Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?

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Subject: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?
I have such question czy package will go out from Polish language to icy phoenix at last how so this when this happens because I can not already wait for. If I put question not there it where was one should please about forgiveness but I know English faintly

Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?
If you want the package in polish language, translate it into polish language ... The polish users make polish translation.

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Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?
Currently I'm not aware of anyone translating into Polish.

Can you help? Or do you know someone which can help in this task?


Informpro wrote: [View Post]
If you want the package in polish language, translate it into polish language ... The polish users make polish translation.

This answer sounds a bit rude... :roll:

Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?
I would can help but my acquaintance English it is I use with translator enough weak majority :(
But this promissory note so it pleases me that I can not wait for when polonizing goes out

Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?
MG, it was the answer you gived to me ...

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Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?
aras373 wrote: [View Post]
I would can help but my acquaintance English it is I use with translator enough weak majority :(
But this promissory note so it pleases me that I can not wait for when polonizing goes out

Unfortunately you have to wait some Polish users to do that... it's quite hard for people who don't speak Polish to translate.

Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?
it stayed to wait only it thanks very

Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?
Hi, but I want to translate into Polish icy. Now I know more about php. I do not know if it will last as silent helpers

Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?
aras373 wrote: [View Post]
Hi, but I want to translate into Polish icy. Now I know more about php. I do not know if it will last as silent helpers

Well, for translating you donĀ“t have to know php... you should know english and polish ;-)

Anyway, here are the latest lang_ files.
Download english lang folder with the ZIP button on the left site.

Start translation with this file: lang_main.php

If you need help with anything, please feel free to ask. ;-)

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Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?
I was thinking, I could possibly go through and translate IcyPhoenix to a lot of other languages using Google Translate but I only speak English so it may be difficult to know if the translations are accurate. I could do that for you guys though. :)

Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?
IMHO non-human translating is asking for weird translations, examples are easy to find (even in this thread) :oops: :LOL:

Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?
Joshua203 wrote: [View Post]
IMHO non-human translating is asking for weird translations, examples are easy to find (even in this thread) :oops: :LOL:

That is what I was thinking. Would also be a lot more unnecessary work re-translating all the errors I would make. :nerd:

Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?

I am currently working on Polish translation. I think, in next week I could release it.

Best regards from Poland,
Trace :)


Who watched Euro 2012? :)

Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?
Hello Trace, welcome to Icy Phoenix,

Since TheSteffen (Translation TeamLeader) is quite busy at the moment you get a response from me :mryellow:

I'm sure you will be making a few people happy with the Polish translation and if you need some advice or help.. feel free to ask any questions you might have.
You did not mention which version of Icy you will be translating so here is tip 1..

It may be a good idea to translate the latest released Beta version located and described here:


Subject: Re: Will Package Go Out From Polish Language?

Yes, I am translating Icy 2.0 version.


I see that the community arround Icy Phoenix isn't dynamically developed. This script is not so popular and for me it has many unnecessary MODs installed in phpBB + a CMS.
I am not sure to make for it translation :). But... I don't know.

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