SOLVED Fatal Error: Call To Undefined Function Session_pagestart() In /index.php - /pagestart.php - /erc.php

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Subject: Re: Fatal Error: Call To Undefined Function Session_pagestart() In /index.php - /pagestart.php - /erc.php
Jihuatz wrote: [View Post]
My friend Hans, thank you some much for you recommendations, that is a big more safe for our site.

I've done everything you recommend, except 4 don't find the files: logfile_blocklist.txt, logfile_debug_mode.txt, logfile_malformed_logins.txt, logfile_spammer.txt and logfile_worms.txt

Our site is working better, thanks 4 u help! :mrgreen:

Those log files you will often need to create first, sometimes IcyPhoenix can create them, however only if you allow the server to make files in that directory. So if they are not there just create some empty that are named exactly as you see there, and then give those empty files the permissions needed.

Glad I could help you though.

Subject: Re: Fatal Error: Call To Undefined Function Session_pagestart() In /index.php - /pagestart.php - /erc.php
Hans, tank you some much, appreciate. Those files is successfully created with the respective permissions.

Many greetings my friend. :chef:

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