I resume this topic showing my own desktop...
It's based on Ubuntu Natty Narwhal 11.04. ;)
Desktop Show Off
Subject: Re: Desktop Show Off
Mine's pretty boring, but here you go.
edit: I don't know why it's not showing up...the code is in it...
h t t p : / / w w w .icyphoenix.com/files/posted_images/9856/untitled.png
Mine's pretty boring, but here you go.
edit: I don't know why it's not showing up...the code is in it...
h t t p : / / w w w .icyphoenix.com/files/posted_images/9856/untitled.png
Subject: Re: Desktop Show Off
You mean you don't see the image?
Also not on your other account? :roll:
Also not on your other account? :roll:
Subject: Re: Desktop Show Off
Joshua. remember some of the new features??
new users under a certain number of posts, links and images?
new users under a certain number of posts, links and images?
Subject: Re: Desktop Show Off
He is a new user... so he can't post URL in messages... ;) BCRossi5, this a new antispam feature. You have to send at least 5 posts to send URL.
The only strange thing is that even if he posted his first message, in his profile the number of posts is 0..... :?
Joshua203 wrote: [View Post]
He is a new user... so he can't post URL in messages... ;) BCRossi5, this a new antispam feature. You have to send at least 5 posts to send URL.
The only strange thing is that even if he posted his first message, in his profile the number of posts is 0..... :?
Subject: Re: Desktop Show Off
Well yes I remember that but IMHO these would have something to do with posting them ..NOT viewing them
On top of that ...this is an internal URL not an outside link
spydie wrote: [View Post]
Well yes I remember that but IMHO these would have something to do with posting them ..NOT viewing them
On top of that ...this is an internal URL not an outside link
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