoenix files into your root
  6. Make sure you apply the right CHMOD permissions as listed in the Fresh Installation section above
  7. Launch install/database_update.php and update your DB
  8. Delete or rename install folder
  9. Customize what needs to be customized in files and db (some files needs to be edited manually, while most of the options may be set in ACP and CMS)
  10. Enjoy your New Site :mri:

If you have an older Icy Phoenix version, please follow instructions on how to update to Icy Phoenix 2.0 first.

Available Packages

Icy Phoenix 2.2 Beta 1
Package Name: Icy Phoenix
Package Version:
Release Spot: Rebirth from icy ashes...

DOWNLOAD: Icy Phoenix - ( Mirror 1 )

GIT Links


As per each beta release, this version is still unsupported, and you should not use this version on any live site (unless you really understand the risks in doing that!).

You should test this beta release only on your local testing environments and reports bugs and feedback so the code could be improved before final release.

Please use the Bugs Tracker or GIT Issues to report any bug you find.


Enjoy Icy Phoenix!
Luca Libralato

P.S.: last but not least... I have to thank you especially avatar Informpro and avatar mort for being present much more than me on this website recently! Thank you very much my friends for your precious help and support.

Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
Whew, that was a long road :). Congrats to MG and everyone else involved...

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
I have to thank you especially yourself avatar Informpro and avatar mort for your precious help and support in these recent years. You've been always present, much more than myself.

So thank you! :mricy:

Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
Aw shucks,

I don't do too much these days. I just hope everyone appreciates the time and effort that you have put into it, along with the help from informpro. ;)

Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
Thanks for your great work, Luca!

Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
Hi, no more update Icy Phoenix?

Not avaliable new version?

Sorry. :oops:

Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
ronalito wrote: [View Post]
Not avaliable new version?

There are few updates on GitHub version...

There will be no major updates anytime soon. :mri:

Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
The next update will have login via Google, a beginning of a plugin system for willing MOD authors, a few goodies, and a lot of fixes.
I have a MOD I made (converted) that doesn't require any code changes – like phpBB3.1 extensions :).

BTW MG, you think you can take a look at https://github.com/MightyGorgon/icy_phoenix_plugins/pull/54 at some point?

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Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
avatar Informpro, for some reasons I totally missed this PR.

I'll accept it soon.

Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
Hi, Luca!

I still like this foro, but I dare not try to start this project because I hardly know anything about programming, and my English is not good :shock:

I'll just come and admire it from time to time. :oops:

Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
And I can not install it? I am sorry :(

Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
Cristianita wrote: [View Post]
Hi, Luca!

I still like this foro, but I dare not try to start this project because I hardly know anything about programming, and my English is not good :shock:

I'll just come and admire it from time to time. :oops:

One of the thing to love about Icy Phoenix is that you don't need to get your hands dirty since it provides so much :).

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Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
Informpro wrote: [View Post]

One of the thing to love about Icy Phoenix is that you don't need to get your hands dirty since it provides so much :).
Yes, you're right... But I can't handle too much of codes because I don't know... how do you say? Programming?
I fear to misconfigure the forum, and then not knowing how to fix it :cry:

I'm going to pray for an administrator with two characeristics:
  1. Speak English very well.
  2. Know programming

At this time, I have a forumactif forum (foroactivo in Spanish). Can you imagine? Already I blew it! Technicians don't know where is the fail! No, my dear friend... It could be very frustrating if I spoil a forum of icyphoenix :oops:

When God provide me my partner, you bet I'll come back to get this beautiful forum!

Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
Don't worry too much about the programming part, we can help with that, usually it's not too complex.

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Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix 2.2
Thank you, Informpro :mryellow:

You are encouraging me! :girl_02:

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