HInfinity Dark: Incomplete Or Patch?

Subject: HInfinity Dark: Incomplete Or Patch?
Is the download for hInfinity Dark a patch, or just incomplete? It seems to be missing a lot of files (the directory dark is gone), and it doesn't appear in the install list after uploading.

I managed to find an older version (hinfinity_dark_20090718_13053). I tried uploading it, and then uploaded the newer version (hinfinity_dark_20120728_20086), overwriting the older files. That seems to work.

But since I don't see any indication that I'm doing the right thing, I doubt whether this is an official patch. Also because the older version doesn't seem to available for download. I'm not sure whether I can use it safely without the fear of running into compatibility problems along the way.

Subject: Re: HInfinity Dark: Incomplete Or Patch?
Please try to download it again... there was some files missing due to a path error.

Let me know if it is working fine.

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