Hi all,
I'm very sorry for the site being down in the last 2 days, it was a planned move to a new server, but the migration didn't end successfully and the hosting wasn't so quick to fix all the files missing and wrong ownership to all files.
I'm sure there are still some things not working properly, but I'm working to fix everything.
Please report here if you notice any kind of error around.
Icy Phoenix - New Server
Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - New Server
what else can I add?? besides repeat what TheSteffen said :wink: ....WB
Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - New Server
I was starting to think that Icy Phoenix was having a haemorrhage rather than a massage? :twisted:
Subject: Re: Icy Phoenix - New Server
i had a strange c-panel message yesterday and today.
cgi default page
it fixed itself, going directly to forum.php
cgi default page
it fixed itself, going directly to forum.php
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