SOLVED " Likes" Feature

Subject: " Likes" Feature
Hello all

I'm trying to add a "likes" mod to my Black Pearl theme so that someone can say they like a post thats been submitted.

I tried following this one:

But as you can see it's written for subsilver 2 and the very first change i needed to make was to the imageset.cfg file. So i guessed instead of going to the style subsilver2 id go to my default one of black_pearl and make all the changes within my default style. Well in the imageset under black pearl the first "find" wasn't there.
Could someone point me in the direction of adding a "like" posts function for the theme Black Pearl please?

I'm quite new to this so please be be patient if i don't understand :)

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Subject: Re: " Likes" Feature
I have a feeling you are trying to find a ProSilver edit (these will not be found in subsilver and blackpearl!)

Skip any edit with prosilver in its path in the modx ...go back to the top of the modx file and scroll down to the link for subsilver edits ... click it and do the edits for subsilver in your black pearl :wink:

Subject: Re: " Likes" Feature
you would save yourself some extra trouble if you do this after updating the style to 1.6.5

**and keep in mind that you re still going to have some small trouble finding all edits (like I said on might need to get a little creative)

Subject: Re: " Likes" Feature
Hi Joshua, Many thanks for reply. I think i understand what you mean so i went back out of the edits for prosilver and looked at the edits for subsilver2. From i here i believe you suggest i do the edits meant for subsilver in my black pearl files?
If thats the case then it's still the same issue i have. If i can show you please.

Its asking me to find:

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
img_icon_topic_unapproved = icon_topic_unapproved.gif*18*19

However in my black Pearl i don't have that code i have this as the nearest match:

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
img_icon_topic_unapproved = icon_topic_unapproved.png*17*17

What do you suggest i do if i have code i'm to find and it's not there?

Here are the other change files it's asking me to do:
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Files to edit

With regards updating - if i can work this out then i'll look at updating to the latest one. If i cant figure this out i may just stay with 1.6.3 as it seems stable enough

Last edited by shefmanager on Sat 16 Jul, 2011 19:39; edited 1 time in total
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Subject: Re: " Likes" Feature
MODX file wrote: 
Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.

:mryellow: ignore the numbers :wink: (and maybe add width and height for the new icons?)

shefmanager wrote: [View Post]
What do you suggest i do if i have code i'm to find and it's not there?

You can expect a "no find" in the overall header .. read the thread at post back if you have more questions :wink:

Subject: Re: " Likes" Feature
BTW should update the style anyway (to match your phpbb version at the very least)

Subject: Re: " Likes" Feature
I feel stupid for asking !!

I have read the thread on until i'm blue in the face and still trying to learn this stuff.

You say ignore the numbers? Do you mean just leave the numbers off the end or just add the code it wants me to add underneath the nearest match i have in black pearl?

In the case of not having it at all like in the imageset.cfg - do i simply add it some place?
I do apologise for being thick ! And i honestly am trying to help myself by reading but this takes a lot of getting used to when newish to it.


I lost all my hair with stress editing my forum with little tweaks - not sure the old ticker will stand another over haul of the board hahahaha!


Last edited by shefmanager on Sat 16 Jul, 2011 19:54; edited 1 time in total
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Subject: Re: " Likes" Feature
A stupid question is the one never asked :mryellow:

You just find the partial find and leave the line intact, paste the new lines to be added on a new line

Subject: Re: " Likes" Feature
Thanks Joshua

Now i understand when it said " a partial find" i thought it meant the whole code WOULD be there but may contain more code after it in the same line.

Really appreciate your patience and trying to help a thicko!! It's thanks to people like you willing to help us newbies that makes it all worth while making forums for others to enjoy. Joshua for President i say !!!!


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Subject: Re: " Likes" Feature
shefmanager wrote: [View Post]
Joshua for President i say !!!!

Maybe in another life :LOL:

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