today I have almost finished the basic version of phpBB 3 to Icy Phoenix conversion tool.
This tool will import from a phpBB 3 installation some of the DB tables to be used into Icy Phoenix: users, forums, topics and posts table will be converted into Icy Phoenix format.
Unfortunately not all information will be imported (such as private messages, permissions and attachments for example), so some work is still needed to do a proper conversion. But I think it is a good starting point for those who want to convert.
Some basic instructions on how to use this file:
- Lock your phpBB 3 board
- Make a full DB backup of your phpBB 3
- Install Icy Phoenix on the same DB, but with different table prefix (best would be to have Icy Phoenix tables with "ip_" prefix and phpBB 3 tables with "phpbb_" prefix)
- Edit the constant in "phpbb3_to_ip.php" file to reflect the correct prefix and name in case you need it
- Upload "phpbb3_to_ip.php" to your Icy Phoenix root and launch it
- When the conversion ends, you should have all users, forums, topics and posts in your Icy Phoenix DB
Alternatively you can try to run this procedure on a local environment, as it could be easier to fix everything before re-upload the new DB with only Icy Phoenix tables.
If someone is going to try this, I would be grateful to hear some feedback.