I have designed the style based on subSilver, but the real issue is that subSilver tables are differents. And there is no way to have those kind of rounded corners with subSilver current template (unless you are going to rewrite it using HTML 5 and CSS 3 features).
That means that you can use "inheritance", but then you are not going to get properly rounded tables. This is the reason why I didn't enable inheritance.
You can try doing that and displaying the result, if you are satisfied with that, you can leave the option enabled.
[STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
Tags And Keywords: black pearl, phpbb3, rainbow pearl, style, template
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
I noticed the German Black Pearl buttonpack for phpbb3 is missing these buttons (thanks to Faethor, who made me notice ;) ):
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
For Rainbow Pearl too :(
On my local hdd i have all buttons insite :shock:
Maybe MG changed something... thanks for reporting it
Joshua203 wrote: [View Post]
For Rainbow Pearl too :(
On my local hdd i have all buttons insite :shock:
Maybe MG changed something... thanks for reporting it
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
Honestly I don't know what happened! :shock:
Steffen, when you have some time can you please send me again those buttons for all languages?
Steffen, when you have some time can you please send me again those buttons for all languages?
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
I send you blackpearl buttons for 18 languages
Rainbow Pearl need some extra time.
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
I send you blackpearl buttons for 18 languages
Rainbow Pearl need some extra time.
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
Thanks Steffen, I have updated the download page for Black Pearl.
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
As I decided to use Black Pearl theme as our forum main theme, I have translated all Buttons to Estonian.
Unfortunately I wasnt able to get original font, so they are slightly different, but still close enough.
Also I would like to share those to others, but I dont know how... :oops:
Unfortunately I wasnt able to get original font, so they are slightly different, but still close enough.
Also I would like to share those to others, but I dont know how... :oops:
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
i think the best way to do this is that you put all buttons in zip file and upload here in new topic
you can use add attachment below :wink:
Etz wrote: [View Post]
i think the best way to do this is that you put all buttons in zip file and upload here in new topic
you can use add attachment below :wink:
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
Right... and maybe one of us can make some time free to make them have the correct font :wink:
Thanks for your effort sofar Etz!
Limun wrote: [View Post]
Right... and maybe one of us can make some time free to make them have the correct font :wink:
Thanks for your effort sofar Etz!
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
Will upload them later, when I get home.
Anyway thanks for your support...
Anyway thanks for your support...
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
please try to add a text file with all button tranlsations clearly typed (like "quote_button.png = Quote"), so we can copy text easilly when we add the correct font.
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
Ok, as you will recreate those with original font, you have less work than I had.
As some of those arent translatable to estonian and we use same terminology.
For example IP is IP, Jabber is Jabber, etc.
I had to redo all, as I didnt have correct Font, so I used Trebuchet MS to match the theme...
As some of those arent translatable to estonian and we use same terminology.
For example IP is IP, Jabber is Jabber, etc.
I had to redo all, as I didnt have correct Font, so I used Trebuchet MS to match the theme...
Texts.zip | ||
Description: | Plain text Estonian Translation. Non translatable terms excluded. | Download |
Filename: | Texts.zip | |
Filesize: | 565 Bytes | |
Downloaded: | 250 Time(s) |
black_pearl-extras-et.zip | ||
Description: | Couple extra "Black pearl style" buttons for Mods. Translated to Estonian language. | Download |
Filename: | black_pearl-extras-et.zip | |
Filesize: | 3.27 KB | |
Downloaded: | 259 Time(s) |
black_pearl-et.zip | ||
Description: | Black pearl imageset, recreated in Estonian language. | Download |
Filename: | black_pearl-et.zip | |
Filesize: | 29.29 KB | |
Downloaded: | 253 Time(s) |
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
Thanks for sharing these buttons.
As soon as Steffen has some free time I'm sure he will re-do the buttons with the right font (Bank Gothic if I remember correctly!) and I will update the download link for the style.
As soon as Steffen has some free time I'm sure he will re-do the buttons with the right font (Bank Gothic if I remember correctly!) and I will update the download link for the style.
Subject: Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
Yes, I will do the buttons...
Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for sharing it.
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