Profile Tabbed

Subject: Profile Tabbed
Hi is there a profile tab edit for subsilver2 based?

cause i realy like what they have for prosilver

if you click on profile, you see tabs like:


so its not all on 1 page

best regards :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
Somewhere burried deep in my memory something says YES, have you searched the mod-DB at yet?
Simply search for "subsilver tabbed" :wink:


Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
Joshua203 wrote: [View Post]
Somewhere burried deep in my memory something says YES, have you searched the mod-DB at yet?
Simply search for "subsilver tabbed" :wink:


yeah i have , but only find it for indextabbed, but will will give extra gas to find cause i like it :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
I put on my Sherlock Holmes glass too and I came this far:

>>This Link<< tells me:
Jaymie1989 wrote: 

To Do:
Add Subsilver2 style

...So it was planned!!

Jaymie1989 wrote: 
So far I have only updated install.xml to work with the AutoMOD.
I will be adding the install instructions for subsilver2 over the next few days. (Within 5 days)

...However any demo or download link given is dead!!

He said he would colaborate with the other similar mod but even if they talk about adding SS2 edits they never even used Jaymie1989's edits.

You could try to:
A. find the latest release of Jaymie1989 somehow and hope it contains the edits
B. talk to the other 2 coders and explain the above, so you can ask why they never included Jaymie1989's SS2 edits (or even if they can share them with you)

Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
PS.. you could also try and see how hard it is to convert but if I were you.. I would first look at converting a small mod (already intalled on your forum) and see if you can truly make it look Black Pearl style (start easy).
This would give you some basic experience on how to deal with any prosilver mod.

Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
i m not sure what is this mod about and this topic
but maybe this can help

Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
That's what Jaymie1989 wanted to merge with :wink: , problem is the subsilver edits that he mentioned are not found anywhere :cry: (could be quite simple to convert, I'm not sure unless I would test it and ATM I can't) .

Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
thanks all to look in to it, i will do some testing , and about the mod link yes thats the one, i will test and try it, when its working i will post my edits hooah :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
to bad no luck, links are dead :P

Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
Why don't you just try what I suggested above ...wake them up in the thread where they are already talking about subsilver edits and refer to Jaymie1989's lost edits?

BTW.. I'm amazed they did not mark this mod as [ABD] yet :LOL:

PS.. if I was you I would stop adding mods for a while and first fix all the coding errors (in css and html, maybe even php).
Any idea how many errors your pages throw up?
Even the language is not consistant.

I'ld also start remodding the mods to follow black pearl style 100%

Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
Joshua203 wrote: [View Post]
Why don't you just try what I suggested above ...wake them up in the thread where they are already talking about subsilver edits and refer to Jaymie1989's lost edits?

BTW.. I'm amazed they did not mark this mod as [ABD] yet :LOL:

PS.. if I was you I would stop adding mods for a while and first fix all the coding errors (in css and html, maybe even php).
Any idea how many errors your pages throw up?
Even the language is not consistant.

I'ld also start remodding the mods to follow black pearl style 100%

errors? i did debug no errors, nah not going to remodding again, its all fine , going back to prosilver, sick of searching and searching for some mod's for blackpearl(subsilver2) ,if prosilver has it why doing so difficult?
but thanks to give me the info i have many errors, dint know that, i was thinking if i did debug mode it show only way to show errors, and toolkit, it was nice this short learning proces, but i try it with blackpearl, but nop to bad, only reason blackpearl was of the images/layout ect ect, i realy dont understand why it cant make it with prosilver, but even if some trys to tell i dont think i will understand, its nice website here, respect :mrblue:

Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
That's really a pitty (again) :cry:
BUT my guess is you have the very same errors in your prosilver based style (believe me it was alot what I saw).
I could not test the other styles because they are not set to default but if you like I will try again when it's set up differently.

Or you could try to see for yourself .. ever heard of W3C validator for html and css? (google it)
Tools I can do without either, because we all make mistakes :wink:

I understand the learning curve is steap but that's mostly because you are trying to start with too complicated edits maybe? (and all at once without checking each edit before editing more, it would save you from collecting hundreds of errors in a short time (for example <br> does not exist, <br /> does.
Just some advice meant to help.

Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
yeah yeah
i know same errors on prosilver, but i will rebuild it fresh again on prosilver, then i dont have to puzzle and try to edits on subsilver2 based style, so thats better, and no thanks im not going google it again, thanks anyway,

dont know what W3C validator , but dont want it, cause i dont think i will understand it, and its frustrating already now for me, its was a nice experiment with blackpearl, but not many options like prosilver i see now. :cry:

1 question how do you see these error? :mrgreen:

Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
Sorry to read that you don't want to learn, W3C is really the webmaster tool you can not least I can't, and it's pretty simple (advice from the pro's that know the standards better than anyone without talking to anyone)

I know it's not nice to hear but I'm quite sure you will add the same errors again.. even if you edit it multiple times, unless you can spot what the errors are and read why it could be wrong.

1 answer ... by using W3C validators, I thought I mentioned that in the previous post :LOL:

Subject: Re: Profile Tabbed
if i disable cometchat i found 8 errors, cometchat is not a phpbb mod, its something diffrent

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