I copied the contents of chat plugins to the plugins folder from the ACP and enabled it but when you enter from mysite / plugins / chat / index.php, throws me this error.
Query: SELECT userID, userName, userRole, channel, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateTime) AS timeStamp, ip FROM ip_ajax_chat_online ORDER BY userName; Error-Report: Table 'Sql445158_1.ip_ajax_chat_online' doesn't exist Error-Code: 1146
thank you very much
Error Icy Phoenix Chat Plugins 2.0
Subject: Re: Error Icy Phoenix Chat Plugins 2.0
It appears that you haven't installed it and have the Chat tables missing?
It also appears that you will also have to edit the "old" menus/create new paths for chat.
Something like:
djaj wrote: [View Post]
It appears that you haven't installed it and have the Chat tables missing?
It also appears that you will also have to edit the "old" menus/create new paths for chat.
Something like:
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